Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 626: Grilled chicken wings

Although this day is not so exciting, it is what Li Tian must do in order to complete the task.

He came to the place to buy skewers near the vegetable market alone. There were local specialties and various skewers. Li Tian ate a large bowl of noodles, and then he ate a lot of skewers alone. But he did not drink beer.

After eating and planning to leave, let the boss grill another 20 skewers.

The boss's business is relatively good. He only sells two grilled chicken wings. Li Tian wants them all. However, at the same moment, suddenly a young girl dressed up as a white-collar worker was not very tall. She had long hair dyed in linen, a black uniform, and thick stockings under her skirt. After all, the weather was still a bit cold.

She has white skin and delicate features. She has a small bag slung on her shoulder, and her face is slightly tired and impetuous. She seems to have just left work, and she is still in a bad mood.

As soon as she came, she ordered 2 bottles of canned beer, and she was alone.

She is alone, and Li Tian is alone, the treatment is completely different.

Li Tian sat down, no one looked at him at all.

But this young girl, because of her certain looks, white skin, and fashionable dress, she feels completely different from here, like the only delicious flower in a piece of green grass, especially eye-catching.

"Boss, I want all the two grilled chicken wings."

She didn't seem to know that Li Tian had already ordered.

The boss seemed to know the girl, and he said in a slight embarrassment: "Beauty, these last two grilled chicken wings have been ordered by the handsome guy next to you."

The girl just put down her shoulder bag, and then she was taken aback, is there any handsome guy beside her?

The girl Liu's eyebrows furrowed tightly, and she didn't even notice that there was anyone beside her.

Now look at it through the night lights, what? Is this a handsome guy? The long one is too stubborn!

"whatever then…"

Now that they ordered, there is no way. This girl is not a good person, but she glanced at his table a little. I go! Is this guy a pig? Why did he eat so many skewers, such a big man, still drink drinks.

Moreover, what instantly made her feel unbalanced was that there was still a pile of chicken bones on his table.

‘I said why the grilled chicken wings are selling so fast tonight. I dare to let this kid eat it. Depending on the size of the chicken bones, there are even more than 7-8 skewers. ’

Li Tian touched his nose, the girl's eyes were a bit fiery.

‘Is he handsome now? ’

This girl has fair skin and tender skin, which is what he likes. However, he no longer wants to have a relationship with any beautiful women. He doesn't want to be romantic anymore, and he doesn't want to owe too much debt, so he stood up, went to the boss to check out, and asked Take away the skewers he ordered before.

The girl was surprised again. This guy not only eats so much meat, but also takes away so many skewers, not only grilled chicken wings, but also ham, shiitake mushrooms, enoki mushrooms, and chicken legs, all she likes to eat.

In this annoying world, only handsome guys and good food can't live up to it.

So the girl didn't hold it back in the end. She took a sip of the canned beer, pretended to stand up very well, and came to Li Tian.

"Handsome guy!"

The girl felt wronged. She really didn't want to call him a handsome guy. She was dressed in cheap clothes, with soft hair, an ordinary face, and a restrained temperament. She was really a middle-aged man with nothing to watch.

"Um, you have eaten so much, so take away the remaining 2 skewers of grilled chicken wings. It is not kind. You give me the skewers and I will give you double the money."

Li Tian smiled. If this girl doesn't speak so aggressively, there is actually nothing for her.

"Sorry, I am not short of money."

After Li Tian showed a harmless smile on the face of humans and animals, he took the packaging bag from the boss and turned away happily.

The girl was shocked!

Just kidding--

She has such a cute and beautiful appearance, even if she eats and drinks is not disadvantageous! He was willing to pay double the price, but he didn't even agree.

And it went so fast, there was no room for maneuver.

The girl sat back angrily and drank the half can of beer. The more she thought about it, the more she became angry. The job was not going well today. A new executive from the company, although young and handsome, works extremely well. Strict. Usually it’s early enough to go to work at 8:30. As soon as that animal came, he asked the company to go to work at 8 o’clock tomorrow, half an hour in advance. She lives here and has to take a taxi in the morning, which is extremely inconvenient, 6-7 The point is about to get up and clean up, painful!

After get off work, I met a man who was so confused.

"Don't be angry, these two hams are given away for free."

The boss is very good at doing business and gives discounts to old customers and girls.

The girl felt better, but she was drooling when she saw the grilled chicken bones on the next table. She still wanted to eat grilled chicken wings! Damn it! That ruthless man! !

"Boss, who was the man just now?"

The girl casually hit the sound.

"Listening to the accent, it looks like someone from the country. I haven't seen it before. I guess I just came."


The girl's skewers were ready. She started to eat, and she didn't talk a lot, but still couldn't help but complain: "That guy can really eat it!" A table of chicken bones.

The boss smiled and said in his heart: You can eat too.

When I went back in the evening, the girl still held a half bottle of beer in her hand. She used the wine to relieve her sorrow and even more sorrow. Alas, the whole day was not going well today.

When she came to a villa, she rented the whole building, she lived alone, when she opened the key to open the door. In an old ordinary cement house next door, a big yellow dog that was tethered barked barkingly.

This dog is not the angry sound of biting people, but the surprised sound of greeting.

Obviously this dog knows this drinking girl.

"Rhubarb, stop crying. Today, my sister didn't eat grilled chicken wings, not even grilled chicken legs, so there is no chicken bones for you."

The girl was probably drunk, talking to a dog, and complaining: "Although there is a table of chicken bones next door, I know that you don't eat other people's saliva..."

At this time, the door of the small villa opened. She was about to walk in, but she saw a girl-like little boy running out of the next room. After he saw the beautiful neighbour sister, under the street lamp, Slightly blushed, but he still held a white plastic bag in his hand and steamed roasted chicken wings to the girl.

"Sister Xiaoling, yes, you usually bring me skewers to eat. I will invite you today."

The girl was stunned, this, how does this grilled chicken wings look so familiar, even this attractive fragrance...

"Sister Xiaoling, don't worry, I haven't eaten it before. When my uncle brought it to me, I kept it in the pot and kept it warm until you came back."

The little boy who was more delicate than a girl said sincerely.

The girl was very moved. "Thank you, little Rubin, my sister has already eaten..." She secretly hid the can of beer in her hand behind her, not wanting the innocent child to see her other side.

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(End of this chapter) (The Best Small Farmer System: 110110272)--(The Best Small Farmer System)

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