Superman in the Martial Arts World

Chapter 2317: Lin Tian shot

"Acacia Valley? Feihua Palace?" Lin Tian listened to their conversation and thought to himself, he didn't seem to have heard the names of these two forces.

But Lin Tian, ​​the woman in front of him, was almost certain that she was related to the location on the human skin roll he got, so he wouldn't just watch her accidentally. After all, he still wanted to find out where the acacia flowers were blooming.

"Huh! You have been coveting Acacia Valley for a day or two. You didn't have any good intentions when you entered the Acacia Valley?" Chu Xiangsi yelled angrily, his small face tense, looking a little nervous.

"You can't say that. It's clear that our palace owner's talent and ability far exceed yours, but the former owner of Xiangsi Valley still locates the heir as your daughter?"

The expression on Chu Xiangsi's face was a little embarrassed by these words, but he still retorted: "Cui Xiaoxiao, it is obviously that you can't meet the requirements of your mother, so the mother will be disappointed to decide the heir as me, and then the mother will even more Treating you not so thinly, not even my own daughter!

"You will avenge your grievances and steal the secrets from the valley. You even took away a large group of elders, went out to stand up for themselves, and now you want to occupy Xiangsi Valley, you are too much!"

Cui Xiaoxiao was said to be like this, but the expression on his face did not change at all, and said frankly: "This should belong to me in the first place, there is nothing wrong with me taking it back."

"Chu Xiangsi, I advise you not to resist, just hand over the Valley Master Order obediently, so as not to suffer from flesh and blood."

"Dreaming!" Chu Xiangsi will not hand over the Order of the Valley Master in any case. As long as the Order of the Valley Master is not in Cui Xiaoxiao's hands, she will not be able to enter the Acacia Valley, and then she will be able to fulfill her mother's last wish and guard Acacia Valley.

Cui Xiaoxiao was not talking nonsense, and directly followed the people around and attacked Chu Xiangsi.

Chu Xiangsi was already a bit invincible, but now the other party is obviously not so cautious in starting, and she fell into a disadvantage almost instantly.

Lin Tian heard this and almost listened to it. Since he still wanted to obtain information, he couldn't let Chu Xiangsi fall into the opponent's hands, so he shot when she was about to lose.

The whole person jumped out of the woods directly, blocked in front of Acacia Chu, separated Cui Xiaoxiao's attack, and then released his momentum to force everyone around him to retreat.

Cui Xiaoxiao obviously did not expect that someone would suddenly appear to disrupt her plan. He immediately glared at Lin Tian and shouted: "Where is the kid, dare to intervene in the Feihua Palace!"

Lin Tian looked at the few people in front of him indifferently, only to realize that most of them were women, only two or three men, and they looked a little feminine.

Naturally, Chu Xiangsi didn't expect anyone to help. Looking at the young man in front of her, she knew that she didn't know her. From the aura that radiated from the opponent, it could be seen that the opponent's cultivation base was very high and seemed to be able to save herself. .

"Thank you fellow Daoist for helping me, I don't know how to pay for it?" Although Chu Xiangsi thought he had some looks, he would not think that the other party made the move because he liked his appearance.

Because Lin Tian didn't look at her more after he appeared, it was enough to show that he was fancying other things in her.

In this case, she must ask if she can afford what the other party wants, or she will just escape from the wolf's mouth and enter the tiger's mouth.

Lin Tian looked back at Chu Xiangsi with some surprise, only to see that the other party looked at him calmly, his eyes were clean and clear, and his face showed just the right gratitude. Such an expression is very useful.

However, in Cui Xiaoxiao's eyes, this scene became a kind of communication between the two of them, which made her immediately angry.

It was mainly because Cui Xiaoxiao discovered that the man who appeared suddenly looked very handsome. She had never seen such a good-looking person before! Even her double monk can't match.

"Adult husband and adulteress! Chu Xiangsi! Didn't you promise your mother not to marry forever? What's going on with this man now?" Cui Xiaoxiao bitterly accused. The originally beautiful face was completely covered by jealousy, it looked like Very irritating.

Lin Tian heard the other party's words and the coldness in his eyes was full, and the coldness instantly spread, causing Cui Xiaoxiao to step back unconsciously.

"Why? Don't people tell me after everything is done? I said, why are you willing to leave the Acacia Valley's Goku Grand Formation? It turns out that you came here to meet your lover!"

Cui Xiaoxiao was very dissatisfied that she was scared back. She did not dare to look at Lin Tian, ​​but she still dared to continue reprimanding Chu Xiangsi.

Chu Xiangsi was very annoyed by what the other party said, and it didn't matter if she was said two sentences, anyway, she was not afraid of the shadow leaning, and she was usually used to her acrimony.

But the young man around him is innocent. No matter what the purpose is to save himself, he shouldn't be so insulted.

"Cui Xiaoxiao! Shut up, this fellow Taoist and I don't know each other at all. We were innocent at first, so even if you slander me, how can you just talk and bite?"..

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