Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 843: Plant flower

Some people are very capable, pragmatic, and motivated, so even if they are far away, even if they are alone, they can still take root and live in this big city.

But some people can’t. For example, Li Tian. He is an idealist. He said something awkward. There will always be something incompatible with the real society. His personality is suitable for learning and research, but he did not go to high school. After that, I will leave school.

Ups and downs at various grassroots levels in society, and ultimately nothing is achieved.

If there is no system, he is still a waste.

Coming to the talent market, Li Tian’s time is precious. He wants to enter the factory as quickly as possible, and then work to complete the task.

Workers used to look for factories, but now most factories look for people.

Because of the diversification of modern society, there are many new jobs and new industries, such as Internet celebrities, such as Taobao, etc. Beautiful women who were not employed before can only go to work, but now, there are many new opportunities.

Young people today are rarely willing to work in factories.

It's not that the wages of part-time workers are low. In comparison, good factories and hard work can earn about 3,000 to 6,000. Some special positions can earn more than 10,000 a month.

But because the work in the factory is too boring, young people today can't stand the boring life like robots. Therefore, there are more middle-aged people than young people in the current factory.

This can also be reflected in the construction industry.

The wages in the construction industry are very high, but they are too bitter, too tiring, and dangerous. Young people are reluctant to do it. Most of them are older generations.

Li Tian didn't ask for wages, he only worked for half a month, and the factory couldn't pay him. As long as he works hard to complete the task, he will have a cash reward of 100,000 yuan.

Li Tian found an electronics factory, not because there are more young girls recruiting workers, but because Li Tian is doing an electronics factory with Qianjin Factory.

He used to make computer keyboards. The keycaps, conductive films, circuit assembly, etc. on the keyboard. At that time, he entered a small factory. The monthly salary was 1,300, and the overtime was 10 yuan per hour because of overtime. Relatively little, less than 2,000 yuan in a month of hard work.

But it's much better now. The basic salary of the average small factory is 1800, and the big factory even 2,000 to 3,000. The rest is dependent on overtime pay.

There are also types called piecework workers and skilled workers. These two kinds of wages will be higher.

Li Tian moved forward from a small factory. This time it was changed to a large factory. After filling out the form, he was arranged to get on a bus. The first to go was not the factory, but the hospital. The factory paid half of the money and paid for it by himself. Half, and then do a physical examination.

Large factories have stricter requirements, and generally small factories will fool around in the physical examination.

After getting the health certificate, Li Tian officially entered the factory.

Because he looks relatively old, everyone treats him with respect. This big factory has many departments, including those specializing in mobile phones and mobile phone chargers.

Because Li Tian is a novice, he was assigned to the cable of the mobile phone charger.

"Xiao Wang, arrange it."

After the personnel department brought Li Tian and some new employees to the pull line, they left.

Even if you work in the factory, there is a probation period. If you work well, you will be paid during the probation period. If you don’t work well, your attitude is not correct. So embarrassed, go to the next house.

The line leader turned out to be a female, and she didn't look too big. She was twenty-seven or eighteen years old. She was a bit burly, not beautiful, but not ugly. Like Li Tian, ​​she was a popular face.

For men, the eyes are always looking for beauty unconsciously.

Their workshop is very clean and requires a lot of work specifications. After all, it is a big factory. Among them, there are 2 younger girls. One of them is well-developed, which is more beautiful among ordinary people, but very beautiful. It's still far away. In short, their workshop doesn't have the kind of beauty of the factory flower level.

Although it is a bit regrettable, it's better this way. Li Tian didn't want to harm a beauty every time he went.

"Have you done the job here before?" the female line leader asked.

Li Tian shook his head. "It has been a long time since I went to the electronics factory, but I haven't done it for a long time.

This female line frowns a bit, she least likes this kind of novice, because many migrant workers are unstable, often working for 2 to 3 months, and quit because of various reasons.

It takes at least one month to train a novice into a skilled worker.

It's very troublesome, and often people just leave right after the church.

"In this case, you should do the packaging first."

The packing work is relatively tiring, and many employees are unwilling to do it, but Li Tian doesn't care, he just came to suffer. He did not express any dissatisfaction, nodded and said: "Well, where is my working area."

Some products of many large factories are machine-packed, and manual products are scarce.

However, this batch of goods is outsourced, and the shipment volume is relatively small. The machine mold has not been made yet, so manual packaging is required.

There are two people doing this job. In addition to Li Tian, ​​there is another man. He is older than Li Tian. It can be seen that his personality is relatively insensitive. When Li Tian is here, he gives a cold look. , Then continue to work.

Working in a factory is not going to a Everyone is busy with their work, and there is not much warmth.

Li Tian sat down, and after the female line leader taught Li Tian twice, she left and asked the older one to take Li Tian.

Li Tian had some handicrafts at first, but his body structure is now extraordinary, and he will soon learn. This is indeed tiring. Even Li Tian's body, after a day of work, is almost aching back.

There are 5 new employees who came with Li Tian today. Two of them felt that the job was not suitable for them, and left half of the job.

This society has always been like this, with impetuous hearts.

I can’t afford to do a job that makes money.

Work that doesn't make money, but I look down on it.

Li Tian can understand that no one likes part-time work, and no one likes to do such a boring assembly line work, because life is forced.

Part of the jar was broken, and one day was a day.

But some people work hard, even if they start from the grassroots level, they don't accept their fate, work hard to make progress, and finally walk out of a different life.

And Li Tian is undoubtedly the most special, he is purely to complete the task.

"Your name is Li Tian, ​​right? This is your work permit and your attendance sheet. We will arrange for someone to take you to the dormitory later. We are covered here, but not food. If you don’t want to eat in the factory canteen, you can Eat out."

Li Tian works hard, and the female line leader also sees it. She doesn't say much to encourage her. Everyone works part-time, so it's ok to understand each other.

At this time, there was a young guy who was very handsome. He arranged for Li Tian to go to the staff dormitory.

However, when the two were walking on the road, the building on the opposite side was suddenly crowded with people. The handsome guy immediately envied him: "That is our factory flower, beautiful and beautiful, but unfortunately I heard that it was kept by the manager, alas."

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