Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 612: Love House and Wu

Need for Little Farmers System Chapter 612 Aiwu and Wuzhen, Li Tian didn't expect that in the middle of the night, Zhao Ruxue, who was at the national color and heavenly fragrance level, would come here in pajamas.

It was not too bright, but under the light of a real sentiment, Zhao Ruxue slowly came to Li Tian and sat down. She obviously has the temperament of wisdom into sn, but it smelled like a girl.

God, Li Tianduo took a look, only to find that she didn't wear any underwear, everything was pink and white, including her slightly shy face.

"Some can't sleep."

She explained that she was beautiful, even if the feelings between her and Li Tian were really hard to control, but her face at the moment and the appearance of a young girl inadvertently made Li Tian's heart tickled. of.

"So, you come out and chat with me."

Li Tian wanted to say something, such as sleeping on the sofa with him, but he didn't want to be so nasty, no matter how he belonged to Mensao, he was still not used to things like Mingsao.

Zhao Ruxue was silent for a while, and then she said: "I just heard you live broadcast in the house?"

Li Tian nodded.

"I have never had time to play games. Except when I was a kid, since you are a game anchor, you should play well. Why don't you teach me to play games."

When Zhao Ruxue said this, Li Tian was completely shocked, what the hell? President Zhao Ruxue's level of n actually wants to play games?

Did she really respond to that sentence: Love the house and Wu, so is Li Tian interested in what she likes?

"What is your look? Is it weird for me to play games?"

"Somewhat." Li Tian told the truth.

She took out her mobile phone and asked Li Tian to download it for her. Fortunately, the hotel was good and the download speed was fast. Li Tian installed two games for her, one for pesticides and one for eating chicken.

"Which one are you going to play?"


Zhao Ruxue is mainly to pass the time.

In the end they played with pesticides. Although it was difficult to operate, at least they could be resurrected if they died. If the chicken dies and Li Tian doesn't have the time to save her, then the round will be meaningless.

Start registering the game, and there is a long tutorial for beginners.

Fortunately, there is Li Tian next to Zhao Ruxue, who patiently explained to Zhao Ruxue, otherwise, such a cumbersome tutorial would be prohibitive.

It finally started, because Zhao Ruxue's level is relatively low, the two can only match the regular mode.

55. People like Zhao Ruxue generally don't play games. Once they play a game, they charge 10,000 yuan and buy a lot of heroes at once.

Let Li Tian on the side look straight. "Rich man, rich woman."

Zhao Ruxue was amused by the word rich. "Is 10,000 yuan a lot?"

Li Tian was speechless. After all, the old classmate in front of him, the junior high school flower, is now directly buying the existence of a private island.

"Not too much for you, let's start, what are you going to play?"

"What do you think is good for me to play?"

Zhao Ruxue is very humble. She has just played after all, thinking that the advice of an old bird like Li Tian should be good.

"Or, you can play Cai Wenji, you can add blood to yourself, I will help you with a physical suit, if the situation is not right, you just run away."

"okay then."

Li Tian originally planned to let her play Angela, but for people who have never played the game, it is still dangerous for her to face the middle road alone. After all, she doesn't know what arresting people, squatting grass, and team fighting are. What do you mean, being caught twice by the opposite jungler, the game experience is estimated to be zero in an instant.

In particular, Li Tian's level is relatively high, and he belongs to the King of Glory. Even if the enemy matches, there must be one or two masters.

In qualifying, there is no way to play at the level of the two, but the normal 3 rows can.

Marco Polo selected by Li Tian, ​​a moveable shooter, walked down the road with Zhao Ruxue.

Unexpectedly, he was caught at the start.

Li Tian, ​​a king of glory, could have escaped, but in order to save Cai Wenji, he sacrificed honorably.

Li Tian asked Cai Wenji to go, but she stayed and fought hard against the three opposite heroes. They were flat. Of course, she was buried with them.

"Damn it, why don't I lose blood when I hit them?"


Li Tian glanced at her, such a president n, blushed with anger when he played this game.

"Because you are an auxiliary hero, there is no harm."

Then Li Tian also explained to her what are output heroes, auxiliary heroes, tank heroes, and mage jungler. Fortunately, Zhao Ruxue was smarter, and she understood when Li Tian talked about it.

"Then I will play the output hero in the next round. Cai Wenji's attack power is too weak."

"But output heroes are generally more fragile. Just now you played Cai Wenji and could still resist for a while. If you play output, the opponent has a set of skills, and you will die if you are full of blood."

Zhao Ruxue didn't even think about it: "Then I have to fight back. Passive defense is not my style. I have to pull a blanket before I die."


Li Tian can only comment like this.

But Li Tian still asked. "I told you to go just now, why didn't you go?"

"You are dead, how can I live alone!"

Zhao Ruxue answered casually, but it warmed Li Tian's heart.

"Well, the next team battle, we will die together. Remember, your 1st skill, 3rd skill, and this blood-increasing skill can increase blood for me and teammates."

Then it was the next team fight, and the result was still destroyed, 2 to 4, obviously matching enemies will play.

However, Li Tian succeeded in 2 for 1 by virtue of his excellent operation and God's move, killing the opposite position.

Of course, the game ended up playing for 15 minutes and still lost.

Among the five teammates, only Li Tian can play. Even though his score of 15510, with a score of 125, which is higher than the opposing p, 102 points, he still lost and the teamfight could not move.

Because there are 3 players on the opposite side who can play, this is impossible to play.

"Play another round, I'm too bad."

"It's okay, newcomers are like this. I blame my account for too high level. If I play with you with a trumpet, the matching enemies will not be so strong."

As expected, Zhao Ruxue said: "The enemy is too, it's meaningless. Only when the enemy is strong is strong, you can fight against the master, and then you can win in danger to have the joy of victory."

Moreover, Zhao Ruxue said: "I have learned a lot in the game just now, and I must be very good in the next game."

Starting a new round, Zhao Ruxue asked what hero output is great?

Li Tian recommended Angela to her. There is no doubt that Angela can kill crispy skin with 2 skills in the early stage, mainly 2 skills, as long as 2 skills can control people. If Zhao Ruxue can't kill people, there is Li Tian.

In this game, Li Tian played Li Yuanfang, and this time he played wild.

He didn't help on the road and off the road, so he helped Angela in the middle.

After the death of the teammate on the road and on the road, he screamed: "Match a group of rookie teammates again, this b jungler, just turn in the middle, and shoot 6 points quickly."

Zhao Ruxue was surprised: "Is it possible to swear in this game?" I want to chat with more like-minded people. WeChat pays attention to "Excellent Reading", chats about life, and finds friends. system)

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