Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 637: Your umbrella is a bit small

The Need for Little Farmer System Chapter 637 Your umbrella is a little small "Your umbrella is a little small."

Li Tian looked at his shoulder, half of it was drenched in rain.

"Your umbrella is coming to me."

Feng Xiaoling thought that this old man Li Tian would be grateful for her behavior, but she didn't expect that he would be so shameless that he would be so innocent.

"If I give you all the umbrellas, then I will get all wet myself."

Feng Xiaoling couldn't help complaining.

"Then you can come closer to me."

This guy always wants to take advantage of her.

However, Feng Xiaoling came closer.

Although a small umbrella still can’t take care of two people, there is no doubt that under the street lights, there is a light rain. An ordinary man walking with an electric car, a beautiful girl with exquisite clothing and appearance, will be close for a while. There is a wonderful sense of picture.

Suddenly, Li Tian took out a steaming grilled chicken wing from the car.

It turns out that Li Tian didn't wear a raincoat because he put the raincoat on the car to cover the delicious snacks he bought. He would rather get wet than the food.

The rain falls on the umbrella, and in a quiet residential area, it presents a percussive feeling like light music. Feng Xiaoling looked at the grilled chicken wings in front of her, her mood was a little bit unspeakable.

She obviously only ate Western food not long ago. The steak and dim sum were delicious, but in order to present herself as a lady in front of the new director, she was honestly not full.

On the contrary, in front of Li Tian, ​​an old man, she didn't seem to have to pretend to be herself.

After she took it, the smell of the grilled chicken wings made her saliva flow out, and she bit it down, ah, it was the familiar taste of grilled chicken wings, delicious.

Li Tian couldn't help smiling when she saw her appearance. "The first time I met, I didn't give it to you, but I gave it to you this time."

Feng Xiaoling said: "There is one more string. That time it was two strings."

"Okay, okay, I'll give you a skewer after you finish." Li Tian helplessly, the foodie woman.

Taking a short hand to eat people's mouth softly, at this moment, Feng Xiaoling concerned: "Why are you so stupid? In order to keep the food cold, let yourself be drenched in the light rain."

"My clothes have been wetted several times during the day, anyway, I will get to the place where I want to live soon. I can change my clothes after I go back and take a hot bath. When the food is wet, I warm it up again, but it doesn't have the original taste. "

Feng Xiaoling listened to Li Tian's answer. She had already eaten a grilled chicken wing, but she kept all the chicken bones.

Li Tian sensibly took out another string, Feng Xiaoling took it unceremoniously, and then ate it happily.

"Your work is too hard." Feng Xiaoling sighed, then asked: "Why is your car running out of electricity?"

"You don't know?" Li Tian asked.

"What do I know?" Feng Xiaoling hadn't reacted yet.

Li Tian said depressed: "Send you off at that speed in the morning. The loss of the battery is very large. I have been riding very slowly during the day, but the battery is still not enough."


Feng Xiaoling realized that it was her own problem. After she apologized insincerely, she said: "In order to punish myself, I decided to eat another grilled chicken wing."

"You have eaten two!" Li Tian said in surprise.

"Is there? You have a wrong memory, give it to me quickly."

Li Tian was helpless. Feng Xiaoling seemed to be out of sight to him now. Could it be that he was acting too honestly now, which caused her to have no defense against herself.

In the evening, Feng Xiaoling, who had obviously eaten Western food and a few grilled chicken wings, went to Rubin's house for dinner.

She will be on holiday tomorrow and feel happy. She wants to drink, so she secretly pours can of beer into the bottle and takes it to Rubin's house.

I thought I was drinking a ‘drink’ as a vivid disguise. In fact, everyone knows it.

After eating, Feng Xiaoling hiccups, and then teaches Rubin to do his homework.

Because it is Saturday and Sunday, Feng Xiaoling is on holiday, and Rubin is also on holiday. Only Li Tian and Grandpa Rubin will continue to work tomorrow.

Li Tian went up, he started the live broadcast. Updates can be used to save the manuscript, but the live broadcast must be carried out in real time.

The live broadcast until about 10:20 in the evening, Li Tian said goodnight to the tens of thousands of people in the live broadcast room. The harvest tonight is good and there are tens of thousands of yuan in gifts.

After all, he is also a big anchor, and his income is dozens of times that of a small anchor.

When he lay down on the bed and was about to fall asleep, the phone rang, and his WeChat was open and running in the background, so the text messages sent could be received.

Li Tian thought it was Xiao Budian, Xiao Budian had always chatted with Li Tian at night> The result was Feng Xiaoling.

Hey! what are you doing? How can I get information?

There was an angry expression behind him.

Feng Xiaoling came back from Rubin’s house after 9 o’clock, and then the new director kept chatting with her. In fact, there are several male colleagues in the company, male classmates from the previous university, who chased her and wanted to chat with her. There are many men.

They also like to stay in her circle of friends and like it.

But this Li Tian is the only one who doesn't, he is'too busy'.

Li Tian took a look, is there one at half past nine?

An angry face at 10 o'clock.

But now it's the third one.

Li Tian smiled bitterly: "Why are you looking for me? I was playing a game just now.> Feng Xiaoling didn't expect that it was almost 10:30 when this old man actually responded to her.

Are you an old antique? Do you not use WeChat? Your circle of friends is also blank.

"I'm very busy and don't have time to do these boring things."

Busy? Busy to play games?


He just said that he was playing games and was broadcasting! Sister, it's just a lie to talk about playing games.

What game are you playing?

"King of Glory..."

Why not play chicken?


How do I know why, your question is too boring.

"Sometimes I also play..."

How are your skills?

"So so." Li Tian replied modestly.

cut! You are too good, my king is in the platinum rank. Feng Xiaoling seemed very proud over there.

Li Tian is not embarrassed to say that he has been the champion of the national service for several seasons, and there are still several heroes. If he is not afraid of being too prominent and high-profile, he can even make every hero in the national service.

"You are amazing, you are amazing." Li Tian replied. "It's so late, won't you sleep? I'm going to sleep."

It's less than 11 o'clock, is it late? And I have a holiday tomorrow.

"But I have to work tomorrow!" The first day of formal work is very important.

Others are eager to talk to me all night, why are you just like you don't want to talk to me.

"You think too When Li Tian wanted to say good night, Feng Xiaoling finally started talking about business.

Well, I am looking for you tonight because I am a bit troubled.

"You speak, I listen."

Are you old and experienced in dating?

"It's okay..." Li Tian has several women.

You are so cheeky, I feel you are like a piece of wood, and you are embarrassed to put gold on your face. Forget it, go to sleep, good night. Then she just got off.


Li Tian was stunned. What the **** is this? They all talk about needles in a woman's heart, but this has changed too much!

What do you want to say, what are you saying? In the middle of the conversation, he stopped again, which was appetizing. (Needle Farmer System: 110110272)--(Needle Farmer System)

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