Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 877: Pure and beautiful

   Brother Li's words made Hanxiang completely silent. She was not disappointed or angry. On the contrary, she felt that Brother Li was particularly attractive and respected her.

   After Hanxiang finally left, Li Tian did not continue to rest.

   Seeing the raindrops crackling outside the window, Li Tian realized for the first time that when a person’s wealth has accumulated to a certain level, his attitude towards those around him would really change dramatically.

  The abbreviation is expansion——

   I used to read the news and disapproved of the harassment of those office bosses. I felt that there are no women in the world. Is a big man so mean?


   But what he did today seems to be the same.

   When a man’s heart swells to a certain level, he will treat some weak but delicious girls as food, just like a tiger eating a rabbit.

   often ignores whether the girl wants it or not.

   Fortunately, Hanxiang has a crush on Li Tian, ​​otherwise today is really a jerk.

   Although it is said that people who are not sages and sages can do nothing, there are some mistakes that cannot be made.


   That night, after Li Tian dealt with the last thing he needed to deal with, he just got on the plane that left here.

   He must go to see He Yun, not to allow that primitive **** behavior to happen to him again.


   Li Tian’s departure is almost all known to the Rich Agricultural Park.

   Hanxiang finished her work, and it was already 8 o'clock in the evening. When she passed by the office where Big Brother Li molested her during the day, her face turned red.

   Then she returned to her room and started to study hard, no matter what the future, she must work hard to grasp the opportunity now.


   The next day, compared with yesterday’s pouring rain, today’s weather is completely different. The weather is clear and cloudless.

The lovely and beautiful Zhang Jiajia, with a beautiful figure of a girl, and a black long straight like a comic girl, came with Master Zhang. Now Zhang Jiajia is the goddaughter of Li Tian’s parents. She can come to play. Li Jianping and Dong are naturally very happy.

   "Where is Li Tian brother?"

   The girl is pregnant with spring, not only comes to see the godfather and godmother, but also Wang Xiaoxiao, but also wants to talk to her favorite big brother.

   I remember the last time I was stopped by a few gangsters driving in Fu Rao Agricultural Park, and it was Li Tian who shot them away.

   "He said that he was on a business trip last night and then ran away."

   Dong Shi said helplessly.

   Zhang Jiajia was a little bit disappointed, but she still stayed with Dong for the whole morning, talking to her heart, and helping to do something, taking herself as a goddaughter and doing very well.


   And when Zhang Jiajia was about to leave, she met Hanxiang.

   This is undoubtedly a raw face, and the dress is very simple, almost face up, but it is pure and beautiful, not ugly at all.

"Hello there."

   Zhang Jiajia said hello politely.

When Hanxiang saw Zhang Jiajia, she was taken aback. What a delicate girl, her hair was very smooth, her eye pupils were also extremely bright, the key big eyes, the black pupils are relatively large, just like wearing a cosmetic contact lens, beautiful features, The sweet breath of the girl.

"Hello there…"

   Hanxiang was a little nervous.

   "You are the sister Hanxiang brought back by Brother Li Tian, ​​I heard Godmother say about you, you are really beautiful."

   "There, you are really beautiful."

   Zhang Jiajia didn't expect Hanxiang to be more nervous than her. She walked over and smiled: "Sister Hanxiang, we are all our own. Don't be nervous, can I sit in your room?"

"no problem."

   When he came to Hanxiang's house, Zhang Jiajia glanced at it. There is not much change between Zhu Lian and Zhu Lian before, except that there are more daily necessities.

   "Sister Hanxiang, you really work hard, do you want to read all these books?"

   Hanxiang hurriedly said: "These were originally President Zhu Lian's books, I borrowed them to learn."

Zhang Jiajia took Hanxiang's hand and said, "Sister Hanxiang, you are too nervous. Brother Li Tian took you over, indicating that you did not treat you as an outsider, so you can just treat this as your own home. Moreover, sister Hanxiang , You don’t look big."

   Zhang Jiajia is not the kind of girl who is particularly talkative. She just feels that Sister Hanxiang is very close. After chatting for a while, Zhang Jiajia found out that Sister Hanxiang was only 19 years old.

   She stood up and said, "Sister Hanxiang, I can't help you with work, but I can take you to buy some nice clothes and simply paint you makeup."

   Hanxiang blushed, her big sister asked a junior high school girl to teach dressing and makeup.

   "I, I have no money..."

   Zhang Jiajia also feels very good, so she doesn't mind talking about the shy privacy in her pocket.

   Besides, Zhang Jiajia was undoubtedly shocked when she heard this.

   "You work for Brother Li Tian, ​​doesn't he pay you?"

"No, no, I just came, and it’s not time to pay the salary." Hanxiang quickly defended Li Tian: "Brother Li is very good to me. He doesn’t know anything like me, so give me 3500. Yuan a month."

  Hanxiang said it sincerely, but Zhang Jiajia said with a weird look: "So little—"


   Hanxiang was stunned immediately, 3,500 yuan is still less?

   You must know that she is just a technical secondary school student, who is very stupid.

   "Brother Li Tian is really stingy. A year ago, when Wang Xiaoxiao and I helped Li Yuxin to work, it was 41 months."


   Hanxiang was stunned again.

   Good deed, what kind of students are these? Is Rich Agricultural Park so terrible?

   "Is Li Yuxin? An executive of Rich Agricultural Park?"

"It's not is a big internet celebrity, Li Tian's sister, not the kind of her own, very, very beautiful, 100 times more beautiful than me, but this is what the two of us said, in Li Tian Don’t mention Li Yuxin’s name in front of you, because Li Yuxin seems to be the illegitimate daughter of a big family. Now she was taken back. Brother Li Tian and the godfather and godmother were very sad. Then, the godfather and godmother were eager to think about women. I know my goddess."


   Hanxiang nodded quickly, Brother Li's eyes were filled with vicissitudes, and he was older, and he looked like a person who experienced many things.


   After chatting for a while, Zhang Jiajia suddenly said: "Sister Hanxiang, are you still at work this afternoon?"

  Because it is past work hours, Zhang Jiajia will ask.

   "I won't go to work this afternoon..."

   Xiaoxia saw that Hanxiang was too hard, so she took a half-day off and had a good rest. Humans are not machines and cannot work all day long. Only by combining work and rest can you learn faster.

"Well, I wanted to play with Li Tian today, but he happened to be on a business trip, and my cousin Zhu Lian is also very busy, so please play with me. Don't refuse, I know you want to study, but the girl Your child’s appearance and clothing are also very important. Sister Hanxiang, you may be a little inferior because you don’t like to dress up. In fact, you don’t have to do this at all, because you are really beautiful. As long as you dress up a little, you will be very beautiful. . So, I’m going to take you to the city to buy some cosmetics and beautiful clothes. After you put them on, Brother Li Tian will fall in love with you when he sees you."

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