Superman in the Martial Arts World

Chapter 195: Juggernaut!

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"Then let the horse come and try." Lin Tian said lightly.

"The old man will come and try your weight!" Sword Saint who was sitting on the side and said nothing for a while suddenly said. Then the whole person quickly swiped down from the seat and raised two fingers, the sword gas burst out, pointing straight at Lin Tian!

Lin Tian frowned slightly, and the Juggernaut was indeed the Juggernaut, with a hot temper, and he went straight, already a state where man and sword united!

Hearing only "噌!", the Wushuang Yinjian, which was originally held in Lin Tian's hand, immediately came out of the sheath, shot out in a hurry, and collided with the sword gas of Jian Jian's fingertips, and even aroused a faint spark! It can be seen that the two used their energies as soon as they came up!

The tip of the sword and the sword gas retreat as soon as they come out! Juggernaut's figure stopped at the spot so hard, and Lin Tian's Wushuang Yinjian also reversed its peak back in an instant, and bounced back in front of Lin Tian. Lin Tian waved his hand and firmly held It catches!

The whole hall fell into silence instantly, as if in this whole hall, there were only Jian San and Lin Tian, ​​and the others were nothing!

"Huh, young people still have some skills. The old man is famous for his sword twenty-two. He has been in retreat for decades, and he has improved a little bit. I will take you to try the sword today." Jian Sheng said very casually. It seems that the junior Lin Tian is not taken into consideration at all!

Lin Tian's complexion gradually sank, but he soon returned to nature and thought to himself: This Juggernaut, I'm afraid he hasn't said all of his own strength to himself, a little bit better? With the sword twenty-two, how unlikely is it? I am afraid that the face sword is twenty-three, and it is also very skilled!

In their words, Jian Twenty-three is a method of soul attack, but in Lin Tian’s opinion, it is a spiritual exercise. Jian Sheng is said to be the first master in the world to buy the spiritual level of Taoism, It cannot be said that it is not a talent!

However, Lin Tian has practiced "Tian Mo Ce" in the Datang World. Among them, there are ways to exercise his mental strength. Lin Tian has been insisting on it and has achieved little, but Lin Tian has used it to detect other people. The breath or strength is not used in other places, because Lin Tian knows that as long as this trick is used, it can achieve the effect of surprise and one enemy!

Today, since meeting a master in this field, Lin Tian is certainly willing to use him to try water!

"It doesn't help to say more, let's see the real chapter under our hands." Lin Tian said, saying that his figure had flashed and appeared next to the sword saint. The Wushuang Yin sword in his hand came out and stabbed the sword knight!

Juggernaut seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and he escaped Lin Tian's spine on the side of his body. He lifted his right hand, and a sword column quickly solidified into a solid body and shot at Lin Tian!

I saw Lin Tian's movement suddenly stopped, and the whole person was stunned on the spot like that, with a slight smile on his face, and stiffness in that place!

The sword column of Jian Sheng passed Lin Tian's body easily in an instant!

However, Lin Tian seems to feel nothing, the movement remains unchanged, and the motion remains unchanged!

"Haha, stinky boy, now you know how powerful it is!" Du Guming saw Lin Tian hit and screamed happily on the spot.

But Jian Sheng was not so optimistic, he muttered in his mouth: "Is the phantom moving?"

Immediately, Jian Sheng raised his head, and saw that Lin Tian ran up to him without knowing when, with a smile on his face, the sword pointed down and took the top of his head straight! The figure that was stabbed by Jian Qi immediately disappeared in place!

Sword Saint's face sank, his body leaned back at that time, his feet were frequently slashed away, and the moment his toes just left the spot, Lin Tian's sword spikes stood before him local!

Lin Tian couldn't hit it, of course, he had to chase after the victory, so the point of the sword was a little bit, and the Wushuang Yin sword was slightly bent, and then by the elasticity, he was quickly in the air again, attacking the sword saint!

Just now, he had avoided Lin Tian's blow, and the sword saint looked dignified at the moment, and he no longer dared to underestimate Lin Tian. If he took it lightly, maybe he would really lie here today!

"Jian Twenty-two!" Juggernaut sighed in the mouth, and at the same time he kept pinching the tricks in his hand.

Lin Tian saw the sword saint suddenly moved between backwards, and the first reaction was to avoid it! But now the arrow is on the string and I have to send it. It is too late to avoid it!

I saw that Lin Tian's body's way of action was running, and the essence of the sword's way immediately appeared in my mind. Lin Tian summed up the most exquisite defense method and immediately applied it!

Wushuang Yinjian in Lin Tian's hands immediately changed!

I saw that Wushuang Yinjian seemed to separate a sword body, centered on the hilt held by Lin Tian, ​​and quickly surrounded the city with an airtight sword circle, like a barrier, which made Lin Tian's body strict and solid Followed by!

The brilliance circulates above the circle of swords, and rotates quickly, it looks like a grinding disc in the sky!

Just at the moment when the sword circle just formed, the gesture of the sword saint came to an abrupt end! With a low sip in his mouth again, and then his fingers were pointing, he quickly pointed out to Lin Tian, ​​and clicked 22 times in a row!

Twenty-two sword qi, like a solid long sword, burst into Lin Tian!

Above the Lin Tian sword circle, Jianhua circulates, the swordmaster's twenty-two sword qi, extremely sharp!

Lin Tian is just like this, in the mid-air advance, colliding with the sword spirit of the sword saint!

"Boo, boo, boo!" The sharp sound of the impact echoed throughout the hall, and some of the men brought by the lonely party couldn't resist the sharp sound, and even the ears bleed and fell directly to the ground!

Even those who are alone can only be able to block this sound wave by their luck.

The firelight flickered at the place of impact! Seeing the wooden table and chairs on the side, it ignited instantly!

However, none of the sword qi striking the sword circle could break through the circle and touch Lin Tian in the slightest! The sword gas was either wiped off a little bit, or was bounced aside by the force of the high-speed rotation of the sword circle!

The fluttering sword qi, without losing its power, directly poked the ground out of slender sword holes! Above the beam, leave a mark!

Even in a flash, they pierced the chests of two solitary followers, and the two fell to the ground and whistled!

And Lin Tian's progress is also getting slower and slower, and obviously has encountered considerable resistance! ..

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