Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 753: Crisis of Confidence

Perhaps in the eyes of others, Li Tian's behavior is a bit fussy.

   However, Li Tian knows that reputation is very important for a company. Rich Agricultural Park not only sells vegetables, but also health and culture.

  Independent stalls, fresh billboards, and healthy and fresh vegetables.

   But now, in this small vegetable market, at the stalls of the rich agricultural park, there are vegetables that do not belong to the rich agricultural park at all. Isn't this selling dog meat on the head?

   is a huge harm to the brand of Rich Agricultural Park.

   Even if the flow of people in this small vegetable market is not large, but if things go on like this, other people think that the rich agricultural garden is just a good-looking advertisement. In fact, the vegetables sold are no different from ordinary vegetables, and even the sales are not good.


   After getting in the car, Zhu Lian looked at Li Tian, ​​who was still looking ugly. She said solemnly: "This is my negligence and negligence. I should strictly send someone to supervise it anytime and anywhere."

   Li Tian looked at Zhu Lian. She was actually younger than Li Tian. At this time last year, she was still very young, and she has a lot of room for growth, so naturally she can't do everything.

  Moreover, today's rich agricultural park is concerned about foreign troubles, the company is not profitable, employees are not very motivated, and foreign troubles, the Nanya resort next door is getting more and more prosperous. I am a little cautious and want to join that resort.

  Agriculture belongs to the primary industry, industry belongs to the secondary industry, and the service industry belongs to the tertiary industry.

   Obviously, the primary industry, such as the agricultural park, is not comparable to the tertiary industry in South Asia.


   "It's not to blame you. You don't have too many capable officers. The tea plantations and rice fields I let you take care of will delay you too much time, and you can't take care of the small things here. It is understandable."

Li Tian analyzed: "Zhang Yue is a businessman and an old fried dough stick. The large vegetable markets we have seen are all very formal, and only this kind of small vegetable market can this kind of thing happen. If Zhang Yue didn’t know it, I I don't believe it, it's mostly the result of his deliberately closing one eye."

Zhu Lian also frowned, "Then what should we do, do we really want to terminate the cooperation with Zhang Yue's boss? If we want to find another company with such courage and plan to break the boat, open the store all over the city, and leave a separate stall to sell. Our dishes, and the partners whose prices are controlled by us, are probably difficult."

   Li Tian also noticed this problem. No one is perfect. Li Tian didn't start with making money, but others don't think so.

   Why do others follow your ideas?

   After all, Zhang Yue is only a partner, and not an employee of Rich Agricultural Park.

"let me see."

   Li Tian sat in the back of the car, closed his eyes and thought.

   If you open your own store and form a chain, it will be very difficult to sell dishes from the rich agricultural garden.

   First of all, there are not so many funds and ready-made shops. Secondly, the rich agricultural park currently only has 15 greenhouses, and there is no way to provide so many vegetables.

The most difficult thing is that the boss is not so good. Perhaps for a professional vegetable vendor like Zhang Yue, selling vegetables is a particularly easy task, but for a person like Li Tian who has no contact at all, it is very easy. It's difficult.

   Also, the shelf life of fresh vegetables is very short. They can’t be sold today, and they won’t be so fresh if they are sold tomorrow.

   Therefore, this self-produced and self-sold method will only make losing money even more terrifying.

   can only cooperate and win-win at present.


   And even if it’s not Zhang Yue, cooperating with other bosses, the result may be even worse.

   Li Tian has a headache, he is not a genius, he does not have the kind of genius business mind.

   So there is no way, he secretly opened the system, and then took out a [Good Luck Card] from the inventory.

   In the current inventory, there are 2 Good Luck Cards, 1 Pocket Watch for Return, and 1 Skywalker Talisman.

   Li Tian took out a good luck card at this moment, so there is only one left in it.

   After thinking about it, Li Tian finally clicked to use it.

  His good things are used at critical moments.

   I hope this time it can turn decay into magic.


   Boss Zhang at the same time, Zhang Yue is here.

   His face is a bit ugly. He just went straight to the store and fired the self-assertive employee.

   But what the employee said before leaving made him think about it for a long time.

   "Boss Zhang, I have been with you for almost a year, isn't we just opening a store to make money? Everything you have invested in Fufu Agricultural Park has been in the past half a year. Is there any return?"

   Yes, no return.

   "We vacate the stalls in Fufu Agricultural Park. Even if we sell ordinary vegetables, we can earn tens of thousands of yuan in a quarter!"

In the end, it’s not that Boss Zhang fired him, but he resigned himself. He is also a business-minded person who is good at speculation. He is not good at doing business, but he uses opportunistic means to earn ten thousand dollars every month. Eight thousand is still possible.

   staying with Zhang Yue’s boss, on the contrary, restricted his development.


   Boss Zhang Yue didn't eat any food that his boss was angry about. It happened that the girl who slept with him last night called today and said that she had taken a fancy to a bag of more than 3,000, and wanted Boss Zhang Yue to buy her.

   Boss Zhang Yue hung up the phone, and he felt even more uncomfortable.

   If a man wants to be chic and happy, he must have money.

   If you have money, you can let a woman pose in any pose, and if you see a beautiful one, you dare to negotiate the price. No money, huh, let's watch the movie in a small black room by yourself.


   Back home, Zhang Yue sat on his luxurious sofa and smoked.

   He looks ordinary in appearance, but he has the potential to be a nouveau riche, so the decoration style of his home is all earthy gold, which looks very grand.

   It is only at this time that Zhang Yue will realize that he is a soil emperor.

   His wife is back, and his shop is taken care of by him and his wife together.

His wife is very and she is not good-looking. At the beginning, he got married because Zhang Yue was in poor condition. Beautiful women did not like him at all. Moreover, his wife was very capable and willing to endure hardships with him. Now that he has struggled for many years and finally settled down in this small city, he can be regarded as petty bourgeoisie.

   "What's the matter? Your face is so ugly, have you eaten?"

"not yet."

Zhang Yue’s boss is very willing to discuss work matters with his wife. He is different from ordinary upstarts. He is somewhat emotional. His wife accompanies him through the hard days of life and helps him take care of work matters. Therefore, Even if his passion was vented on the young girl, he never thought of divorcing the current wife.

   Moreover, every time he is romantic outside, he is also very careful, completely not letting the current wife notice.


   Zhang Yue's wife is still a gentle person, but when she heard that Li Tian and Zhu Lian were so domineering, she was also angry.

   "Too much bullying them!"

  The wife is naturally on Zhang Yue's side. "The staff accidentally put the vegetables in the wrong place. What's wrong? It makes the vegetables in their rich agricultural gardens so noble. We have been working with them for more than half a year. We have earned nothing. They still have the face to blame. we…"

   Zhang Yue’s wife is also very dissatisfied with their rich agricultural garden, mainly because of the small quantity of goods, the low price, and the many thieves. They are simply serving their ancestors.

   Their other partners are not like this.

   The most important thing is that they have not made any money after cooperating with Fu Rao Agricultural Park for so long. Excluding the employees' wages, utility bills, and even losing money.

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