Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 693: We are still good friends without talking about money

Sun Xiaoxiang is really beautiful. Her beauty can only be described as a fairy descending to the earth. Her posture is out of dust, as if she is immortal, and she has an aura that can be seen from a distance and not playful.

However, such a precious flower was contaminated by the rough man Li Tian.

"Boss, are you really not going to see that Li Tian?"

Airing the smelly man for 2 hours really relieved her breath. There was an ambiguity between Zhou Ruihan and Li Tian, ​​and was taken advantage of by that nasty smelly man. So seeing Li Tian touch the ash of her nose, she was very comfortable. However, as a personal assistant, she still has to think more comprehensively.

"What do you see him for?"

Sun Xiaoxiang mentioned that he was angry. During this time, she also checked some information intentionally or unconsciously. Most women had a beautiful first night. Only her first night was tortured for 3 days and 3 nights. Looking back now, it was scalp hair. hemp.

"This man came to meet me without explaining the reason. Most of it is related to money, so I will not be able to meet."

Sun Xiaoxiang is a person who loves money. In ten words, one sentence is related to money.

In private, she also asked her employees to call her boss.

She likes the feeling of being a boss.

Zhou Ruihan didn't want to help Li Tian speak, she was just a qualified assistant who offered some different opinions. "But in case, what's the matter with him?"

"If there are really important things, I will tell them on the phone."

With that, Sun Xiaoxiang picked up a document on the table and said: "When this stinky man contacted me, I knew the problem was not simple. He knew his own weight and he didn't dare to talk about feelings with me openly, so he must It’s for other reasons, and you’ll understand after a little investigation."

Zhou Ruihan picked up the information and looked at it.

She is usually busy with Sun Xiaoxiang's work, and the work of collecting information is not within her jurisdiction. There are several assistants for Sun Xiaoxiang, as well as other departments.

"South Asia Resort? What does this have to do with Li Tian's Rich Agricultural Park?"

Sun Xiaoxiang ate a small fruit. She was so beautiful that people wanted to eat two bites. She shook her head. "I'm not sure, I just found the information. I'm so busy every day, how can I have time to care about his affairs."

She went on to say: "However, it should be in a competitive relationship with the Rich Agricultural Park. Another piece of information is his new project to build the Rich Agricultural Park. It seems that he has spent a lot of money. He was defeated. This time he came to me without explaining the reason. Most of the time he saw his novels are selling well in Asia, so he wanted to come over and ask for money."

Zhou Ruihan admires Sun Xiaoxiang very much. This analysis is really possible.

Almost all the money for the construction of the Rich Agricultural Park was invested by Zhao Ruxue. It is estimated that this Li Tian is not embarrassed to ask for money from Zhao Ruxue, but any construction of the Rich Agricultural Park needs money, and the money is like flowing water. It was justified to change the fire and ask for money from the big boss behind Sun Xiaoxiang.


Zhou Ruihan laughed bitterly. Although Sun Xiaoxiang was generous to the employees themselves, Li Tian, ​​an obvious outsider, for Sun Xiaoxiang, who was a barbaric iron cock, coupled with the contradiction between the two, it was estimated that it would be difficult to get money.

Sun Xiaoxiang obviously had time, but deliberately left Li Tian to let him retreat.

Regardless of money, we are still good friends.

That night, Sun Xiaoxiang returned to her private villa in a luxurious car.

The safety facilities here make it difficult for even a foreign mosquito to get in.

Sun Xiaoxiang asked Zhou Ruihan to go back, and she came to her changing room.

Others’ changing room is a cabinet, and hers is a shopping mall, with a dazzling array of brand-name bags, jewelry, and various clothes. Her bathroom is also amazing.

Others’ bathroom is just a small room, and hers is the entire bathhouse.

Especially her luxurious villa is still in the most prosperous part of the city. The land under this area alone is worth hundreds of millions.

The heating is naturally very good, intelligent temperature adjustment, always maintain the degree of neither hot nor cold, noble enjoyment, luxurious experience.

In the huge floor-to-ceiling mirror, Sun Xiaoxiang slowly took off her clothes, her skin was so white, her face was so beautiful, and her perfect figure made anyone very obsessed.

When she was about to take off her underwear and take a bath, suddenly there was another person in the mirror, a man.


Sun Xiaoxiang was frightened all of a sudden, it was just like acting in a ghost movie.

The man violently hugged her from behind, and grasped her seductive little mouth. "Don't call it, it's me!"

Sun Xiaoxiang rolled a beautiful eye. "I called it because of you! Who let you peek at me in the bath? You shameless."

This man is naturally Li Tian.

After being aired by his own woman for more than 2 hours, how could Li Tian give up? He pretended to be tracking, relying on the speed of lightning, adding radar-like [eyes], successfully invaded Sun Xiaoxiang’s luxurious villa, as for peeking at her It was purely an accident to undress and take a bath.

But such a beautiful person, **** one by one in front of his eyes, it feels so exciting.

"We are both old husbands and old wives, how can you call me shameless?"

Li Tian originally intended to be gentle, but it was obvious that Sun Xiaoxiang was a difficult character, not a fool like Baili Xiaojia, so Li Tian also acted more domineering.

"Who is an old wife and old wife with you? Damn! Give me your hands and feet to be honest."

Sun Xiaoxiang blushed, she did not dare to look in the mirror, as long as she saw the man's face, she would think of her first night, how tortured by this especially now, she only has underwear left on her body Now, this feeling is really shameful.

"You let me go--"

Li Tian said shamelessly: "My lady is so beautiful, how can I let it go for my husband."

"Li Tian!"

Sun Xiaoxiang was angry, because the two were too close, Li Tian's body reacted, and Sun Xiaoxiang clearly felt it. "Li Tian, ​​if you do this again, I will make you regret it."

Li Tian also knew that it was too late.

Although it was left to dry for more than 2 hours, it was time to be content after watching the beauty undress and hugged for a while.

After all, she is an Asian star Sun Xiaoxiang, not an ordinary woman.

After Li Tian let go of her, she quickly put on clothes.

She couldn't accept her white body being watched by this smelly man up close.

"You get out of me—"

After putting on his clothes, Sun Xiaoxiang's face was still red.

"I'm here to talk about things, and when things are settled, I will leave."

However, at this moment, Li Tian suddenly flickered and came to Sun Xiaoxiang and grabbed her small white hand.

Under her hand is an alarm.

"Don't make some small movements, things between the two of us, don't let outsiders know."

Sun Xiaoxiang opened her eyes wide, and she did not expect that Li Tian's ability now is so great.

However, in Li Tian's eyes, her appearance was so beautiful, her big eyes seemed to be densely covered with dazzling stars, and every inch of skin on her small face was so perfect.

She seems to be a masterpiece from heaven, not a human being.

Li Tian couldn't hold back, he put his arms around her willow waist, and kissed her delicate lips...

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