Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 505: Vicious woman

The Need for Little Farmer System Chapter 505 The Vicious Woman Li Tian felt that all he breathed out were icy slag, too cold, and the body was too uncomfortable. To be honest, he had never suffered such a serious physical humiliation, such a dangerous and uncomfortable situation .

It took a long time for Li Tian to feel it. It turned out that the pocket pistol shot out was anesthetic, because Li Tian's tongue was still numb and unconscious.

And his body was tied upside down, because he was afraid that his tongue would fall off his throat and block his trachea. However, if it were not for Li Tian's deep inner strength, it would be frozen to death.

It's a shame.

Li Tian has never hated a woman so much. If he catches that woman now, Li Tian will torture her rather than die. Of course, there is still a hint of happiness in my heart, at least I am still alive.

He forced himself to calm down, the woman's anesthetic was too domineering, his body was still very weak and weak, his tongue couldn't move, and the whole esophagus was just like his own.

However, in the meridians in his body, the small water flow aura began to flow slowly. Fortunately, he broke through the third word jue last night, otherwise, at this time, the second word jue's aura would not be able to run so fast.

Time passed by, and finally when the sun rose halfway up the mountain, the anesthetic in Li Tian's body was slowly transformed by spiritual energy, even on his back, face, and the woman's palm hit last night. Internal injuries also gradually improved.

Li Tian finally gained strength, and his arm muscles began to explode with extremely powerful force.


The veins violently violently, Li Tian finally forcibly broke away the ‘rope’, and the rope was Li Tian’s clothes, which was cut into strips by the vicious woman with a blade, and Li Tian was tied to the tree.

Suddenly Li Tian thought that in the fight last night, he seemed to have threatened this woman, saying that he would strip her clothes and tie her to a tree. The conscience of heaven and earth, Li Tian was just an outlet threat, and she was considered a beautiful woman. 'Cruel' things can make her afraid, so that Li Tian can interrogate her origin and purpose.

However, she never expected that she actually **** Li Tian.

With a plop, Li Tian fell straight down, touching his face first.

‘You vicious woman, wait for me. ’

Li Tian was so painful that he could not get up for a long time. It was not until a long time before he had the strength to sit up, breathe and breathe cross-legged, and improve his body little by little.

I have to say that breaking through the third word decision, Li Tian's body repair ability is stronger.


The swollen face slowly recovered, the back injury began to scab, and the internal injuries in the body, including the retained anesthetics, gradually began to disappear.

Three poles in the day.


A beautiful girl screamed from the forest in the mountains.

"Brother, you are a pervert, why don't you wear clothes?" Li Yuxin was worried about Li Tian. She woke up in the morning, her body was still staggering. There was no one in the room, so Li Yuxin naturally wanted to worry about his danger.

I didn't want to. When I found the mountain, I saw Li Tian sitting naked and sitting cross-legged. It was a hooliganism.

Li Tian suddenly looked embarrassed. His clothes were almost torn by the vicious woman last night. He had to ask Li Yuxin to take off his coat, and he first covered the key parts.

"Good sister, go back and find me a dress first."

Li Tian added another sentence: "It's better to get something to eat, one fruit will do."

Li Tian is now cold, hungry, and extremely embarrassed.

Li Yuxin asked what was going on. Li Tian didn't have the face to answer, saying that he met a wild boar last night and was taught by the wild boar.

Li Yuxin knew that Li Tian lied, but he insisted on explaining it this way. Li Yuxin couldn't help asking more. She went back to help her brother get the clothes.

After all, my brother now looks a little haggard and a little miserable.

In fact, at this time Li Tian's trauma was already healed seven or eight eighty-eight. If she were to see Li Tian naked and tied to a tree, it would be a miserable one.

After coming back, my parents also asked what was going on.

Li Tian continued to talk nonsense: "Didn't we get drunk last night? We went to the mountains to be drunk, not wanting to meet a wild boar, and then that's it...but it's okay, don't worry.

Naturally, Li Tian would not say that he was almost killed by that vicious woman.

However, Li Tian urged them to keep their minds and pay attention to safety no matter what they do.

But in fact, Li Tian who said this was very insecure, and even he himself was not the opponent of that vicious woman. If that woman really wanted to kill him, the whole family would have to die.

Li Tian could feel that the woman last night was definitely a professional killer, and she was definitely a legendary existence in this real world.

You know, Li Tian's current skill has surpassed a generation of masters. After breaking through, he was only slightly better. However, the opponent has a blade hidden in his arm and a pocket pistol hidden in the upper wall, saying that she is not a professional world top class. Killer, Li Tian didn't believe it.


"Fortunately, she didn't really want to kill him..."

You know, the real killer uses a sniper rifle. Although it is difficult to obtain, she should be dissatisfied with this price. Even if she does not have it, she has a silencer pistol, which can kill Li Tian instantly.

He still can't reach the level of avoiding bullets, especially the bullets used to assassinate sneak attacks.

On this day, Li Tian was in a highly nervous mood. He rummaged in his own room for fear that the black-clothed woman was hiding in his room last night.


This mood was quickly broken by the atmosphere on the first day of the New Year. The Li Tian family and the Rich Agricultural Park are now household names in the local people.

In the past, when Li Tian was not at home, he was definitely far from the bustle. However, today is different. Early in the morning, when Li Tian was brought back by his younger sister Li Yuxin, guests came to the house one after another. .

After Li Tian and his parents explained, after taking a shower, there were more people in the village at home.

There are even many old neighbours who moved to the county seat, and they all drove back, wanting to come and see the now-famous Rich Agricultural Park and the Li Tian family.

Both Li Jianping and Dong were busy entertaining, and younger sister Li Yuxin became the focus of the She didn't dress up carefully, she was the beautiful fish and wild goose, which made everyone around couldn't help but admire.

Li Tian still had a shadow in his heart at first, after all, he was so miserable last night.

But the lively atmosphere will be contagious, especially since he has been called: Boss Li, Chairman Li, also a little drifting.

However, he suddenly found a short-haired woman from a strange city. She had a normal face but a very hot body. She appeared at Li Tian's house. At first she was talking and laughing, and then she was sitting there while knocking on the seeds while playing with her mobile phone.

At first, Li Tian only felt that her temperament was a little unique, but when he brought them tea and fruit snacks, he suddenly noticed the size of her full waist.

Suddenly, Li Tian shook his heart.

Then some cold sweat appeared on his back, and he suddenly looked at the woman from this strange city.

The woman also looked over with a smile, her ordinary face, her eyes turned out to be very charming, she asked: "What are you looking at?" (The best farmer system..110110272)--(The best farmer system)

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