Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 860: Girl i'm not bad


"Your name is pretty good."

Li Tian smiled and praised.

"I heard my mother say that this name was given by a fortune teller when I was a child. I also said that when I named it, I would meet nobles at the meeting." The girl was more and more willing to talk to Li Tian.

Li Tian couldn't help laughing when he heard this. "It seems that maybe I am the noble person that the fortune teller said."


The girl blushed all at once.

Li Tian smiled. "Give me your phone number."

It's so straightforward. Brother Li looks pretty young. Is this just trying to get her?

Hanxiang hesitated, then took out his mobile phone and gave Li Tian the phone number.

After saving for a while, Li Tian said, "How much do you earn a month when you go to work in other places?"

Hanxiang became inferior again. "I'm stupid, I can only get 2500."

"In this way, you go home and get your ID card. Don't rush out to work. My factory is about to start. Then you will come to my factory to work directly. I will drive you 3,500 for a month. Of course, food and housing are included. "So far, Li Tian doesn't have this idea yet. Maybe her appearance is too simple, she can't bear it, and she doesn't have that kind of idea. At most it is a good impression and wants to help her.

Han Xiang opened her eyes wide, and her small mouth opened slightly. "This, is this all right? I'm stupid, I don't know anything."

"As long as you are hardworking and not lazy, and I am not a liar."

After all, there have always been human traffickers, and Li Tian was also worried that he would scare the girl if he said so directly.

"I know Brother Li is not a liar..." the girl said shyly.


Li Tian asked curiously.

"It feels... I feel that Brother Li is a good person, not like a bad person." The girl blushed as she talked about it. The opportunity to work came so suddenly that she couldn't control her mood for a while.

Li Tian smiled and replied: "Sometimes, don't believe in feelings. Bad people won't write bad words on your face. Of course, your feelings about me are not wrong."

Seeing what Brother Li said so shameless, the girl couldn't say anything.

The bus passed the provincial highway and was almost close to the city where Li Tian was located.

The girl suddenly remembered. "Brother Li, where is your factory? What is it for?"

Li Tian asked, "Are you from this city?"


"My factory is located in this city, but it may have to wait for a while. You can also come in advance to help... I will pay you a salary."

It is estimated that the girl's family conditions are somewhat difficult, and it is unrealistic for her to wait for a few months.

"Really, can I go to work directly locally without going out?"

This girl is so happy. Actually, there are job opportunities in the local area, but the salary is relatively low. If you go to work in other places, you can earn a few hundred yuan more for a month, and it feels like there are more job opportunities in other places.

Seeing her so happy that she couldn’t believe it, Li Tian couldn’t help but want to squeeze her face. If it’s the girl like Zhang Jiajia who looks like a comic girl, Li Tian would squeeze it, but this girl just met and now she is It's too frivolous to use hands and feet.

The car drove into the city’s station, and the passengers in the car began to get off one after another. An older passenger hesitated, and finally came to Hanxiang’s side, whispering: "Girls stay outside more. Mindful..."

He just sat behind Li Tian and Hanxiang all the way, listening to Li Tian bragging all the way, why is this good thing so easy to come across? He suspected that this Li Tian had bad intentions, and seeing the little girl be honest with her was like lying to her and bullying her.

Hanxiang knew that the older passenger was kind, and said politely, "Thank you for your reminder."

Li Tian also heard it, but he pretended not to hear it. He also felt that the passenger was right. This girl was too good to cheat. If Li Tian is really a bad person, give her some medicine and sell it directly. Become a lady in the kiln.

Some parts of this society are very dark.

Li Tian bought water and walked over and asked, "What do you want to plan? Just go to the company with me to work first, or wait for me to call you?"

This Hanxiang took the water that Li Tian handed over and said thank you, but didn't dare to drink it.

This sense of precaution is still there. There are so many hotels here, if she gets medicine in the water, she can take it to the hotel to sleep at any time.

Hanxiang looked at Li Tian, ​​she hesitated, and then said: "Brother Li, can you wait for me to get my ID card, and then go to your company to work?"

Li Tian couldn't help laughing. "You just believe me so, are you really afraid that I will sell you?"

"Not afraid, I believe in my feelings."

This girl always said that she was stupid, but she didn't seem to be really stupid, she was quite discerning.

Li Tian looked down at the time, then reached out and stopped a taxi and said, "Well then, get in the car and we will go straight to your house."

Han Xiang was a little nervous. "It's far away from my house. It's too expensive to take a taxi..."

"It's okay!"

After getting in the car, I knew it was really far.

When Hanxiang was embarrassed to say the address, the taxi driver was stunned, he didn't want to take it, it was too far.

But Li Tian directly took out 500 yuan, said he would get something, and then the master would take us back.

Money can make ghosts grind, and the driver agreed.

Hanxiang, who was sitting next to Li Tian, ​​was surprised. She wanted to pull Li Tian and say, ‘If you take the bus, it only costs a dozen yuan, but you have to transfer the bus several times. ’

Although this city is a small city, there are many counties and more rural areas.

The taxi driver drove for nearly an hour before arriving, and after getting off the car, there was still a dirt road ahead.

This place is much poorer than Li Tian's side, and you can even see a lot of dirt houses, the kind that used to make big bricks from mud and pile them up.

"Master, sorry for asking you to wait a while."

Li Tian also knew that the driver did not want to come here. The road was really too difficult to walk, and it was inconvenient to turn around.

Li Tian took out another 200 yuan and said, "Master, take it to buy cigarettes."

Two trips back and forth for 700 yuan, it is already very good in this small city, the driver also laughed. "It's okay, I'm waiting here."

Then Li Tian followed Hanxiang to her hometown.

Seeing that the driver couldn't see it anymore, Han Xiang said distressedly: "Brother Li, you are too expensive, it's 700 yuan."

Li Tian watched the surroundings of the Although they are all mountains, the scenery is different.

"So, you have to work hard in the future. Also, you can't be ashamed of me when you join my company. You can be stupid, but you have to learn."

Cinderella dreams of meeting Prince Charming. Although Li Tian is not handsome, he is really rich.

Han Xiang looked at Li Tian's eyes changed. "Brother Li, you are really my nobleman."

Li Tian smiled.

This way, the road is uneven, and there are steep places, relatively desolate, and almost only the sound of birds can be heard along the way.

Finally, he ran into a pedestrian. He was riding a motorcycle, and when he saw Hanxiang from a distance, he said hello. "Hanxiang, didn't you go to work in another place?"

Hanxiang replied, "I forgot to get my ID card, so I came back again."

(End of this chapter)


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