Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 751: Marketing

This topic can't be said any more, and even Li Tian himself felt that it was possible. ξ Spin ★ Luo ★ Xiao ξ said

Whether it was He Yun, Zhao Qi, Baili Xiaojia or some of the beautiful women of the ancient family, they were all given to Li Tian in a virgin body. They said that it was not necessarily. That day, his taste changed and became a perverted woman who likes to **** others. …

   is too evil!

   Li Tian didn't dare to think about it anymore, he couldn't accept this feeling at all.

   In the future, he will not be so perverted, so there is no bottom line.

   The bottom line and principle are a godsend. Li Tian's emotional life is chaotic because he does not want to give up any woman who likes each other, and the bottom line and principle things, he never touched before, and will never touch it in the future.


   drove to the place that needs to be investigated. This is a vegetable market in the city. Although young people in the city now like to buy vegetables in the supermarket, they usually eat outside.

   But there are still relatively thrifty elderly and middle-aged women who choose to buy food at the vegetable market. 1. There are more dishes here, generally more than in big supermarkets, and there are more choices. 2 is that the price here is relatively cheaper, a little bit mixed with arowana, there are good and bad, and you can bargain.

   Zhu Lian parked the car outside, she looked at Li Tian next to her and asked: "Boss, are you planning to increase the price this time in the survey?"

   Although Li Tian didn't say it explicitly, Zhu Lian could feel that Li Tian wanted to make the company's performance look better.

   And at present, the only thing that Rich Agricultural Park can sell is vegetables, so this market research is also the main vegetable.

   But Zhu Lian never dreamed of it. She thought that her big boss had found out that she wanted the company to start making money, but in fact, Li Tian simply wanted to finish the task quickly.

   Li Tian looked back at Zhu Lian. Compared to He Yun and Zhao Qi, Zhu Lian is really not a beautiful woman, but after following him to this vegetable market, she is the one with the best appearance and a high rate of return.

   is embarrassing. In fact, most people are just like Li Tian, ​​they are very ordinary.

   The same goes for women. There are really few beautiful women in some places, not to mention those stunning beauties who are one in a million.

   "I originally had such a plan."

   In this investigation, Li Tian was only with Zhu Lian. It was a private visit on WeChat. He did not inform the boss Zhang Yuezhang, who was cooperating with the vegetable seller.

When he spoke, he pointed his finger at the vegetables on the stall and said: "It is obvious that our vegetables taste really good, I am not sure, most buyers do not know, but our vegetables Is undoubtedly the best."

   Because Li Tian and their vegetables are grown in smart greenhouses, they have spent a lot of money to hire experts to debug, whether it is fertilizer, production environment, and temperature, they are all carefully cultivated.

   So the vegetables produced by the Rich Agricultural Garden are bright in color, full of fruit, and tender.

   The appearance is very good, after all, the investment is so large.


   But at the moment Li Tian sighed. "Our rich agricultural garden is not very well-known at present, and the taste of vegetables requires high vegetable seeds. We currently do not have a professional vegetable and fruit seed research and development center. Although we use the best varieties, Without the only core competitiveness of the market, the smart vegetable greenhouses of others can be planted with careful planting."

   Zhu Lian feels that what the boss said is not bad. In some large farms abroad, their seeds are researched in cooperation with the Agricultural College to cultivate the best seeds.

   There is very little research on this aspect in China. After all, the profit of this industry is not high. Everyone goes to college to earn money to buy a house, buy a car and marry a beautiful wife.

  Finance, real estate, IT industry, etc. are the most profitable industries at present. They are worthy and eloquent. Being an Internet celebrity live broadcast is also more profitable than studying agriculture. This is the current status and there is no way to change it.

  Moreover, agricultural seeds are not knowledgeable enough to be genetically modified. There is still high uncertainty about this stuff. Li Tian would not use such seeds in pursuit of yield.

   Therefore, it is not easier to make breakthroughs in this area than to develop an anti-cancer drug.

   And the ratio of input to output is also very low.

   Due to various factors, it is still difficult for Li Tian to grow creamy carrots, chili-flavored tomatoes, and chocolate-flavored cucumbers.

   And the technology is not good enough, even if it is planted, it cannot be fully promoted to the market.

   If it has something to do with genetic modification, Li Tian will become a sinner in history.


   Therefore, the green vegetables grown in the Litian Rich Agricultural Garden are only planted on safe and reliable varieties on the market without pesticides and toxic fertilizers. They are highly replicable and have no absolute market competitiveness.

   In other words, smart greenhouses in other cities can also grow vegetables like Li Tian and even taste better.

  In this basic price increase, there is no doubt that it is not much different from death.

   "I don't want to increase prices either. Although living conditions in the city are better, green vegetables with good quality and low price are also a kind of happiness."

   After Li Tian's investigation, he said to Zhu Lian: "Even if the prices of some of the vegetables that are in demand are increased by others, we will not increase the prices."

For example, green beans and certain green leafy vegetables were very expensive when they first came out, reaching 7-8 yuan per catty, and then they gradually dropped to 3-4 yuan, 2 to 3 yuan, because when they first came out, they were very expensive. Rare is expensive.

   But Li Tian is determined not to increase the price, others sell it for 7 yuan, he sells 6.

  This is not to fight a price because the products of FuRuo Agricultural Park are limited, and they will be gone when they are sold out. It is not the brand of FuRuo Agricultural Park, but it actually sells other vegetables.

   "I have never seen such a stupid boss like you."

   Zhu Lian shook her head and sighed.

   Li Tian naturally comforted her. "Our products are not very competitive. Although we are a bit competitive in the local area, it is difficult to grow greenhouse vegetables in large areas because of our mountainous areas. However, other plain cities do not have this concern. Instead, they can grow their water and soil. Come out more delicious fruits and vegetables."

   Li Tian talked about it. "Therefore, we must sell our feelings first, and then the products, so that local customers know that the vegetables in our rich agricultural gardens are all locally grown green. All the video and pictures of the planting process are publicly available, and the prices are cheap, and even local citizens lose money. Get to know us our rich agricultural park brand, let them like it with the heart."

   Zhu Lian was moved by Li Tian.

   "This is the emotional marketing model you learned when you went out this time?"


   Li Tian was taken aback. The last time he went out was to attend a wedding, and then went to accompany Xiao Budian on his birthday, and then met Du Tingting, and indirectly let Du Tingting and Wang Wei know each other.

   Besides, I was romantic and comfortable with my girlfriend He Yun for a few days. Where did my colleagues learn and communicate?

   That was just a white lie.

   Li Tian nodded shamelessly at this moment. "Because I found that in today's impetuous society, marketing is often more important than products. Even if you don't have products with core competitiveness, as long as you advertise well, take care of your mind, and get customers to recognize, then you are a big brand."

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