Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 512: There is no such thing as a pie in the sky

The Need for Little Farmer System Chapter 512 There is no good thing about the pie in the sky. Poor Li Tian was dumbfounded on the spot. Sister, although you are 31 years old, you look so young, and you don’t have to be so anxious, right?

Li Tian can bear until 29 years old.

If you finish the Chinese New Year, you will be 29 years old——

Li Tian didn't beep indiscriminately, because this Peony's eyes were extremely frightening, and it might not only end up dead, but even his body organs would have to be removed.

He was waiting. Maybe someone knocked on the door suddenly, either Li Yuxin, a relative, or the killer rose that suddenly appeared yesterday.

However, no one actually came.

"You still have 3 seconds to hesitate-3-2..."

Peony's voice is not so cold, but there is no doubt that when she talks about 1, Li Tian will die directly.

No longer expecting any miracles, Li Tian pressed the peony on Lolita's body under her body, her hair was scattered, her eyes were blurred, and there were the brutal red marks on her delicate skin just now.

"Are you sure?"

"come on--"

After being indescribable, Li Tian was stunned.

"You, are you the first time?"

Although it was also the first time for Li Tian, ​​he did not expect that this woman who threatened him with her life to do such things would be the first time? How is this possible, but that feeling is not deceiving.

"Stop talking nonsense, hold me tight—"

After another indescribable, Peony looked contemptuous. "Just three minutes?"

Li Tian was also extremely embarrassed, he was too nervous, and the indescribable was too comfortable, he did not hold back. "I am also the first time."

"It can be seen... Fortunately, I act quickly, otherwise your boy body will be taken away by another woman."

She said she took the initiative to endure the pain and directly sat up.

The indescribable time for the second time was longer, reaching more than half an hour.

However, Li Tian has a third time--

"You, are you still here?"

Peony can't stand it.

"Isn't this what you asked for?"

For the third time, Li Tian tortured her for nearly an hour, making her unable to get out of bed.

"Forget it, I'm afraid of you, you really are not an ordinary man."

She said that she suddenly kissed Li Tian. She didn't let Li Tian kiss just now. The two people met for the second time, and there was no relationship basis for each other.


Then, this peony put Li Tian's body in a strange posture, tightly connected up and down. Li Tian originally thought it was a special posture. After all, it was really cool for him to feel this kind of thing for the first time, especially Mudan asked him to be rude to her.

The **** of the man was perfectly released at this moment.

But after that, he just couldn't enjoy it.

The beauty that was delivered to the door, and the body of a girl, at the age of 31, the first time, such a good thing, how could there be no price?

Li Tian's face became pale fiercely, and he unexpectedly discovered that the aura in his body had been sucked away by the peony. He wanted to struggle violently, but the peony suddenly poisoned him and made him unable to move.

In less than 10 minutes, Peony Fragrance loosened Li Tian's mouth dripping with sweat, and all her injuries just recovered at this moment.

The upper circumference, the snow-white neck, the tooth marks left by Li Tian just now all disappeared.

"You really are Tang Seng meat-no wonder Rose, who has never been close to any man, will hit your attention, hahaha, she didn't expect that you are not only a boy, but also a strange power." Peony was just taken by Li Tian Half-dead tortured, but at this moment she was full of energy, and she clenched her fists. "What a powerful force—"

As she said, she pinched Li Tian's neck with a small hand.

"It stands to reason that I used a special double cultivation method to absorb half of your skill. In order to avoid revealing my identity, I should kill you."

Li Tian looked desperate. It turns out that in this world, there is no such thing as a pie in the sky. This Peony sneaked into his bed last night, and threatened him to do that kind of thing in the morning. The real purpose was to **** him away. Skill.

Li Tian felt extremely weak. He seemed to fall from a martial arts master to become an ordinary warrior. As Mudan said, half of his body's power was sucked away by her.

"Don't look at me with such eyes. The first time I could **** away your skills, it was the first time that I saw you, so I wanted you to do whatever you want in my body for more than an hour. I have enough. You are right, and you should be scorned when you die."

Peony said, her palms began to force, she wanted to kill Li Tian, ​​after all, he had no use value.

However, when Li Tian was about to be killed.

She hesitated again.

"I have never used this evil technique on other men, not only because there are no men with high martial arts skills, but at the same time, I am afraid that I will not be able to take away my first man."

"Unexpectedly, I really can't do it now."


Peony seems to be a little irritable. For more than an hour, there are 3 uninterrupted wedding nights in the bridal chamber. Although Li Tian looks like a coward, he is greedy and fearful of death, but he is really rude in that aspect, like a beast, a real man, which fits Peony’s appetite. , And most importantly, she knew this man for the first time.

It is the first time for both of them, and it will inevitably be unbearable.

"Forget it...If you are smart, you are not allowed to say this, otherwise, next time I will kill you."

After finishing speaking, she got up from Li Tian, ​​even if she borrowed Li Tian's tyrannical aura, the trauma was repaired, but her painful face turned pale.

"Make you rude, you are so rude."

Although she was complaining, she actually kissed Li Tian emotionally.

She really is a strange woman.

She put on her clothes and limped away on foot.

Before leaving, her weird laughter still remained in Li Tian's ears. "I already have the seeds you sown in my body. Do you want me to give birth? Haha, look at your nervous expression. Our ancient family members are not allowed to marry foreigners. Don't worry, I still dare not have your baby. , I will take medicine afterwards."

Even more strange is that the woman left.

Li Tian's body was able to move, and he sat up with difficulty.

Although it was just over an, he was really cool, and he felt comfortable for the first time in his life. However, this price is too high.

Half of the power in the body was gone, and he almost died tragically just now.

Li Tian could feel that the ancient family was very conservative. The Peony had evil powers. She did this to gain Li Tian's power. However, when she was about to kill Li Tian, ​​she hesitated again.

Li Tian felt that this time he was able to save his life, also related to his boyhood.

After all, a 29-year-old virgin is really rare.

It's the first time that a man cares about a woman. In fact, some women do. For example: Zhao Qi.

Although there was no special statement on this Peony Mouth, there was a reason why she took the initiative to describe it with Li Tianbu for more than an hour.

Maybe they both want to leave an unforgettable memory for the first time. I want to chat with more like-minded people, WeChat pays attention to "Excellent Reading Literature", chats about life, and finds friends~ (The best small farmer system..110110272)--(The best small farmer system)

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