Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 789: Desert Princess

   Li Tian was originally a man of innocence, but now he has become a scumbag man with rhetoric, because there are too many women around him.

  Moreover, the beauty of Lily meets Li Tian's physical needs in the ancient tomb, which is more enjoyable than Xiaolongnu and Yang Guo.

  At the beginning, Li Tian really planned to kill her. After all, the two of them were already in a state of hatred.

   But later, I was accidentally poisoned, which made everything possible.

   Moreover, Li Tian is not a ruthless person.

   Baili beauty slept with him more than a dozen times, and each time he was so happy, so happy, after sleeping, she killed her, Li Tian was still a little softhearted.


  Moreover, the beauty of Lily after being poisoned by emotion has got a strange power in her body. Not only does her white back have flower tattoos, but her white skin can also be repaired automatically.

  The delicate body is pink and beautiful, and every inch of skin is beautiful, especially the weird long hair that reaches the round buttocks, even if it is cut off, it will immediately grow out.

   Such a stunner, should be used to enjoy a lifetime, only enjoy a dozen times, how can it be satisfied.

   Besides, she also seems to have a chance.

   Chance is a very wonderful thing, it is a bit like peerless talent, not everyone has it. For example, she was the first to discover this magical tomb, and she lived here like a little dragon girl. Until she met Li Tian, ​​the hatred in her heart could not be restrained. She used the treasure earth ears obtained from the tomb to make quicksand. Want Li Tian to be buried alive.

I thought there, this guy was as powerful as an ox, he smashed the tomb slabs abruptly, and brought in all the people from the tour group outside. The beauty Lily killed countless people, and she was naturally not a kind person, but she didn't want to make trouble. , Especially now that she leaves the young master of the ancient family and lives here in seclusion, she does not want her young master Gu Zheng to know that she is no longer a pure virgin now, and her innocence has been tarnished by the hateful Li Tian.

   So, in one of the altars of the ancient tomb, she created blue flames and pretended to be ghosts to scare them away.


Later, I learned that this Li Tian also has a magic weapon, that old pocket watch, the hands turned, everything went back to 2 hours ago, because Lily Beauty destroyed part of the ability to return the pocket watch, causing Lily Beauty to remain in place and possess In memory, Li Tian did not return to the ground either.

   In the end, the tour group was still outside, but there was no access to the tomb.

   At the same time, Li Tian also disappeared strangely. In the ancient tomb under their feet, because of the poisonous love, Li Tian lived happily with the beautiful Lily.

   Because neither of them are ordinary people, the lingering a dozen times lasted for a long time.

   So, it's not good to keep Li Tian cool.

   also completely improved Li Tian's hatred of Lily beauty.


   At this moment, Li Tian held her little hand by Li Tian, ​​the sunshine outside made her a little uncomfortable.

   "I don't want to be with you, you let me go."

   The beauty of Lily hopes to be separated from Li Tian forever, and there will agree to continue to be with Li Tian.

But at this moment Li Tian is very overbearing. When he sleeps with Beauty Lily, he doubles cultivation, and his skill is constantly improving. Therefore, his power is already above Beauty Lily. He pulls hard to give Beauty Lily. Pulled up.

   Then the surrounding yellow sand buried here again.

   Above the desert, it is so weird. When buried by yellow sand, everything is invisible.

   "Little baby, I need your help, don't be willful."

   Li Tian held her willow waist and kissed her again.

   Lily's beautiful face is red. She grew up with the young master of the ancient family, but the young master of the ancient family has never treated her like this when she practiced boy skills.

   This man always kisses her and hugs her, and he is extremely intimate, which makes her unacceptable.

   You must know that she (them) are enemies, and it is a strange love that keeps them together.

   "I love you, you naturally want to help me."

   I love you again?

   This sentence is really worthless...

   But the beauty of Lily couldn't help her heart beating very fast. She stayed in the ancient tomb for a long time. Since her body was defiled by Li Tian, ​​she has been isolated from the world and does not want to see people.

   Now suddenly in the vast expanse of the desert, still being held in his arms by the most annoying man in the world, there is a sense of tension that the underground romance is exposed.

   However, just when Lily Beauty was about to push Li Tian away from here, suddenly several off-road vehicles came directly.

Beautiful Lily doesn’t want others to see her face, because she doesn’t want her news to reach the ancient family. She is very beautiful among ordinary people, so even if others don’t know her, her beautiful appearance will still spread. .

   So she immediately took out a veil and covered her face, revealing only a pair of beautiful big eyes.

   After all, this is a desert. It is understandable that the girl wraps her delicate face with a scarf to avoid getting tanned.

   "Mr. Li Tian——"

   "Really you?"

   These off-road vehicles are the cars of the tour group, and the female tour guide furiously said: "Where have you been these days? We are looking for you everywhere, do you know, we all thought you were dead."

   Many people got out of the car and blamed Li Tian for getting up.

   Li Tian looked at everyone, there were models posing as lovers, there were father and son who had just divorced, and there was Su Dapeng who wanted to rob the grave. Li Tian bowed deeply.

   "Sorry everyone, I'm lost."

Everyone was talking and blaming all kinds of blame. It turned out that Li Tian had disappeared for 3 days and 4 nights. You must know that this is the ancient city of Loulan in Lop Nur. For such a long time, ordinary people have already died in the desert~www If it weren’t for the food and resources they brought with the tour group, I’m afraid I wouldn’t continue to look for Li Tian, ​​but just go back.

   Lily beauty is also a little weird. After all, they went to the tomb with Li Tian before. However, when the back pocket watch appeared, everything went back to the past. They didn't even know how Li Tian disappeared.

It is estimated that this accident will once again become a mysterious and unsolved mystery in the ancient city of Loulan: a tourist from the East went missing for 3 days and 4 nights in the mysterious ancient city of Loulan. When he returned, he was alive and kicking with a red light on his face. There is also a beautiful woman in costume with long hair and hip veil.


After the crowd fell to Li Tian, ​​after all, they almost quarreled because of Li Tian’s disappearance. Some people felt that they should live to see people and corpses, but there were also timid people who felt that this place is too dangerous and should be left quickly. Leave that Li Tian alone.

   However, after they blamed Li Tian, ​​they began to pay attention to the silent beauty beside Li Tian.

  Even though she was covering her face, everyone at first glance, the first impression, this is a beauty.

   She has an outstanding temperament, her eyes are bright, and she has a beautiful body, especially her long hair, which is too long and flowing, just like having life.

   Everyone looked over curiously, and Li Tian immediately introduced: “Because I got lost in the desert, this beauty sent me back.”

   Li Tian still held the beautiful Lily’s hand in public, and then said: "Because she is special to me, I call her Desert Princess."

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