Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 900: Don't bully young people

   The Best Little Farmer System Chapter 900 Do not bully the young man "Li Tian, ​​you are just lucky."

   When the steward He talked about excitement, he didn't even bring his respectful title to him.

   The attitude of the steward He at this moment reminded Li Tian of the ridiculous words of the eloquent matchmaker when the aunt Wang in the village told Li Tian to kiss him.

   Almost nothing about Li Tian at that time.

   In the past, they had low status, no money, and always thought that people who had a house, a car and a deposit were happy. Indeed, if they accept the reality and live an honest life, they are indeed much more comfortable than most people.

   But above them, there are more wealthy and powerful people. If you face them, the feeling is almost the same as the feeling of people without money.

   Just like Li Tian is now, he is now returning to his home village, even in his home town, they are all big shots and respected.

   But in the eyes of the top Zhao family, Li Tian is just rubbish.

   With 10 million, you can humiliate the existence at will.


   Li Tian was suffocating his anger. To be honest, at this moment he wanted to use force to solve it, such as hitting this butler with a few punches to let him know that there is a price to ridicule others.

But Li Tian's sanity did not disappear. He took a deep breath, and then said lightly: "Housekeeper, most of the time, human luck is also a kind of strength. Why should you take me so lightly? There is a saying in the world called : Thirty years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, don’t bully the young and poor. A year ago, in order to let me break up with Zhao Qi, you even lazy to see me face to face, because at that time I was too humble and not worth it You guys even came to see each other specially. However, this is only one year, and you are not a low-level housekeeper, you should be the most loyal old dog beside Zhao Qi's father...

   When Li Tian said the "Old Dog" mercilessly, the butler really changed his face.

But Li Tian continued: "Now, you take the initiative to call me and let me meet in this place. Perhaps, as you said, my current value is worth 10 million, but don’t forget, one year Earlier, I was only worth 1 million, and it was only 10 times the growth rate in just 1 year. Dare you say, at this time next year, will Zhao Qi’s father come to see me in person and give me 100 million? Breakup fee."

Li Tian continued to speak loudly again: "Maybe one day in the future, your Zhao family will even come over and ask me to help you. The road ahead is very long. Don't look down on someone who is struggling to move up. Climbers."

   Li Tian still had a word in his heart: Maybe, this person is still a god——


   Steward He obviously does not agree with Li Tian's words, the number of billions of people in the world can reach the top and equal Zhao Jiaping, how many?

   Not to mention, one day in the future, the Zhao family will come and ask him for help instead? This is really wishful thinking.

   Moreover, Li Tian’s ‘old dog’ also stimulated him.

"Mr. Li Tian, ​​I checked your information. Your education level is only high school... Oh, sorry, you didn't even finish high school, so I can forgive you for the rude adjectives of an uncultured person, because No matter what your conditions, you are far inferior to our Miss Zhao family."

   It was the first time that Li Tian was pointed to his nose and said that he was illiterate. He had a low level of education. When he reached his position, it became a reason for others to laugh at him.

   Indeed, they used to be rural areas, or at the bottom of the society. Everyone’s education level is similar. They all graduated from middle and high school.

   But in the upper class, graduate students and doctoral students are extremely common. Like Xia Yuhe and He Yun’s cousin Gu Jie, they are all returned elites.

   In contrast, Li Tian is indeed all illiterate.

   It seems that he really has to consider entering a university for further studies if he has time in the future. Sometimes a diploma is useless, but sometimes it is particularly useful. For example, you can drive and have very good driving skills. It stands to reason that whether you have a driver's license or not will not affect your driving.

   But when the traffic police checked you, you were finished without a driver's license.

   Although this metaphor is a bit exaggerated, a good diploma, on various occasions, even represents a person's identity.

   More successful people will enter the school again.

  Some are getting some academic degrees, and the more powerful guys will directly become a famous professor at a well-known university, and the purpose is the same, because this is a status symbol.


   If Fu Rao Agricultural Park is successfully listed in the future, Li Tian, ​​as the chairman, will naturally be exposed.

   But if his knowledge is just that he has not finished high school, many people will still admire him for being so successful.

   However, many people still call him grassroots.

  Culture is very important at any time, any country, and any place.

   So for a moment, Li Tian didn't choose to go to university because he was teased by Mr. He for being illiterate.

   But, for the sake of a broader future, for his own company, he is called a company with technical content, so his education level must be improved.

   And in the future, he will definitely enter the medical field after the system is level 50.

   And a person who has never finished high school to study biochemical medicine, first of all, no matter whether it is successful or not, even if you develop a special medicine, others dare not take it.

   There is no limit to the sea of ​​learning, and there is no end to learning.


" I can learn it. Mr. He, I’ll talk about it today, 10 million, you take it back, don’t say 10 million, even 100 million, 1 billion, tens of billions, I don’t I will break up with Zhao Qi. To put it bluntly, my wings are already hard. Li Tian is not at your disposal."

   Li Tian stood up directly, because he felt that there was no point in continuing the conversation.

   Others look down on you because they look down on you with a heart-wrenching look. Even if you kneel down and hug someone’s thigh, it’s useless to say that you are broken. So why bother wasting each other's time? Li Tian still has a random task to do. He still has a lot of work to do. He is very busy and has no free time to accompany an old man who makes him unhappy to continue with Luo Li.

"Before leaving, I personally warn you that you can look down on me, or you can do things against me alone, but I advise you not to take action against my relatives. Presumably, you also know that my sister Li Yuxin is from the ancient family. Miss, your identity is more noble than your Zhao family eldest. If you don’t want a certain boss of your Zhao family to suddenly evaporate from the world that day, then you must leave some room for what you do to me. It's not good."

   Li Tian didn't want to move his sister Li Yuxin out, but the only thing that could make the Zhao family jealous was the mysterious ancient family.

   Li Tian’s parents have already taken [Dangerous Prediction Capsules], and the bad guys dare to act on them, Li Tian can immediately know it 24 hours in advance.

   But Li Tian’s relatives and friends, not only his parents, Li Tian did not want them to be harmed, so at this moment he could only move out of the ancient home again.

   This housekeeper really changed his face, he didn't say much, and he watched Li Tian leave at this moment in a cool manner.


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