Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 658: Nowhere to put the charm

Li Tian wondered, why is this Chen Lanlan suddenly so caring to herself?

Didn’t you fall in love with me?

Li Tian felt that it was impossible. Although he thought he still had some inner beauty, he should not have such a big charm. Even if there is nowhere to put the charm, it can't come to such a big abnormality. The abnormality must be a monster.

But in the end Li Tian went to Feng Xiaoling's house. After all, Rubin's grandfather also asked Li Tian to take care of his children.

During the meal, Li Tian felt something wrong. Feng Xiaoling didn’t say anything, she lowered her head and ate the vegetables silently, while Chen Lanlan pretended to be good brothers and asked questions about Li Tian. Obviously, she wanted to take Li Tian’s body. Ask something.

Li Tian smiled, he didn't conceal what he could answer, and he was used to lying if he couldn't answer.

After eating, Li Tian sent Rubin back.

There is no thunderstorm tonight, and Li Tian naturally has no reason to stay.

At night, Li Tian was busy broadcasting live on the second floor of Rubin's house.

On the side of Chen Lanlan and Feng Xiaoling, they lay on the bed and chatted: "Xiaoling, have you noticed that Li Tian is full of lies?"

Feng Xiaoling nodded. "I told you at the beginning, this man is unreliable, you have to do it all, have you found out the information you want now?"

"I'm not reconciled, you know, at noon I received the order from the new director, and I personally drove to pick him up to have dinner with the new director. He didn't even come, which made me lose face, so tonight I Something must be done."

Feng Xiaoling gave Chen Lanlan an angry look, and sighed: "You are really a stubborn talent to stay in the office. Talents like you should be put in the marketing department."

"Go! That department is too tired, I don't want to do it. I want to marry a good husband and become a full-time wife."


Feng Xiaoling couldn't help laughing.

After talking for a while, the two slept separately.

The next day, Li Tian officially went to work to deliver the express.

The nature of this job is similar to that of food delivery, but it is more busy. It can put all of the self-pickup sites on the self-pickup sites. For this reason, Li Tian also created a new card to send messages and call customers.

After all, I just went to work, and Li Tian always made phone calls if he could make a phone call. What he couldn't get through was to send messages.

All day, except during meals, he took a rest for less than half an hour. The rest of the time, Li Tian has been busy. Although the area he is currently responsible for is not large, it is enough to run and break his leg. Busy till 9pm.

A total of 120 copies were dispatched, and he didn't dare to leave work until Li Tian determined that even with complaints, he could break through 100.

I was exhausted all over. I got off work at this point. I don’t need to think about eating dinner at Rubin’s house. Li Tian found a night stall to eat.

Li Tian took off his work clothes, but the clothes inside were naturally cheap. Riding a second-hand electric car and sleeping and eating all day long, he looked extremely tired and dusty.

The night stall is on the square opposite the bustling commercial street. He is also a foreigner listening to the accent of the boss. He rents a stall here and manages out-of-town snacks. Li Tian ordered maocai and special grilled meat.

It really tastes delicious.

There was a young couple with tinkling decorations on their bodies, tattoos on their arms and neck, and colorful hair. They looked very fashionable. After seeing Li Tian, ​​the two whispered something, and then looked disgusted. Sit to another table.

Even the following woman with a child was far away from Li Tian, ​​for fear that he was abducting and selling children.

Li Tian felt helpless. He did hard work for the city during the day, but was still rejected by the people in the city at night.

However, he didn't care, after eating, he just left.

No words for a night, and no contact with Feng Xiaoling.

At dawn, Li Tian went to work again. Recently, Feng Xiaoling was picked up by Chen Lanlan by car. He didn't need Li Tian to do anything, so he went to work at ease.

Every day, every day, he will go to send documents, even if gossip, even if he is blinded, disliked, he will work hard.

It is not for the sake of flying yellow, nor for working hard to make money, just to complete the task.

In a blink of an eye, three days have passed. During this period, Li Tian won praises from colleagues and bosses by relying on his own hard work and steadfastness. After all, this industry doesn’t need you to be so clever, nor does it need you. What a flattering camp, as long as you have a correct attitude, work hard, go to work earlier than others, leave later than others, send more pieces than others, and serve better than others.

Your efforts can be seen by others.

This evening, Chen Lanlan came back again. She now has a car, so it is convenient to come back.

When eating with her family, she asked Li Tian intentionally or unintentionally.

I knew there that her parents’ attitude towards Li Tian reversed 10 degrees, and they all felt that this man was good. He worked hard and worked hard. What’s even more rare was that there was no bad comment when he sent so many items every day to work.

Some were too far away for other couriers to deliver, so he rushed to do it.

To be honest, Chen Lanlan’s parents have been opening express delivery locations for several years, but they have never seen such an effort.

Chen Lanlan was also quite shocked.

When she went to work the next day, she told Feng Xiaoling the news. Feng Xiaoling was also surprised. She didn't expect that Li Tian worked so hard, but she usually couldn't see it.

That night, there was another storm, but there was no thunder.

Even though Chen Lanlan was no longer sleeping at Feng Xiaoling's house, Feng Xiaoling did not ask Li Tian to come to sleep. Sometimes the relationship is like this. If you don't advance, you will retreat. In many cases, one step closer is a lifetime, and a step backward is to miss a lifetime.

Feng Xiaoling currently does not have a particularly strong feeling for Li Tian, ​​but she still can't help but send a micro-channel with care: I heard that you are working hard now, don't exhaust your body.

Li Tian replied after a while: Just after get off work, I bought some barbecue, would you like to eat together?

Feng Xiaoling couldn't help blushing. What do you mean? Do you want to come to my house again?

Li Tian replied: You can also eat outside.

Where is there a storm outside?

I know a place is not very remote, but there should be no people at this point.

Isn't it so late? Feng Xiaoling hesitated.

However, the bad guy Li Tian took a picture of the barbecue with his mobile phone and sent it to her. If you don't come, I'll eat it myself.

You are so bad

If Li Tian didn't post photos, Feng Xiaoling wouldn't want to come, but at this moment, she was really attracted by the seemingly delicious barbecue.

You buy two more beers!

Li Tian couldn't laugh or cry. It was the first time I saw a girl asking for wine. Isn't this giving a man a chance?

But Li Tian still bought it. He went to the canteen and asked the boss to buy a canned beer with the lowest alcohol content.

Then came to Feng Xiaoling's door, she came out under an umbrella. I want to talk about the best small farmer system with more like-minded people. WeChat pays attention to "excellent reading", chats about life, and finds friends (the best small farmer system..110110272)--(the best small farmer system)

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