"It's almost New Year's Eve."

Today is really a rare good weather, there are quite a lot of people in the small garden.

The grandfathers and grandmothers supported the chess stand at the mahjong table and played hotly for fifty cents a dollar.

Although gambling is not allowed now, but after all, this amount is not much.

And if you come to control them, they won't fight with you. While memorizing the regulations better than the staff, they continue to pay fifty cents to one dollar.

The comrades at the nearby police station can't do anything. They can't invite all these old comrades to the station. Maybe there are elders among the old comrades playing cards.

The comrades at the police station can only make an agreement with these elderly people that they are not allowed to double, and then they are not allowed to do anything in a hurry when playing cards.

In addition to the elderly, there are many children in the small garden.

Many nearby buildings have been remodeled, and some family homes have been demolished. Children can only play in the small garden.

When there are more children, there will be more stalls here, all of which are selling things that children play with.

Xingguangyi always felt that these small vendors who set up street stalls had special abilities. If something became popular in the school, they would definitely have it on their stall the next day.

"Guang Yi, this side, this side."

Hearing someone calling him, Xingguang looked around, and finally saw an old man with a gray beard among the group of old people.

"Uncle Deng, came out to play cards so early?" Xingguang walked over.

This uncle Deng is an acquaintance of Xingguang Yi. When Xingguang first came to this city, this uncle helped Xingguang a lot.

When Xingguangyi wanted to repay the uncle, the old man taught Xingguangyi how to play mahjong, and taught him how to feed the cards. After that, he pretended not to know Xingguang, and slaughtered the Quartet in this small garden, successfully making the old man the title of the small garden card king.

The other old people also reacted later, but Xingguang Yi was a junior and couldn't say anything, so they could only target Mr. Deng.

As long as Xingguang was present, other elderly people didn't play cards with Mr. Deng.

"Come, come, Guangyi, I haven't seen you in the small garden for a long time. Come and play with you, Mr. Deng." Mr. Deng said with a smile, making Xingguangyi feel that he saw a fox.

Uncle Deng should have just found the game at this moment, holding a teapot in one hand and a birdcage in the other, and he hasn't put it down yet.

Xingguang bent down and looked at the ugly bird in the cage. This bird was called Fumanduo.

Fu Manduo is very ugly, with a crooked mouth and slanted eyes, and looks like he will die in the next moment, but Xingguang has known Uncle Deng for almost two years, and this bird has always looked like this, but he really never died.

I don't know where Uncle Deng found such an ugly house sparrow.

"Go go go, old man Deng, don't do this."

There was an old man next to him blowing his beard and staring at him, and this old man Xing Guangyi also knew.

"Uncle Ge, you are here too."

"Hehehe," Mr. Ge smiled kindly, pulled Xingguang over, and gave Xingguang ten dollars, "Xiaoxing, take the ten dollars to buy some snacks, we old men are here Play cards here, you young people don't mix. Gambling is not good, you don't learn."

Xingguang nodded, ignoring Uncle Deng's hints, and skillfully took the ten dollars from Uncle Ge.

When Xingguangyi followed Uncle Deng to kill the Quartet before, he also got a familiar face. This group of old people basically knew Xingguangyi.

Everyone called Xingguang Yi over, said hello, and exchanged a few words.

When he left, Xingguang's pocket was filled with candy seeds.

No way, it's good to look pleasing.

Chapter 50 Starlight - a boring morning

Xingguang walked slowly and leisurely in the small garden with a lollipop in his mouth.

There are many stalls selling gadgets in the small garden, and Xingguang is watching as he walks.

He wanted to try to find inspiration for making gear from it.

Seeing some children playing yo-yo, Xingguang couldn't hold back, and bought a yo-yo called "Photon Elf" with the ten dollars that Uncle Ge just gave him plus the five dollars he put up.

As soon as Xingguang took it out, he gestured twice, and hit his nose smoothly.

In the playful eyes of the children playing yo-yo next to him, Xing Guangyi put the yo-yo into his pocket with a look of indifference.

Next to another booth, there was a large iron basin, surrounded by four or five children playing tops.

The top fell into the basin with a thud.

A child's top was stopped by other tops, and he quickly picked it up and put it on the transmitter again.

Pull the cable, the top is detached from the launcher, spins vertically down, and hits another top directly.

Starlight rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

At this moment, a little boy hurriedly ran past the narrator.

He accidentally stumbled on the steps and fell to the ground.

But almost everyone didn't notice that the little boy was actually hovering two to three centimeters above the ground.

As soon as Xingguang pushed his glasses, he was silently using Otto's psychic power.

No one stipulates that Ultra Psychic can't be used in this way.

"Okay, okay, why are you so careless?"

As soon as Xingguang walked over, he helped the little boy up.

Seeing that the little boy was crying all the time, Xingguang took out his pocket, and there was still a lot of candy in it.

Xingguang grabbed a handful at random and stuffed it into the little boy's hand.

"Why are you crying, man, be strong."

"Thank you...Thank you uncle." The boy sobbed.

"My brother. Well, be careful when you run."

"Understood, goodbye uncle."

Watching the little boy run away, Xingguang ordered again and again.

"Don't worry, don't run so fast."

Watching the little boy go away, Xingguang Yi also prepared to leave, but the direction he went in was different from that of the little boy.

Xingguang glanced at the time and walked slowly through the small garden.

From the other end of the small garden, there is a middle school opposite.

Shangguan City No. 6 Middle School is an old school with a small campus.

Because it is a school, there are many businesses around, and there are many stalls selling breakfast here.

Xingguang didn't pick one, and went directly to the ones that he often bought, and bought a few more copies of each type.

There are also tofu brains in Zhongzhou, both sweet and salty. Here is another way to drink, add tofu bubbles to the salted tofu brain.

Xingguangyi belongs to both the salty party and the sweet party. Whether it is sweet or salty, as long as it tastes good, he can drink it.

After shopping, Xingguang passed through the small garden again and again, preparing to return to the residence.

When passing by, Xingguang glanced at Uncle Deng again and again. Uncle Deng's face is not very good-looking. Judging from the degree of blackening, Xingguang estimates that Uncle Deng has lost five or six games in a row.

Carrying a large bag of breakfast, Xingguang returned to his residence one by one.

Xia Luzhen and Hou Xianxing were already waiting by the dining table.

Hou Xianxing had finished changing his clothes, and Xia Luzhen had obviously just got off the bed, still wearing his gray furry rabbit pajamas.

"Co-author, do you have to stay up until I go to buy food before you are willing to get up."

Starlight put breakfast on the table, and these two guys were on time enough to eat.

"Then I will cook tomorrow morning?" Xia Luzhen smiled, even though he was thick-skinned, he was a little embarrassed.

It doesn't matter if you are alone, it doesn't matter what happens. Now that everyone lives together, if you don't do anything, you will be very lazy.

"Let's not talk about whether you can get up on time, let you cook, and the rest of us have to prepare for a kitchen explosion or food poisoning." Xingguang pouted, but he knew what Xia Luzhen was doing recently.

Xia Luzhen reopened Rukia's spiritual office when he was on vacation, and then applied for an account at station b.

In order to attract popularity, he produced some supernatural novels with sound, but the effect was not ideal, and he often failed to pass the trial.

Xia Luzhen took a different approach and began to explain the history of the Soul World and the secrets of Seo Lingting.

After all, this is the son of the great noble of the Soul Society, and what he knows is not necessarily known by great poets.

Not to mention, the series of videos "Approaching the Secret History of the Dead and Soul World of Science" produced by Xia Luzhen have a high number of views.

Although many people questioned where he got these settings, it is still a real fire.

Under the constant urging of netizens, Xia Luzhen had to work overtime to make videos, often staying up until midnight.

Xingguang Yi also asked Xia Luzhen why he didn't start making it in the morning.

Xia Lu really answered that the evening production was inspired.

But in fact, it was only because of his procrastination that he could not finish the task until the night, so he stayed up late and worked overtime.

Just after being told by Xingguang, Xia Luzhen quickly retorted: "What do you mean I will blow up the kitchen, and I can cook too. I can do cucumbers and egg tea."

Xingguang patted Xia Luzhen on the shoulder and said, "Dude, brother, I will sponsor you a sum of money, so you can sign up for a cooking class. After learning cooking well, there is an advantage, otherwise I really don't know about you. What are you going to chase after Rukia?"

"Fuck, if you insist on saying that, then I'll blow up the kitchen for you tomorrow."

Ridiculously ridiculed, we still have to eat breakfast.

After a while, the three of them had almost eaten, and left Barney four steamed buns, two fried dough sticks, and a bowl of salted bean curd.

Xia Luzhen continued to return to the room to make up for sleep, and Hou Xianxing had to go out for some business.

As soon as Xingguang came to the store on the first floor, he called Barney to eat, and he was on duty to watch the store for Barney for a while.

Barney didn't let Starlight wait too long. After about half an hour, Barney came down.

"Hey, I'm full, I'm full." Barney patted his stomach. "The buns here are really delicious. Lao Xing will buy more next time. Two is not enough. I feel like I can eat four or five."


Xing Guangyi had some doubts, but he didn't think much about it. He thought that Xia Lu was really not full, so he ate two more.

Back upstairs, Xingguang sat on his bed in a daze.

Dilumon wasn't here today, and he didn't really want to exercise.

What to do?

Suddenly, Starlight patted his forehead one by one.

Just take advantage of my time today, why don't I check that thing.

As soon as Xingguang took out his transforming device, he turned into a streamer and flew away.

Chapter 51: The Watched Life

It feels completely different in the earth environment and in the cosmic environment.

Ease and tranquility both have the word "an", but they have completely different meanings.

In the universe, the surrounding is very quiet.

Ultraman Delta, also known as Xingguang Yi, put his hands behind his head and floated leisurely in a lying position, enjoying the tranquility of the universe.

Without the interference of the atmosphere, the rays of the sun shine directly on Xingguangyi's body.


After a while of leisure, Xingguang suddenly came back to his senses, and quickly changed from a lying position to a cross-legged sitting position.

"No, I'm here for something, I can't be so leisurely."

On Earth, Xingguang Yi also developed a bad habit of being easily distracted.

He opened his arms and flew around the earth, looking for his surveillance satellite.

After Xingguangyi came to this world, he once assembled a monitoring satellite to monitor the situation on the earth and play an early warning role.

Speaking of which, this satellite has been in operation for more than three years, and Xingguang has come to overhaul it this time.

After all, this temporary satellite is made of scraps from the earth plus the parts that Xingguang Yi saved in the laboratory. Now that there are better parts on hand, they need to be replaced. This monitoring satellite is quite important. .

He didn't let Xingguang search for too long, and he soon saw his monitoring satellite with a half-section chartered car as the casing.

As soon as Xingguang changed his size to the size of an ordinary human, he flew to the monitoring satellite and began to check.

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