Christina, who was standing on the ground, came to the vicinity of the console, opened the patio, and activated the elevator device.

At this time, Dilumon in the room was eating potato chips and watching TV shows.

She was lying on the bed, her legs and tail were shaking. She stretched out her hand and took out a piece of potato chips from the bag on the side. Just as she was about to put it in her mouth, the whole house suddenly began to tremble slightly.

Dilumon narrowed his eyes and quickly jumped to the windowsill to see what happened.

But I saw that the ground in the backyard of the house was separated to the left and right, and a tall mobile suit slowly rose up.

"What the **** is going on here? What happened?"

She had seen this Gundam NT-1 when she and Xingguangyi went to the underground space before, but Dilumon didn't know why this thing was dispatched.

Speaking of Barney's side, he felt a little emotional. Before, he almost died under Gundam's hands, but he didn't expect to be able to drive Gundam by himself today.

Barney's mood is actually quite complicated when he touches a combat weapon like a mobile suit again, but at least it's not a fight this time.

He shook his head, not thinking about the mess.

"Barnard Wieseman, Gundam NT-1, strike!"

As soon as the voice fell, the jetpack of the Gundam NT-1 and the sole propeller ignited the flames, and the Gundam NT-1 flew into the sky.

In a supermarket not far from the bakery, Xingguang Yi and the three had just finished shopping. Because the mobile phones were all turned off, the money was paid by Xingguang Yi by scanning the code with the transforming device.

"Ah~ I'm so tired, go back to take a shower and change your clothes. It's so wet and uncomfortable."

He didn't forget to promise Dilumon's cola chicken wings, but there was neither cola nor chicken wings at home, so he had to go to the supermarket to buy some, and bought some seasonal vegetables. Everyone has to take care of eating with Dilumon.

As soon as he complained, Xingguang felt a faint tremor in the earth.

"An earthquake? Or is Ultraman Gaia here?"

As soon as Xingguang took out the transforming device, he wanted to connect the satellites in space through the transforming device to observe what was happening nearby.

Xia Luzhen next to him patted Xing Guangyi, "Hey, Lao Xing, don't look at the transforming device, look over there."

"wtf? Gundam? What happened to Barney and Christina?"

Under the gaze of Xingguang, the three of them, Gundam flew away.

Chapter 43 Delivery must be delivered to Barnard

An old-fashioned articulated bus pulled up slowly beside the bus stop.

This kind of accordion-like bus with two sections of carriages connected by a piece of canvas is now rare in the market.

There are only four articulated buses left in Shangguan City, and this is one of them.

But after the Spring Festival, the four articulated buses should retire.

To be honest, this car is a few years old, and there are still ticket seats on it, which consumes a lot of fuel and makes a lot of noise. If it weren't for the will of the citizens, these four vehicles would have been sent to the Municipal Industrial Museum as exhibits.

Even if the function is still intact, these four cars are now running the shortest and straightest route, in case the four "old men" suddenly break down on the road.

The articulated bus in front of me stopped at the stop sign, and the door slowly opened.

"crack clap"

A girl got out of the car with a suitcase in both hands, and the pulleys under the suitcase slammed against the stairs and made a sound.

The girl stepped on a pair of black thin-soled short boots and wore a pair of black bottoming socks.

The upper body is a beige wool sweater, the lower body is a dark gray plaid skirt, and a long champagne-colored jacket is covered over it.

Although it hasn't snowed for two days, there is still snow on the ground.

Ling Shuangqi's boots creaked on the hard snow.

Standing under the shed at the bus stop, she took out her mobile phone and wanted to contact Xingguang Yi.

Ling Shuangqi knew about the situation of Xingguangyi's residence, and she was going to move here.

When the breeze blew, the snow foam from somewhere fell on Ling Shuangqi's slender neck, making her shiver with cold.

She looked up at the sky, just in time to see Gundam whizzing past.

"Oh, the movement is really not small."

Ling Shuangqi looked at the phone in her hand, Xingguang Yi's number had been dialed, but the prompt tone told Ling Shuangqi that Xingguang Yi's phone was turned off.

"Hey, I originally wanted you to come and pick me up. Forget it, I want to help you deal with the end of the hand, just treat it as the room fee I paid in advance."

Ling Shuangqi muttered to herself, she pulled the lever of the suitcase and dragged it away from the bus station.

She made another call, put the phone next to her cheek, and said, "Hello, are you still in Shangguan City? I want to ask you a favor this time... Yes, you saw that too, right? Isn't it, the movement is really big..."

While talking on the phone, she walked away.

On a certain road in Shangguan City, a long vertical row of cars was blocked in the direction to the west.

Later drivers didn't know what happened. After a little inquiries, they heard that it seemed like an electric car flew up.

"What electric car flew, these guys can't tell. I guess it should be the electric car that was hit and flew up, and it turned out to be false, some electric car flew." In a pickup truck, a driver Laughing.

"It's not necessarily. Before, Ultraman appeared in Huiningfu City in Xuanqingjiang Prefecture, and Digimon and Vampire Warcraft appeared in Punxun City next to us at Christmas?" The young man sitting in the co-pilot People objected.

"Hmph, so what? How can something like this be so easy to come across? If there is a Feitian electric car, I'll buy a lottery ticket after I drive the car back to the company later." The driver master Still not serious, he complained, "I don't know how long this will be blocked."

At this time, there was still a lot of noise outside, and many people got out of the car, took out their mobile phones and took pictures of the sky.

Those who didn't get out of the car opened the windows again, leaned out from the inside, and looked up at the sky.

"what happened?"

This scene made the truck driver a little flustered, and he and the young man in the passenger seat also got out of the car and looked up to the sky.

I saw a huge robot whizzing past them.

"I'm good, such a big robot." The truck driver was a little stunned.

"It's a mobile suit, not a robot." The young man was a little stunned, but it didn't prevent him from correcting the truck driver.

"It's okay, Xiao Li, let's discuss something."

"What's the matter?"

"Wait a minute, help me think of a lottery number."


At this time, Barney, who was sitting in the cockpit, also saw the situation on the ground through the monitor.

"Hey, is it already blocked like this? Fortunately, the Gundam came out." Barney couldn't help but feel a little fortunate when he saw the long line of vehicles on the ground, but soon he was not happy, "Why am I happy there? Jin'er, there are so many people below, it's over, it's over, it's going to be completely exposed. This is no longer a problem that can be solved by simply bowing and apology. Shouldn't it be an apology? It’s okay, there’s still room to maneuver.”

While Barney was thinking about it, Gundam NT-1 gradually approached its destination.


In a house somewhere, a girl who looked only thirteen or fourteen was sitting at the dining table.

She lowered her head and didn't dare to move, clutching an old mobile phone tightly in her hand.

Inside her home, the ground was a mess, her parents had just ended their quarrel and entered a strange period of silence.

Her father was packing his things, and her mother was comforting her five-year-old sister.

The reason she's still sitting here at the dinner table is because no one told her to leave.

The little girl did not dare to move, for fear that her actions would lead to quarrels between her parents.

The atmosphere was so depressing that she felt a little hard to breathe.

At this moment, the phone in her hand rang.

"Hello, hello. I'm from Winter Sunshine Bakery. I've already arrived in your community. Could you tell me the specific building number and house number?"

"Okay...Okay, thank you very much, my house is on the fifth floor of Building 9..."

Before the little girl could finish speaking, the phone was snatched by her father.

He knew that his eldest daughter had been looking for a cake shop to order cakes before, but now he couldn't calm down his emotions at all, and he felt bored when he heard the word cake.

"Hello, it's a cake shop, right? We don't need the cake we ordered from you before."

"This can't be done, because I have already delivered it here."

Along with the words, Gundam's face appeared outside the window of the house, and his eyes were shining brightly.

Although the little girl didn't finish her words just now, Barney had already scanned the location of the little girl's mobile phone through the device.

The little girl suddenly spread her legs and ran to the window.

"Don't go!" Her father wanted to stop, but didn't.

Hearing the movement, the mother hugged her little daughter and walked out of the room. When she saw Gundam's face outside the window, she was also startled.

After confirming that it was this family, Barney controlled the Gundam NT-1 to retreat some distance, and moved a palm to a position outside the cockpit.

He opened the cockpit door, took the cake, and jumped onto Gundam NT-1's palm.

Then he controlled the arm of Gundam NT-1 through the operation panel of Gundam NT-1's finger gap, and sent him to the window of the house.

Just then, the little girl in the house opened the window.

"Hello, I'm a staff member of Winter Sunshine Bakery. I brought you the cake. Fortunately, I didn't lose my life."

With that said, Barney glanced at his watch, eleven minutes had passed, and there was no timeout.

He handed the cake to the little girl and said, "This is the cake you asked for, and the birthday candles are in it. Happy birthday to you... ah, I'm sorry, I'm so nervous. Happy birthday to your sister. After all, it's okay. You don't have an anti-theft net here."

"Thank you..." The little girl took the cake from Barney and said solemnly, "Thank you very much."


The girl's father shouted the girl's nickname, and he ran over and pulled the girl away from the window.

Then, he stared at Barney outside and asked, "Who are you?"

"Me? I'm the manager of a bakery now. I'll leave first when the items are delivered."

As Barney was about to return to the cockpit, he suddenly remembered something.

So he said: "Sir, there are some things I shouldn't say, but it's a rare trip, please forgive me for talking.

Due to personal experience, I feel that the relationship between parent and child is quite precious. If it weren't for that, I wouldn't be driving this guy over here. "

Then, Barney looked at the little girl again, "You will be a good girl in the future. Although today is not your birthday, I wish you a happy day. Goodbye."

After speaking, Barney controlled the arm of Gundam NT-1 and returned to the cockpit, and the hatch closed immediately.

Without stopping, the propeller spewed flames and flew away with the Gundam NT-1.

The girl came to the window again and waved her arms, "Goodbye, Mr. Store Manager."

Chapter 44 Come and help me, Dora Shuangqi!

There is a sign outside the door of Winter Sun Bakery - "Closed today".

Inside, Barney was sitting on a chair, and a well-behaved figure stood out.

In front of him, Xingguang Yi, Hou Xianxing and Xia Luzhen were all standing there.

Malco is still working.

And Dilumon was also present at this time, and she was lying on Xingguangyi's shoulder.

The bread unicorn is also here, chewing a twist candy in its mouth, with Erlang's legs crossed, and it looks like it's not a big deal to watch the fun.

After waiting for a while, Christina came out of the hidden elevator in the stairwell on the first floor.

"Gundam NT-1 has all cables reconnected."

"Thank you, Chris, you've worked hard." Xingguangyi said.

Christina nodded and sat down with Barney.

"Chris, you don't have to do this. I came up with the idea, and I gave the things. It has nothing to do with you." Barney was manly and wanted to take the responsibility.

"How is it possible, how did you drive the Gundam NT-1 without my permission?" Christina said with a smile.

"This..." Barney just felt that Gundam was faster than Zaku, so he got on Gundam. He didn't expect Christina to keep a hand here.

"Okay, alright, don't argue about who's responsible, we're not a sparring meeting, we don't mean to criticize you, the three of us plus Marco, we'll do the same thing when it happens ," said Xingguangyi, "the main problem now is how to solve the impact of this incident. Make sure that our lives are not disturbed."

"That's right, we just flew around the sky on a Feitian electric car, and the impact was not small." Hou Xianxing said aside.

"Flying electric car?"

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