Song Xi said, "Please let everyone eat candy! Some people are more narcissistic. If you give him a candy, he will think you like him, especially Jiang Yiqing, who doesn't know his own position, so you don't want anything. Don't do it, if you give red envelopes in the class group, everyone will think that you are rich and not eligible for various subsidies."

Song Can thinks about it, "Song Xi, it's still your thoughtfulness."

"No matter what you do, someone will criticize you, so it's better not to do it, and you are still a student, even if you really don't do anything, no one will criticize you." Song Xi said.

Back home, the two of them were sorting things out in front of the refrigerator. Song Xi put what needed to be frozen in the freezer, and what needed to be refrigerated in the freezer, "Song Can, we're having braised fish tonight, can you do it?"

"Yes, don't worry, I promise to make something delicious for you." Song Can said with a smile.

Song Can has taken care of Lu Weiguang for so many years, what dishes can't he cook? If she doesn't learn how to cook, she won't be able to eat. She doesn't know how to cook those expensive dishes that she can't afford, but aren't the cooking methods all the same? As long as it is processed well, can it be eaten?

Luo Chenxi's grades are very good, but he also has weaknesses. He wants to improve his grades, especially now that the final exam is approaching. He often comes to the window of Class 3, always looking for Song Can, but Song Xi cuts him off. Living.

Because Song Xi knew that Luo Chenxi had a mother who looked down on Song Can and was still in debt. She didn't want Luo Chenxi's mother to hurt Luo Chenxi again, so Song Xi's performance was a little obvious, and everyone could feel it She 'give up' Xu Weiran, and then turned to 'pursue' Luo Chenxi.

Song Xi's operation made Luo Chenxi fail to send out any of the small gifts that Luo Chenxi bought for Song Can.

Such a small thing just wanted to impress Song Can. In Luo Chenxi's heart, Song Can was considered too cheap. No wonder he was able to hurt Song Can so casually in his previous life. It turned out that Song Can was not a precious person in his heart at all. .

The next morning, when Song Xi came to school, Song Xi looked sideways at Xu Weiran, "Xu Weiran, do me a favor. I'll treat you to dinner. How about it?"

"What's the matter?" Xu Weiran asked a little unhappy.

"Go to Jiang Yiqing's house and steal Jiang Yiqing's diary and love letter, or change Song Can's name to a false name, otherwise Jiang Yiqing's mother will come to school to find Song Can from time to time, what should we do? You can't ask for leave every time, right? What if you don't have time to run, what should you do?" Jiang Yiqing's mother stubbornly believed that Song Can had seduced Jiang Yiqing, no matter how they explained it, it would be useless.

So they don't want to spend too much time explaining anything, it's better to cut off the crisis directly from the source.

"Do you think it's enough to invite me to dinner once?" Xu Weiran's lips curled slightly.

"One time is not enough, how about two times? Or how many times do you want to eat? Let me see if I have enough money first." Song Xi smiled shyly.

She knew that this matter was really difficult, and Xu Weiran had to find someone first, so he couldn't handle it himself, could he? He's not a professional at this.

"I'll tell you after I think about it." Xu Weiran said.

"Okay, then I'll trouble you, pay attention to protect your privacy, don't reveal it." Song Xi urged.

The final exam is coming soon, and the head teacher asked everyone to go back to the classroom for a class meeting after the exam. The head teacher asked everyone to enjoy the summer vacation while not forgetting to study, and reminded everyone to pay attention to safety when going out, and not to swim outdoors privately.

As the second year of high school begins, students can choose courses directly, and some students may need to go to other classes, so someone prepared a classmate list for everyone to fill in, and Jiang Yiqing also took the classmate list to come over, Song Can really doesn't want to have any more problems with Jiang Yiqing However, this Jiang Yiqing always finds various reasons to get close to her. She really thinks Jiang Yiqing is scary.

In Jiang Yiqing's classmate book, she didn't dare to write real things. The name was an English name that she just thought of temporarily. The phone number and other accounts were deliberately wrong with a number, because she was afraid that Jiang Yiqing's mother would peek at Jiang Yiqing's classmate book.

Jiang Yiqing hesitated for a long time before he said embarrassingly, "Song Can, can I ask you to tutor me during the summer vacation?"

When Song Can heard this, alarm bells rang in his heart. This Jiang Yiqing seemed dissatisfied if he didn't kill her, and wanted her to give him tutoring. His suspicious mother knew about this, and he didn't know how to treat her!

"I'm really sorry. I'm going to take my brother to other places for medical treatment during the summer vacation. I'm not at home. There are many outstanding students in our class. You can also ask other people, the class monitor or the math class representative, or looking for summer training. class." If you want to take tutoring, you can find anyone, but if you want to find her, don't you just want free tutoring? Why, isn't her time time?

After filling out the classmate list, someone suggested taking a group photo. Sun Yu had no choice but to ask Lin Zichen to go to his office to get the camera. Everyone took the classmate they wanted to take a photo with and left a precious photo.

Then the summer vacation officially begins.

Before the summer vacation, Song Xi bought all the materials needed to sell cold drinks. When she got home, she immediately took out the cups and made a few drinks, then put them in the refrigerator, and took them out for everyone to taste after two hours. "Li Xiangxiang, Qin Tiantian, Song Can, come and taste the cold drink I made, and see if I can set up a stall with my craftsmanship."

Several people came over, took a glass each, and tasted it.

Li Xiangxiang nodded, "It's delicious, and it's absolutely okay to set up a stall."

Song Xi nodded, "A cup of lemonade in the cold drink shop outside costs 6 yuan, so I plan to sell each drink for 5 yuan a cup. After deducting the cost and labor, a cup should earn 3 yuan. Selling it in one night Going out for a hundred cups is three hundred yuan a day!"

Qin Tiantian asked expectantly, "Song Xi, when are you going to sell it?"

"I'm going out to set up a stall tomorrow night. If I set up a stall early, I can make money early. I'll go to the people in the community to borrow a tricycle. A tricycle can hold hundreds of cups. Otherwise, we can carry it over, and it won't be much. " Song Xi said with a smile on her face, her parents may not be willing to take the money, so she has to earn money by herself, otherwise she won't have the money to go to college.

Moreover, she still has to save money to find Zhou Yi. She is not sure if there is such a Zhou Yi in this world, but if she just gives up without looking for it, she still feels a little bit reluctant.

Although everything in the era seemed like a dream, even if it was just a dream, she didn't want to give up just like that.

Qin Tiantian said happily, "Okay, let's work together to set up a stall to earn money. You pay for the cost, so we don't have to split the money equally. You can just give us a little."

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