Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 403: 3200 yuan a month

"Wang Xing, what are you doing stupidly during working hours? If you don't want to do it, get out of here."

The chef has long seen him not pleasing to his eyes, he doesn't work hard, even if he is sneaky. I don’t know how to force myself, I don’t think hard about how to learn crafts every day, I just mess around all day long, and I teach others to fall in love.

No money, no ability, you just talk a little bit.

When he was busy just now, he didn't work well, he ran out to peek at the beauties outside as soon as he was free, and just ran out for more than half an hour, and he still did some ass.

"It's for you to pay for work, not for you to be an uncle."

Wang Xing didn't dare to put a fart when he was scolded. This kind of person is still very strange. He has been scolded for stealing and slipping. He doesn't find reasons for himself, but vents his grievances on others.

For example, Li Tian, ​​who made him extremely unpleasant, was scolded for causing Wang Xing, and this old man was his calamity.

This kind of person is a mad dog without reason. The more you care about his opinion, the more proud he is.

On the contrary, Li Tian didn't even go to see him.

When he finished his work, he helped a young guy next to him who looked honest and injured his hand. He was also playing lottery. This younger guy had injured his hands and was still working. And that Wang Xing had He is lazy when the opportunity arises. He is still smart, and he feels how clever he is. He doesn't know that not many people are stupid, and anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

Li Tian is also an honest person and naturally takes care of honest people.

The head chef is still very satisfied with Li Tian. He is quick in his actions, has experience, and knows what to do, and he has life in his eyes.

Living in this eye is learning.

The sneaky and slippery type is looking for opportunities to play for a while and lazy for a while.

If there is work in his eyes, it will be bad. After he finishes his work, he immediately goes to another work, one by one, although it will be very tired. But if you encounter a good leader, pay attention and draw the key points. It is a good leader and will immediately promote and appreciate you.

If you recite the idea, the kitchen leader is also a kind of sneaky, sneaky, eating, drinking, and gambling. Your hard work is a fool in his eyes.

This type of leader can only be promoted by flattering, sloppy, and loyal.

Li Tian didn't think so much, he just wanted to accomplish the task better, hard work, steadfastness, and willingness to do it. It was already a beacon in his life, and the rest didn't need to think too much.

After finishing the work of Dahe, Li Tian took the guy with the injured hand and asked him to come to the chopping board and let him serve himself with vegetables.


Said that he was asked to help Li Tian, ​​but Li Tian wanted to help him.

In this society, honest people suffer too much.

Seeing that this guy was obedient, Li Tian wanted to take him with him. This hotel is not small, and the salary is good, although it is hard to find a lottery guy, because they all go out to work.

But there are still many aunts. Some middle-aged women, who are idle at home and have nothing to do, come out to find a job, 1 can earn some money, 2 can also move their muscles and bones, and when they are older, they will get sick if they are inactive for a long time. .

Therefore, Li Tian knows that this hotel with such good economic benefits will not find anyone.

Well, now the cutting board, that is, the side dishes, is missing one person.

Li Tian is doing it now, but he will do it for a week at most.

A week later, the hotel was looking for someone again.

Rather than looking from the outside, it is better to train this honest guy so that he should not learn to be lazy and get started as soon as possible. He is not like Li Tian who has just arrived, and he is not familiar with many things. He just lacks an opportunity.

The difference between Dutch wages and cutting board wages can be 1 to 2,000, and the nature of the work is also different. The boss of the chopping board, who manages the entire chopping board, is responsible for organizing the refrigerator inventory every day, and the cutting board leader who buys those dishes the next day, and the salary is higher. Experienced, and the cooking master level.

Li Tian just wanted to take this guy. As for what level he can go to in the future, it depends on himself.

Many people in the kitchen ran to the toilet and smoked when they were busy.

Some just stand in groups, talking about games, women, and money. Of course, the chef level will discuss the dishes with the chef, and the quality of today’s dishes, such as which ones are good and those that have made mistakes. .

General star hotels have performance appraisals, and those with outstanding abilities are rewarded.

If not, money will be deducted.

It's really difficult to do the job. After paying the salary, I just get out.

Li Tian was called to the chef's office. Before he went there, he asked the honest guy to continue to help him chop the vegetables, which was the table for the evening.

The chef looked at Li Tian and was very satisfied.

"What salary do you want?"

Those who do this work directly talk about the salary, which means that they are all real people, and the leaders look after you. If you come up with a lot of nonsense and talk about it, you don't talk about wages. Most of them are pits, or wages will be delayed or you will have a myocardial infarction. Or, you want 3,000 a month, but at the end of the month, you will be given 2,500. You know, many jobs are now under one month. If you want to get your salary, you have to work for two months.


After 2 months, you find that your salary has not met your expectations.

Don't worry, the more pitfalls are still to come.

It’s okay to know someone. It doesn't matter, you want to resign, OK, agree, you have to find a new one before you can leave. This is a problem of professional ethics. You can't refute it. Then it will be delayed indefinitely for more than half a year.

The leadership is cool!

With a salary of 25,000 and a job of 3,000, he can save 3,000 yuan in half a year, which is enough for him to go to Fengyue place for several times.

Unless, you gritted your teeth and stomped your feet, the salary is gone, and you leave.

Congratulations, your reputation is bad. Your relationship circle is not comparable to that of the leader. You have no professional ethics here. Almost the whole city knows that you do not have professional ethics. When you are forced to go to work outside, it’s okay if you have craftsmanship. awful.

The vicious circle has made you feel full of malice from society.

Li Tian is here, he understands all this.

"Three thousand!"

Li Tian is not here to make money, and he is not demanding.

"I'll give you 3 thousand, I am very optimistic about you, you work hard."

Look, the routine, if Li Tian said 3 thousand and 5, it is estimated that Li Tian would be able to get it with the appearance of a chef. And now, Li Tian said a conservative number, and the leader will add 200 to you, which is in place, and I am not grateful.

"Then thank you chef, then I will go to work."

Li Tian knew that he was and did not speak much.

"Then you are busy! Don't worry, as long as you work hard, you don't have to worry about salary matters. Starting today, you will be paid. In the evening, I will arrange for the cutting board boss to take you to your accommodation."

That's right, the only advantage of the chef industry is to take charge of food and housing. As long as the work is reliable and not expensive, you can still save money.

Li Tian smiled and said, "No, there is a place to live in our city."


The head chef was taken aback, obviously not as good as before. "Have a house? That's good, that's good."

Anyone with work experience knows that jobs that have houses are generally not real. Of course, not everyone is like this. But those who don't even have a place to live, they will work desperately, after all, to fight for a home of their own, a hopeful tomorrow.

On the contrary, if you have everything, will your job be fatal? (Needle Farmer System: 110110272)--(Needle Farmer System)

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