Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 94: Show affection

However, what Yang Cailing didn't know was that Li Tian relied on the "Six Characters Jue of Breathing and Exhaling Na" to dissolve the alcohol in his body. Otherwise, drinking so much would cause death.

Moreover, although Li Tian is not capable, he is arrogant, doesn't like to socialize, and he doesn't like flattering and flattering. That's why he can't hang on in society and returns to the countryside in despair.

After dinner, everyone went to ktv to sing together. Originally, Wang Yongle wanted to take them to the nightclub, but considering that some of the old classmates are serious people, and some of them are dragging their families, it is not appropriate to go to the nightclub.

As soon as I left the hotel, those doglegs who rushed to Li Tian at the dinner table were blown by the cold wind. They were dizzy and walked. What's more, they just vomited.

Wang Xiaojuan supported Li Tian and asked very concerned: "Li Tian, ​​are you really okay? Or, I will send you back to your room to rest, and KTV will not go."

Wang Xiaojuan was really worried about Li Tian. Just now she watched Li Tian pour one cup after another. Even the most drinkable person she knew was not as exaggerated as Li Tian.

Li Tian is indeed a little dizzy at the moment. After all, the "Six-character Jue of Breathing, Exhaling and Na" in his body works automatically, not as fast as he did when he was practicing cross-legged practice, and there is indeed a lot of alcohol in his body, so he will inevitably slow down his digestion. But he was very confident in his "Six Character Jue", as long as it was still running, it would be fine.

"I'm fine, I have to go to ktv." Li Tian also has another [random task] to sing 3 songs in public. Tonight is an opportunity, he can't miss it.

The reward is 3000 yuan in cash and a precious [Good Luck Card].

"Why do you have to go? You look like this." Wang Xiaojuan was puzzled.

Although she admired Li Tian for being able to drink and not drunk for a thousand cups, but you can't die!

Li Tian jumped around in front of Wang Xiaojuan, and then made a few more grimacing faces. It may be that there was some alcohol in his body. Therefore, these behaviors would not be done when Li Tian was normal, but he did it to Wang Xiaojuan at this moment. .

"Alright! Don't worry, I'm fine! Thank you, Wang Xiaojuan..."

Wang Xiaojuan couldn't laugh or cry. She didn't expect that Li Tian, ​​who is usually unsmiling, would be a little cute after drunk.

Seeing Li Tian and Wang Xiaojuan's "showing affection", some of the old classmates are envious. After all, there are still a few who can find a beautiful girlfriend. Most of them are old and will live their lives.

Wife is going to be, work is going to be, days are going to be.

People like Li Tian and Wang Xiaojuan, as beautiful as they just fell in love, really make everyone envious.

Especially Yang Cailing, the former class flower, although the old man she is looking for now is rich and powerful, but maybe he will accompany the old man to death, he can't treat her like Li Tian to Wang Xiaojuan at this moment.

In KTV, in the most luxurious large private room, Li Tian, ​​who has always been low-key, would take the initiative to pick up the microphone and ask to be the first to sing.

Wang Yongle laughed, and Li Tian was indeed drunk.

In order to continue making things difficult for Li Tian, ​​he chose the super difficult "Uneasy" for Li Tian as his first song.

Li Tian greeted the eighteenth generations of Wang Yongle's ancestors in his heart, and then sang like a clown.

Li Tian at this moment was indeed a bit embarrassing, but he suddenly enlivened the atmosphere.

Many old classmates laughed and said that they did not expect Li Tian not only to drink, but also to sing so funny.

Li Tian almost bit the bullet and sang it down. He has a poor tone, and the sing is naturally unpleasant. I thought this song would not be successful. I didn’t want the system to remind him that he had completed 1/3 of the task. This made Li Tian happy Up.

"One more song, one more song."

Wang Yongle wanted to make Li Tian continue to be embarrassed, so he let the dogs booze and let Li Tian continue to sing.

Wang Xiaojuan was particularly embarrassed by the side. She didn't understand Li Tian, ​​who was always low-key. How could she sing so high-key when she sang, but you sing well, you have nothing high-key, but when you sing, you sing like a ghost crying and howling, and you sing so affectionately …It seems that she is really drunk, Wang Xiaojuan can only explain this way.

In order to prevent Wang Yongle from choosing any messy songs, she took the remote control and chose a song for Li Tian.

"Li Tian, ​​just sing this one..."

Li Tian looked over and discovered that it was a popular song recently called "Decent".

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