After making several changes in this way, Lin Tian looked at Chu Xiangsi and asked, "Do you want to try it yourself?"

"Me?" Chu Xiangsi asked in disbelief, pointing to her nose. She didn't expect Lin Tian to ask herself.

This was actually an opportunity he gave her. His action of disassembling and assembling the box has been deliberately slowed down a lot, and the purpose is to show the other party. He still has a good impression of this girl, especially her unreserved attitude towards him. , So he liked it very much.

Passing the tools in his hands into Chu Xiangsi's hands, he said, "I should have learned it after reading it so many times?"

Chu Xiangsi took the tool, and the fingers holding the tool were a little white, and she could see that she used a little force, which should be due to tension.

Putting the organ box on the table, Lin Tian explained it softly, and then motioned her to try it by herself.

Taking a deep breath, Chu Xiangsi learned what Lin Tian was like before, gently inserting the tool into the organ box at a certain angle, and then gently bid farewell in the other direction.

Only a "click" sound was heard, and the lid of the trap was loosened a little. After turning around the edge of the lid, the trap was successfully opened by her.

She looked at Lin Tian happily, and he motioned her to continue.

After calming down, Chu Xiangsi opened the lid, then carefully removed the arrow inside, replaced it with her own jade needle, and then adjusted the tightness of the mechanism, but it was not easy to operate.

The arrow previously placed in this organ box was longer and thicker than her jade pillow. No matter how she adjusted it, it was a little difficult to close. Lin Tian guided: "Tighten the bracket on the left side inward, and place the jade pillow. Adjust it later."

Chu Xiangsi hurriedly followed what Lin Tian said, and she soon discovered that the jade pillow was bitten by the organ and it was no longer loose as before.

Finally, the lid of the magazine was closed, and she successfully completed a magazine transformation.

"Great! I learned too!" Chu Xiangsi said with some joy.

Lin Tian nodded with satisfaction, and said: "You can do a few more proficiency, your talent is still good."

After receiving the compliment from the other party, Chu Xiangsi showed a happy expression on his face, and said: "Why don't I help you modify a few?"

"Alright." Lin Tian took out some of his poisonous needles and put them on the table, reminding: "Be careful when installing them. These are highly toxic, so don't get them on your skin."

I picked up the silk glove on the side and handed it to Acacia Chu. I sat on the workbench on the other side. There were a few books on the workbench. They were all manuscripts left by Master Xiangsigu. I read it seriously.

The room sank into silence, only Chu Xiangsi made some clicking noises when refitting the organ box, and the atmosphere of the two people was extremely harmonious.

Chu Xiangsi even hopes that this moment will become eternal, so that she can stay with Lin Tian forever, so after transforming the organ box in her hand, she just looked at Lin Tian quietly without making a sound. remind.

Lin Tian was a little fascinated by the books about mechanism techniques. The book recorded not only such small mechanism boxes, but also large mechanism formations.

This kind of organ formation can make fuller use of the geographical environment. For example, some plants, trees, and rocks can become effective tools.

It only needs to consume a small amount of spirit stones to achieve the goal. It does not mean that the spirit stones cannot be consumed, but the less spirit stones are consumed, the lower the possibility of attracting the opponent's attention, so this formation is often easier to use.

Just like they were trapped in the grass and spinning in circles, it was the effect of this mechanism formation.

After reading these books once, Lin Tian had already remembered all of them, and the sky dimmed with the passage of time.

Chu Xiangsi lit the candlestick and placed it on his table. Only then did he wake up from the immersion and said: "Is it so late? Shall we leave the secret realm now?"

Chu Xiangsi was a little stunned. She didn't expect Lin Tian to leave so soon, and she felt a little bit reluctant, but she really had no reason to stay with him for a while.

He said tentatively: "Have you finished reading these books? Do you want to leave after reading?"

Lin Tian shook his head and said: "I have seen it almost, I have mastered the principle, as for the usage, it depends on the individual. If you have nothing to do, let's just leave here."

"You didn't tell the people in Yanaka that you were going to enter the secret realm, did you? They should be very worried after missing for so long."

Only then did Chu Xiangsi remember that he had been sucked in by the secret realm. He hadn't greeted Elder Qi at all before. It is estimated that Elder Qi must be worried!

"Okay, let's leave!" Chu Xiangsi continued: "There is a teleportation formation on the top floor of the tree house. The snake has already set it up for me. You can go back to the place where you came in. Let's go from there. Let's go back"..

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