Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 873: Can wait for him for a few years

The Best Little Farmer System Chapter 873 can wait for him for a few years. Li Tian is not such a pessimistic person, especially when he has the system and hopes.

   But tonight I saw Guo Hao look like this, and I saw the fat head and big ears of the roadside young girl, what a realistic and cruel society.

   But these things happen every day all over the country and even the whole world. You can't imagine the happiness of the rich. But tonight, he almost slept with Xia Yuhe. The woman he didn't sleep with was another infatuated goddess.

   This feeling did not make him proud, on the contrary, it made him feel very bad.


   After all, Li Tian was not a rich second generation who was born with a golden spoon. He has always been aloof. He used to be much more downhearted than Guo Hao in more than ten years.

  ‘Forget it, I don’t want to. ’

   The world is so big, there are all kinds of love for children, and life is short. Li Tian has seen it, and sighed after experiencing it.

  What he has to do is to continue to improve his system level, stick to his principles, make himself more capable and capable, and then protect his true beloved woman.

  Don't let yourself like women and become an unattainable goddess like Xia Yuhe.


   Meeting Guo Hao tonight is an inspiration for Li Tian.

   After all, I broke up with Zhao Qi because he didn’t deserve her...

Time hasn’t passed very long. If Li Tian doesn’t have the system and does not create one miracle after another, Zhao Qi will always be interested in Li Tian, ​​otherwise it is very likely that Zhao Qi will become the current Xia Yuhe and look for a better man. Roll the sheets with them.

   Fortunately, Li Tian has a system. Even if he is not worthy of Zhao Qi now, at least it is not comparable. In this world, there is no more special man than Li Tian. He is so unique.


   Finally Li Tian ran into a taxi and went back to sleep.

  Gui knew that it was past 3 a.m., but people were more energetic and some could not sleep.

   After Li Tian freshened up, he lay down on the bed. He thought he would be able to fall asleep for a long time, but he never expected that he would fall asleep in less than 10 minutes.

And I slept very soundly. It was not until the next day that there was a knock on the door that awakened Li Tian. He checked the time and I went there. It was already 8 in the morning. Although I slept late last night, But with his physique, how could he sleep so soundly?

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   is probably related to that negative emotion.

   Li Tian put on his jacket and went to open the door.

   "Xia Yuhe?"

The beautiful woman at the door turned out to be the beautiful woman last night, but today she is no longer a **** evening dress, but a professional formal wear. Although she can't see the alluring whiteness in the low collar, the uniform temptation still outlines her figure. Especially beautiful.

   "Li Tian, ​​you are about to start working. Why don't you worry about setting up a factory?" She smiled and blamed.

   "It's my fault, my fault, you come in and sit down, I'll sort it out right away."

   Xia Yuhe seemed to hesitate. Although she was more open, Li Tian acted on her last night. If she really fell asleep at the end, there would be nothing. The key is not sleeping, which is a bit embarrassing.

   "I won't go in. I'll wait for you in the car downstairs, hurry up."


   Li Tian also noticed that Xia Yuhe deliberately avoided too close relationships with him. Everyone is an adult, so you don't have to say it directly.

   Just like Li Tian and Zhu Lian, they already know each other very well, but they didn't think about it in any way. Everyone deliberately didn't get too close. This kind of work and friendship would last longer.


   After Li Tian got down, Xia Yuhe boasted in the driver's seat. "Mr. Li Tian dressed up seriously, he is still very handsome."

   "Hahaha, thank you for the compliment, I also think Miss Xia Yuhe, whatever she wears is beautiful."

   Xia Yuhe didn't show it last night, but at the moment he joked: "No matter how beautiful it is, it is useless. It is not attractive to some good men."

   Li Tian smiled awkwardly, and he continued the topic: "Xia Yuhe, when are you going to get married?"

   Xia Yuhe asked curiously while driving, "Why did you suddenly think of asking this?"

   Li Tian smiled and said: "No, I think you are still very young, so don't worry about getting married. Wait a few years, maybe your true son will appear."

   Of course, Xia Yuhe is not stupid, she knows that Li Tian said something else.

She was silent for a moment and said: "Actually, there are many rich people who want to marry me. I did not agree. Although I may have **** with any man in the eyes of Mr. Li Tian, ​​in fact, it is all physical needs. I am a normal person. Female, I can’t stay single, but I’m willing to wait for that stupid man.”

   This is really explicit.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   No wonder she and Guo Hao can walk with Guo Hao. It turns out that the two of them have similar personalities.

   It’s just that Xia Yuhe probably received a Western education since she was a child. She felt that sleeping with a good man was nothing. Everyone wanted what they wanted.

  Although Guo Hao is an overseas student, he is relatively conservative in his bones, so he will always be single.


   Xia Yuhe's words already understood very well, she had been waiting for that silly man to stand upright in front of her.

   Her age can wait for him a few more years, but if he hasn't stood up yet, Xia Yuhe has nothing to do.

   Li Tian sat in a comfortable position and smiled: "If that stupid man knew that you were waiting for him, he would be very happy."

   Xia Yuhe is also very smart, she sighed: "But every time I can't help but sleep with a good man, I know that he must be sad."

   This kind of thinking is the same as the man who cheated on the mistress.

   While loving his wife, she didn't want to divorce, but on the other hand, she couldn't help being young and beautiful.


  As the car came to a newly developed construction site in the town, the conversation between Xia Yuhe and Li Tian changed from feelings to work.

Xia Yuhe’s work ability is very strong, so she made a lot of money at a young age. In addition, she is very good at using her beauty and body. You must know that in the workplace, beautiful women are naturally more expensive, especially They are willing to give an important customer service some sweetness, and they often cooperate very smoothly.

   Simply explain, if Xia Yuhe and Li Tian slept, then Li Tian would naturally trust her more because of the relationship he had communicated with, and the cooperation between the two companies would become closer.

   Of course, such performance will also increase Xia Yuhe's income.

   She has already relied on her own income to buy tens of millions of houses on the first line.

   The silly boy who likes her is still struggling for a house of five or six million. This is the gap and the source of Guo Hao's pain last night.

   The men who Xia Yuhe slept with were either very, very good, or all of them had personal assets of over 100 million.

   A **** and irresponsible beauty, except for the sand sculpture Li Tian, ​​that man wants to sleep.


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