Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 81: The Secret of "Recitation"

Mother Dong immediately stopped speaking, as if she was speechless.

"Is your main business a small farmer?"

In the end, Dong still complained. "This is really funny after hearing this..."

Before Li Tian was thinking about explaining anything, his mother, Dong, stopped chatting with Li Tian, ​​and turned to work on his own, just toss about with his eldest son, who is almost 30, anyway, he has already tossed with him. It's been half a lifetime, and continue to toss it down, isn't it the same thing for a lifetime.


Li Tian couldn't laugh or cry. Although he felt incredible when he learned about this [special mission] last night, he did not expect that he would be contemptuous of the family's parents when he said it during the day.

Originally, Li Tian hadn't planned to work hard. After all, he had never thought of writing a novel before, but just took this time as a task.

However, the collective ridicule and despise of the family aroused Li Tian's ambition.

'what happened? Didn't I just finish high school? ’

'what happened? Isn't it just going back to the countryside to be a small farmer? ’

‘How can it be impossible to write novels as an online writer? ’

The time he worked hard has passed very quickly. On this day, he repeatedly studied the previous system reward "Recitation" and felt that his literary skills had indeed improved a lot.

‘It’s amazing. There are no famous quotes and beautiful sentences in this book on the Internet? ’

Li Tian was sitting in the yard in front of his house one day today, basking in the sun, holding a mobile phone and searching on Baidu and then searching on Sogou. The beautiful sentences in this book are all purely original.

It is amazing that this book has some kind of biblical magic.

With the gentle reading over and over again, as if his Wenquxing was activated, the ink in the body gradually increased. Just like brainwashing, as the number of recitations and recitations increases, I feel like a literati.

"Fantastic! It's amazing~"

Li Tian seemed to have discovered a treasure, and suddenly fell in love with the "Recitation" among his opponents.

"It's really amazing. A man over 28 years old sat in his yard and recited a morning book." The slightly teasing voice of his mother, Dong, made Li Tian embarrassed for a while.

"After dinner, you will continue reading this afternoon."


Li Tian was not angry either. He discovered the secret of this "Recitation" today, and he was immediately overjoyed. The best system of his own is indeed powerful, and the rewards are not said to be useless. Although I was a little tired after reading it all morning, Li Tian could clearly feel that his literary spirit had improved a lot.

This feeling is very obvious, because a lot of words and talents appeared involuntarily in his heart, and he wished to write an amazing article with his pen right now.

You know, this kind of feeling, Li Tian has never had it before.

‘He used to think about how to make big money and how to get ahead. ’

When eating, Li Tian gobbled it up.

Mother Dong said with some worry: "Li Tian, ​​you didn't read the book all morning, there is something wrong with your mind..."

It's no wonder that my mother said this. You know, Li Tianke has never read a book so seriously in the more than ten years after school. The most important thing is that he still reads a book like a primary school student.

In the eyes of an outsider like my mother, the son who was fishing yesterday, chopping wood the day before yesterday, and digging the ground to grow vegetables the day before yesterday, suddenly resembles a monk chanting, and he piously recites a morning book. This is not stupid. ,what is this?

"Ahem, Mom, don't worry too much, I'm fine."

Li Tian didn't explain much either. Before he succeeded, no amount of explanation would make sense. After he really became an online writer and completed the system tasks, they would naturally understand Li Tian's efforts at this moment.

Because this "Recitation Recitation" is really magical, it is not an ordinary extracurricular reading.

In the afternoon, Li Tian didn't continue to recite. After all, after reading it repeatedly for a whole, my brain was a little tired.

Now that I have decided to do this business and treat it as a sideline, I have to understand this industry naturally.

So he took out his mobile phone and logged on to the country's largest novel website.

It's been a long time since I chased online novels, Li Tian plans to start with the rankings.

‘The first one is "Holy Ruins" by Chendong Great God. ’

‘The second place is "The King's Forgiveness" by Talking Elbow. ’

‘The third place is the legendary "Cultivation Chat Group" of the Paladin. ’

‘The fourth place is "Feijian Wendao" which I eat tomatoes. ’

‘The fifth place is the "Rebirth City Cultivation" by the Sword God of Ten Miles. ’

In addition to the list of this novel website, there is also a list of the hottest wireless novel novel software.

‘The first one is "Douluo Continent" by the third master of the Tang family. ’

‘The second place is "Ultimate Almighty Student" by Huadu University. ’

‘The third place is "Fight Breaking the Sky" by Tiancan Tudou. ’

‘The fourth place is Feng Qingyang’s "Ling Tian Zhan Zun". ’


Of course, this is only the current sales ranking list, which may change in the future, but at this moment, Li Tian intends to take a look at them. After all, these works are the best-selling works in the industry at present. , There will be gains.

Li Tian has a feeling that he has been reading the "Recitation and Recitation" in the morning, and then in the afternoon to learn the essence of these great gods' works, he will definitely benefit from the enlightenment.

Because "Recitation" is really not an ordinary book.

Thank you, thank you, cg., for the great reward of the 1099 book coin.

Thank you, thank you, and your support. Thank you again. Thank you.

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