Song Xi just looked at the dialog box for adding friends, both surprised and confused. Of course, she would not be surprised how Xu Weiran knew her account number, because everyone has entered the class group and changed the notes, and it can be seen at a glance. Know who is who.

It is not surprising that Xu Weiran can find her.

She just couldn't figure out why Xu Weiran would add her as a friend. Xu Weiran added her instead of Song Can. Could it mean that the evil relationship between Song Can and Xu Weiran was really cut off by her? broken?

No, there are still two years to go, two years is too prone to change, so she still needs to pay more attention to Xu Weiran, if the two of them are really destined to be together for a period of time, Then in the past two years, they are likely to have feelings again. She must supervise Xu Weiran and prevent him from hurting Song Can again.

Otherwise, Song Can would face such a big harm again.

Song Xi hesitated for a while before clicking agree, after which Xu Weiran became her friend.

Xu Weiran sent a message soon: Are you asleep?

Song Xi: No.

Xu Weiran: I believe someone should have told you what happened tonight. Don’t worry, I won’t affect your study.

Song Xi didn't understand why he would say that. Even if he didn't say it, Song Xi would understand that Xu Weiran had only become her tablemate not long ago, and he wouldn't have feelings for her. Her teasing would at most make him pay attention Seeing her may not make him develop feelings so quickly.

Song Xi: Thank you.

Xu Weiran: Go to bed early.

Song Xi: Okay.

After Song Xi replied to the message, she quickly opened the codeword software, and continued to codeword, and Xu Weiran never sent another message. I don't know if he fell asleep or was afraid of disturbing Song Xi.

As soon as the alarm clock rang at 11:30, Song Xi hurriedly saved the manuscript, and went back to her room to rest without turning off the computer. Anyway, she would get up every morning to write for a while, so just close the computer, there is no need to turn it off, otherwise It takes a lot of time to turn on the computer and log in in the morning.

Song Xi closed her eyes after lying down, and when she heard the phone ring, she didn't check it.

The next morning, Song Xi opened her eyes amidst the sound of ping-pong-pong. When she woke up, Li Xiangxiang was no longer beside the bed. Unexpectedly, she woke up earlier than her, probably because she wanted to take advantage of the two days of the weekend. , Write the manuscript for the next week, after all, she usually doesn't come to Song Xi's place, and she doesn't have time to write the manuscript.

Seven days a week, more than 4,000 words a day, almost 30,000 words a week, although she can't prepare 30,000 words in two days on weekends, but she uses two days on weekends to prepare more, so that she doesn't have to rush so much.

She is not used to typing with a mobile phone, and the speed is very slow, so she will write more at Song Xi's house on weekends.

Song Xi went to the bathroom to wash up and tidy herself up before coming to the kitchen, "I heard noises from the kitchen before I woke up, what delicious food did you cook?"

"Ah? Did I disturb you?" Song Can exclaimed.

Song Xi shook her head hastily, "No, I've already slept well, don't I want to go out to play today? I'll make some sandwiches later."

Song Xi turned around and took toast bread, lettuce, eggs, chicken breast, tomatoes, and plastic wrap from the refrigerator. She cleaned all the vegetables she needed, wiped off the water, put them aside, and then began to fry them. Eggs and chicken breasts are put on a plate after frying.

These things were all bought by Song Xi on the community shopping platform, and they were all very cheap. A pack of toast bread was only 3.99, a catty of lettuce was only 1.99, and chicken breast was only a few yuan a pack. I can't eat it, anyway, I have eaten it for so many years in my previous life and haven't had any problems, so there shouldn't be any problem.

Besides, so many people buy things on the platform every day, if there is a real problem, will so many people buy it?

Song Xi spread the plastic wrap on the chopping board, then spread the slices of bread on top, spread the lettuce, fried eggs, sliced ​​tomatoes, and chicken breasts on top in sequence, then sprinkled some seasonings, and then covered the top with another slice of bread , and then wrapped everything with plastic wrap, compacted, then cut two triangles along the diagonal with a knife, and the sandwich was done.

"Song Xi, don't do it yet, come and eat the noodles, or the noodles will be lumpy in a while." Song Can shouted in the restaurant.

The dining room and the kitchen are actually separated by a glass door, no matter which side, every move can be seen clearly and clearly.

Song Xi put down her things, came to the restaurant, and sat down to eat noodles. Song Can made pork rib noodles, and the rib soup was left over from last night, which was just enough for one rib per person.

Song Xi, Song Can, Li Xiangxiang, and Lu Weiguang sat around the dining table, enjoying the delicious pork rib noodles. Lu Weiguang was tall, and the height of his wheelchair was about the same as that of everyone sitting on chairs, so He is in a wheelchair and can eat normally like everyone else.

After breakfast, Li Xiangxiang went to the study to continue writing manuscripts, Song Can cleaned the bowls and chopsticks, and Song Xi continued to make sandwiches. After the sandwiches were ready, Song Xi put the sandwiches into the kind of insulation bag used for cakes, and then went to wash fruit.

After Song Xi and Song Can had packed up, they called Li Xiangxiang, and the four of them went out together.

Song Can pushed Lu Xiaoguang, and Song Xi was carrying something.

Walking to the bus stop outside the community, when the bus came, several people first helped Lu Weiguang onto the bus, put him in place, and then lifted the wheelchair up, and after sitting down, everyone smiled at each other.

With more people and more strength, it is no longer difficult for Lu Weiguang to travel.

The prairie that Song Xi mentioned was not very far from here. It took half an hour to get there by bus. After getting off the bus, Song Xi led everyone to the destination. The prairie is by the river. Go up the embankment first, the long slope, it is difficult for one person to push the wheelchair up, so Li Xiangxiang and Song Can push the wheelchair together.

After successfully pushing up the embankment, there is a wide river in front of you, lush forests beside the river, and magnificent buildings on the opposite side of the river. The view is very wide, and the breeze blows, refreshing.

Song Can lost his mind for a while, "This place is really beautiful, why didn't I realize that there is such a beautiful place here before?"

"You've only been here for a few months. I don't know it's normal here. When I was young, my parents often brought me and my brother here. I just don't know when they broke up. People's feelings change. It's really fast." As he spoke, Song Xi laughed at himself.

When she was young, her parents often took her and her brother here to play during their vacations. They watched people fishing by the river, picked beautiful pebbles, and had barbecue on the prairie.

But because of her father's change of heart and derailment, an originally happy family fell apart.

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