Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 383: Why single love a flower

"Sorry, Boss Li, I have something to do." Zhu Lian frowned.

Li Tian said, "Then you go to work, you don't care about me, I can take a taxi and go back by myself."

"That's really embarrassing."

Zhu Lian apologized again and again. This was the reason why her mobile phone didn't turn on. As a result, the one who was supposed to come could not escape.

"It's okay, people have three urgency. Important things should be done first." Li Tian can understand that this woman has been different from ordinary people since she appeared, and must be troublesome.

Li Tian is not a Virgin. He and Zhu Lian are only working together. Besides, his ability in this city is not as good as Zhou Chengwu who she worships. Therefore, he did not say whether he needed help.

Maybe it's really someone's problem. If she wanted to say it, she should have said it earlier.

She may also feel that she and Mr. Li Tian have a working relationship, especially when they met today, they didn't talk about the personal troubles.


Zhu Lian still couldn't get away from the trouble that should come. Zhu Lian was very anxious, but as a subordinate, she still offered to let Li Tian drive her car back. Her car was also a company car.

But Li Tian smiled bitterly and said that he could not drive.

Just take a taxi.

Although Zhu Lian is not particularly skilled in business, she is still friendly. She said that she must help Boss Li get a taxi first, and then she will go to handle her personal affairs.

Li Tian said no, he is not a kid paper, Zhu Lian's affairs are very urgent, she will do her own affairs.

But Zhu Lian was very persistent. Li Tian could see that she wanted to do her best job even if she was anxious. Although this woman is not a gifted person, it can be seen that she is very self-motivated and enthusiastic about her work.

No wonder, she was a novice, she would be sent by such a professional Zhou Chengwu as the accountant of Li Tian Fu Rao Agricultural Park.

Everything happens for a reason.


Zhu Lian didn't want to bring her personal problems to work, but the trouble came to her door.

When she first handled the business, Zhu Lian was forced to turn on the phone. Although she did not answer many of the calls, it was obvious that someone had reached her position through her.

And those who can pass are either hackers or people who have been close.

A man who looked the same as Zhu Lian, half student temperament, half newcomer into society, wearing glasses, and some pimples on his face, he had a flat head and a not very burly figure, but his eyes had a hostile look.

Especially when he got out of the taxi and saw Li Tian next to Zhu Lian, he was immediately angry.

He was very temperamental. He pointed to Li Tian's nose and cursed, "You bitch, you have been hiding from me just to date this man on a blind date? Zhu Lian, after leaving university, why have you become so cheap!"

Blind date? appointment?

I rely on this brother, have you misunderstood something?

Li Tian, ​​my eyes are high, your girlfriend, I don't like it at all.

Of course, he wouldn't put these words to add fuel to the fire.

"Lu Tao, you are enough."

This Zhu Lian was angry, annoyed and embarrassed.

"Let's go aside and say." Zhu Lian wanted to pull him, not wanting this man to be really shameless.

"If you don't make it clear to me today, I won't leave."

This man named Lu Tao seemed to be unable to get through after a day of calling. At this moment, his emotions were depressed and very irritable. "Zhu Lian, tell me honestly, you still love me, don't you? You said that you broke up with me because your family forced you, right? I just came from your house. Your parents are bitter and mean, saying that I am a pauper. , Don’t pester their daughter. I am a pauper now, but you have to believe that I will definitely have money in the future. I will definitely buy a house and a car in the future to give you happiness."

This man was very infatuated, and Li Tian was embarrassed and embarrassed.

He probably understands the reason now.

This couple is probably the type that broke up as soon as they graduated from college, but this man may have moved his true feelings too seriously.

Appears very immature, very irrational.

Where there is no fragrant grass in the end of the world, why bother to love a single flower.

This way is entangled, but it seems even more annoying.

Sure enough, when Zhu Lian heard that, the man found her home and she was immediately angry. "Lu Tao, can you be more mature? It is impossible for us. Moreover, I don’t love you anymore. In terms of our previous relationship, we can get together and go away. Next to me is my boss. Can I save some face?"

"Boss? What boss?"

Lu Tao immediately became angry with Yin and Yang. "Zhu Lian, I didn't expect you to be someone else for a job."


Zhu Lian slapped the man's face with a slap.

Li Tian on the side is very dishonest. I can't stand it as an outsider. For a woman, I don’t look like a man. I slapped him to make him ~ Breaking up is no big deal.

However, perhaps Li Tian on the side was a little gloating in his heart, which led to retribution.

This man named Lu Tao didn't mean to wake up at all. On the contrary, he covered his face and opened a pair of bloodshot eyes.

That's right, not only Zhu Lian has dark circles under her eyes, but the man's eyes are probably also caused by staying up all night for a long time, bloodshot and irritable, very scary.

"Zhu Lian, you have changed, you hit me for another man?"

Zhu Lian was also furious, her voice suppressed and said, "Lu Tao, things between us, don't involve others!"

Lu Tao's anger finally burned out all of his reason, and he roared, "Mine is going to involve him. Women who have the courage to mess with me must have the courage to be prepared to be beaten."

As he said, he rushed forward, clutching Li Tian's collar tightly with one big hand, and clenching the other hand into a fist as big as a casserole, and hit Li Tian's old face mercilessly. (Needle Farmer System s..110110272)--(Needle Farmer System)

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