Superman in the Martial Arts World

Chapter 2363: Fight out of the enchantment!

Lin Tian just smiled when he heard this. Did the other party think he was a frightened person? If you threaten yourself with words, you will obediently, turn your head and run? Then I really lived in vain.

Not to mention that I still have some good feelings for Xiangsi Valley, even if I accidentally ran into it, I didn't want to care about it, and I couldn't tolerate others to look down on myself like this. Middle-aged people are completely smart and mistaken for being smart.

"Since I am standing here, Acacia Valley is naturally related to me. I killed your disciple. Why? You even found the wrong enemy?" Lin Tian said in a cold voice, and definitely didn't mean to put the opponent in his eyes. .

Hearing this, Chu Xiangsi was very moved. He was just helping Lin Tian open the secret realm, and the other party had done far beyond what he could return.

It sounds like a slap on his face in the ears of a middle-aged man. He never thought that the other party would be such a shameless person, so he would tell the matter directly, so that he would never have any more maneuvers. Leeway.

"You! Boy, I have given you enough face. It is not something that I did by myself. I advise you not to confess, you may not be able to bear the consequences!" The middle-aged man has actually believed Lin Tian's words, but he still doesn't want to be direct Face each other head-on.

On the way, he made a rough calculation, and dealing with Xiangsigu was not as simple as it seemed, and there might even be a crisis threatening his life.

When he saw the hexagrams, he didn’t believe that there was anything in the little Xiangsi Valley that could threaten him, but he had become his habit to be cautious. More trustworthy.

So when he saw Lin Tian, ​​he intuitively thought that this young man was very likely to be the variable. Although his cultivation level did not seem to be as high as his own, he was worried that there would be other people behind this young man.

Being able to cultivate to this point at such a young age is unlikely to be from the Xiaomen Sect. The Astrology Sect has always been relatively low-key in the Western Territory, and its relationship with other forces is fairly friendly. After all, many people like to find them to divination.

Even so, if they offend a big sect, these forces in the West will not help, so middle-aged people must think more.

Lin Tian was a little surprised that this Heavenly Taoist seemed a little afraid of himself, had he heard of himself? Know who you are?

But even if you know who you are, and with his cultivation base, you don't want to leave yourself several times!

Chu Xiangsi also saw that the other party seemed to be very jealous of Lin Tian, ​​and suddenly said, "Who do you know him? Are you afraid of him?"

The middle-aged man's complexion suddenly turned pale, and he said loudly, "How do I know who this kid is? How could I be afraid of him! My astrological sect has principles in doing things, and I don’t want to harm the innocent, so let him make a living. That's it!"

"Since you don't know what's good or bad, then I don't have to be polite! Don't even think about running away today!"

The middle-aged man was obviously a little anxious and frustrated, and he turned into anger after being exposed. This made Lin Tian and Chu Xiangsi both confirm that the other party seemed to be afraid of themselves, but they did not know Lin Tian.

The middle-aged people gathered their strength to fight towards the enchantment, and the enchantment shook in an instant. The enchantment energy that had been attacked by them for several days had already been consumed almost, and the destruction would happen sooner or later.

Chu Xiangsi's face was a bit ugly, and he didn't expect that the other party would directly start his hand if he didn't agree with him. This enchantment might not last long.

"I am afraid that the barrier will be broken. Rather than being broken by the opponent, let's go out and challenge directly. Can you dare?" Lin Tian looked at Chu Xiangsi and asked.

He can help the other party solve the immediate crisis, but he wants to see if the other party is worthy of his sincere help.

As expected, Chu Xiangsi didn't disappoint him, and immediately nodded and said, "I dare! This was originally a matter of our Xiangsi Valley. Your ability to help has made me wonder how to thank you, so how can I hide behind and not go out? !"

Lin Tian smiled and said: "Okay, then you close the enchantment. After we go out, we will open it to prevent them from rushing in and destroying it."

Chu Xiangsi nodded and said: "I listen to you all!"

Lin Tian looked at the opponent's attack and said to Chu Xiangsi the moment he stopped, "It's now!"

Chu Xiangsi reacted quickly, and instantly opened the barrier that could accommodate the two of them, and the figure rushed out behind Lin Tian.

The middle-aged man obviously did not expect that the two of them dared to rush out. For a moment, they were still a little confused and backed away. Then they realized that the other party was only two people, and the cultivation base was not as good as himself. What a shame?

The main reason is that Lin Tian's aura is too amazing, like a sharp sword out of its sheath, with its sharp edges, allowing the middle-aged to subconsciously choose to avoid the opponent's sharp edges before retreating. ..

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