Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 73: I can't support myself

When Li Tian saw the acquaintance in this ancient pond in the wilderness, he didn't leave, nor did he stay.

After all, it is not too early. If Li Tian leaves here and finds another fish pond, it should not be difficult to catch 3 fish as required by the special task, but the task requires a day to fish, and Li Tian is afraid it will not be enough.

"Oh, isn't this Li Tian?"

Unexpectedly, the acquaintance greeted him first. His name was Wang Kai. He was from a village in Li Tian. He was about 3 to 4 years older than Li Tian. I only remember that when Li Tian was in elementary school, this Wang Kai was already there. Go to junior high school.

He left school earlier than Li Tian, ​​and he didn't go to school after he finished junior high school. Li Tian at least went to high school.

After he got off school, he went to the construction site and heard that he has been doing hydropower installations. In the past few years when the construction industry was at its peak, he made a lot of money. He bought a house and a car in the city. Now his wife and children have it. Up.

Compared with the downright Li Tian, ​​he is a winner in life.

"Haha." Li Tian first smiled awkwardly. "Brother Kai, when did you come back?"

"I came back last night. The child missed his grandmother, so I brought him back to play for two days. Don't stand stupid, come and go fishing. It just happened that I was bored by myself. Let's fish together, be a company, and talk. "Wang Kai is only a few years older than Li Tian, ​​and he has no arrogance. He has been out there for more than ten years, and he is more talkative.

Different from Xiao Zhang Lei, Zhang Lei graduated from university and entered a large company. He is in suits and shoes all day long. He is more of a social elite.

However, Wang Kai is not well-educated and does rough work, and he has a social atmosphere in him.

"it is good."

Li Tian didn't know what to say. Although he was an acquaintance, because of his age difference and the distance between the two families, Li Tian never played with Wang Kai when he was a child.

So I know, but the relationship is not as good as Zhang Lei.

It may be because there is no deep relationship, so Wang Kai talks a lot.

"Li Tian, ​​I also heard my mother talk about you. I heard that you plan to be a small farmer now?"

When he came, Li Tian smiled bitterly. The whole village knew about being a farmer in his hometown. Since he couldn't escape, he said bluntly: "Yes, I have no abilities. I have been outside for many years, and I haven't gotten too close..."

However, Li Tian hadn’t finished speaking. Wang Kai just hit a cigarette. Li Tian noticed that he was very skillful and saw that he often smoked others, but what surprised Li Tian was his hands. The calluses are very thick, and they are cracked in many places. They are only in their early thirties, and some of their hair is white, and they seem to be people who have suffered.

‘It’s not without reason that people can get ahead. Li Tian would think so in his heart.

"I don't smoke, thank you."

Wang Kai smiled. "Men don't smoke or drink, what's the point of being alive, but your kid, like Zhang Lei, is an educated person, so it's good not to smoke."

"What cultural person?" Li Tian smiled bitterly: "Zhang Lei, I'm not. I went down before I finished high school. I am completely illiterate."

Wang Kai smiled and didn't say much about this topic. His fishing rod equipment is relatively complete. It is directly fixed on the bracket. If the fish is hooked, you can take the fishing rod and free both hands. At this time, he ordered one by himself. Smoke, narrowed his eyes and started smoking.

He returned to the topic just now and said: "Li Tian, ​​we are all in the same village, and I did not treat you as an outsider. Being a farmer really has no future. Unless someone invests in you to become bigger and stronger, you usually stay at home. It’s hard to grow a little bit of vegetables and a little land, let alone get married and have children. How can you raise a family if you can’t support yourself.”

What Wang Kai said was quite true. Although Li Tian was uncomfortable with secondhand smoke, he was not too repulsive in his heart.

Li Tian decided to be a small farmer in his hometown because he started the best small farmer system, but he has not found a reasonable explanation until now. Therefore, facing Wang Kai, Li Tian does not Know how to answer.

But Wang Kai suddenly put the cigarette in his mouth, and got up to pull the fishing rod and said, "The fish is on the bait."

Sure enough, although this ancient pond is relatively desolate, there are still fish in it. As expected, Wang Kai caught a half-catty fish, which is already quite big. After all, this is a wild crucian carp, not a fish in a fish pond raised by others.

Wang Kai caught a fish and was in a good mood. He threw the fish into his fish basket, and then squatted down on the edge of the pond to wash his hands. After he came up, he finished smoking from his mouth and threw it under his feet with his feet. Stepped out, after all, this is a barren mountain, and it would be bad if it catches fire.

After doing all this, Wang Kai suddenly looked at Li Tian and asked, "Li Tian, ​​do you want to follow me?"


Li Tian was taken aback, he did not expect that Wang Kai would say this.

"Although the installation of hydropower is not as good as in previous years, you have to work hard and learn this technique to be a hydropower master and do not seek to be rich, but there is still no problem supporting your family. As long as you are not lazy, you are not afraid of hardship. ."

Li Tian hesitated for a long time, and finally smiled: "Thank you Brother Kai for your kindness. Maybe I really want to be a small farmer. When I'm busy, I go to work in the fields. When I'm free, I don't have much ideals in life. Let it go."

Li Tian's hesitation is not in his heart. He is just thinking about how to reject Wang Kai. After all, if someone wants to give you a hand, it is not appropriate for you to refuse immediately.

Therefore, Li Tian's remarks are true and false.

After listening to Li Tian's words, Wang Kai could only shake his head helplessly. "Li Tian, ​​you don't want this kind of thinking. When you are a small farmer for a few years, you will be abandoned--"

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