Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 340: Li Tian and Zhao Qi's daily routine

Zhao Qi answered Zhao Ruxue's call.

On the phone, Zhao Ruxue told Zhao Qi that the staff who helped Li Tian register the company would come over and ask Zhao Qi to take a look. It was mainly because of this that Zhao Qi was abandoned.

Zhao Qi hung up the phone, her white face still looked a little ugly.

In the morning, Li Yuxin was as usual, and went to school after breakfast.

Li Tian was a little worried and stepped forward.

Sister Li Yuxin turned her head and smiled, "I'm fine, brother, don't worry."

How could he not worry, but Li Tian also knew that he couldn't do much now.

Although Zhao Qi's face is not good, she sleeps well and eats well. She stretched her waist and looked at Li Tian and said, "Go, take me to see what your planting and breeding industries are."

Li Tian knew that Zhao Qi was here to help him see the industries in advance, and later help the personnel who register the company to come to communicate with each other.

"You have already seen the breeding industry, let's go directly to the planting industry."

Zhao Qi did not react, she asked "What is the breeding industry? When did I see it?"

"It's a pig? Didn't you see a pig yesterday?"


Mentioning this Zhao Qi is just irritating.

"Well, you lead the way."

Zhao Qi said unhappy.

Li Tian said, "Well, you can follow along. The rural road is uneven. I don't want to hug you anymore."


Zhao Qi was so angry that her teeth were creaking.

The mud road is uncomfortable to walk. Zhao Qi used to live in a big city. Even if he played in the wetland park, it was smoother than this road, but the Li Tian in front walked very fast.

"Don't you go slower?"

"Can't you go faster?"

"Aren't you talking about uneven roads in the countryside?"

"Yeah! What then?"

Zhao Qi picked up a stone angrily and threw it to Li Tian.

No, Li Tian picked it up and caught it, and threatened, "You are a woman, I don't know what you are, but don't go too far!"

"I'm too much, how can you drop it?"

Zhao Qi also had a temper.

Li Tian deliberately scanned the surrounding wilderness, then changed his voice, "Do you want to try?"

After all, Zhao Qi is the eldest daughter of Huanghua. At this moment, she is naturally a little scared.


She snorted and stopped talking.

And Li Tian did slow down. He was worried, and it was inevitable to walk faster just now.

When I came to the strawberry greenhouse, it was completely different from the feeling of seeing pigs yesterday. Zhao Qi's two big eyes were staring straight up.

"My God! Is this a strawberry? A lot, how long will it take to ripen?"

Li Tian said in a bad temper, "I don't know."

"Didn't you grow this strawberry? You don't know when it will ripen?"

Li Tian twitched at the corner of his mouth, and said nonsense, "I have more than a month left."

Zhao Qi immediately asked Li Tian suspiciously. "Are you sure you are a farmer?"

"Stop talking nonsense and leave after reading."

Li Tian is very strict, but Zhao Qi is not afraid.

"I want to stay and take a few photos. I like strawberries and lychees the most." Zhao Qi took out her phone and took a selfie.

"You are not an internet celebrity, what kind of selfie?"

Li Tian doesn't understand women very much.

"Cut! What do you know? You see that woman doesn't like selfies?"

Li Tian replied, "Aunt Zhang and Aunt Wang in our village don't like selfies."

Zhao Qi was angry. "You made it clear that you are going to take a stand with me, right?"

"You were looking for something first."

Li Tian shirks responsibility.

Zhao Qi's puffed little chest was up and down, she took a deep breath, and then said, "Well, we are tied now, no one will look for anything."

Huh? When did this girl become so talkative?

"Here! Mobile phone for You can take a few full-length photos for me. You want to take me beautiful. If the light is not good, you can directly turn on the beauty function. The beauty function is here. If you are an immortal, you don't need a face and body."

Li Tian watched her squeeze the valuable mobile phone into his hand, and he was begging for himself.


Click, click, click...

Less than 2 minutes.

"Here! Take a picture..." Li Tian turned to leave after throwing the phone to her.

Zhao Qi frowned and took her cell phone. "Shoot so fast? I haven't had a few poses yet... Damn it! What kind of monsters are these all?"

Nowadays, mobile phones rarely appear blurred or deformed, because the camera focuses very fast, but Li Tian's hand speed is faster. In short, he can shoot whatever is ugly.

Every photo can be taken out to ward off evil spirits and used as an impressionist painting. (Needle Farmer System: 110110272)--(Needle Farmer System)

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