Song Xi only ordered one grilled eggplant. After taking a few bites, she pushed the grilled eggplant in front of Xu Weiran, "The rest is yours."

Then she picked up the roasted chicken legs, peeled off the skin on the chicken legs, and then started eating. As she was eating the roasted chicken legs, suddenly several greasy-looking middle-aged men came around, some were bald, some were The man has a big general belly, which makes people shudder when he looks at it.

One of them reached out directly to Song Xi and put his hand on Song Xi's shoulder, "Little sister, is your boyfriend too stingy? He only treats you to such a small meal? You go with your brother, and he treats you How about a big dinner?"

"You are older than my grandfather, what kind of brother do you think you are?" Song Xi stood up immediately, and the people behind him were knocked to the ground, looking very funny.

Song Xi picked up the mobile phone hanging around her neck, opened the live broadcast software, and then pointed the mobile phone lens at the man on the ground, "Come and take a look, let's see whose husband these men are? Whose father is it?" , people with wives and children at home actually bully little girls outside. I hope everyone can help me find their families and let their families know who they really are. Don’t be deceived by the person next to them and let their wives divorce them. , Their sons and daughters will no longer recognize them from now on, and they will not have to support them when they grow old. Such a hateful person will not be a good thing when he grows old..."

After listening to Song Xi's words, everyone raised their hands to cover their faces. They didn't want netizens to see their faces, and they didn't want their families to know who they were. Many people are like this, pretending to be husbands and fathers at home, and facing others outside. Other women do all kinds of bad things.

The person today is Song Xi. Song Xi has lived one life longer than others. Naturally, there are ways to resolve it, but what if it is someone else? You will either suffer a big loss tonight or die on the street. After all, some people dare to do such things even if they are blatant. There is nothing in their eyes but their own selfish desires.

Xu Weiran reached out and grabbed Song Xi's hand, pulled her and ran away, "You only have one life, you have to cherish it, don't waste time talking to this kind of person."

Although Xu Weiran can fight, he is probably no match for so many people on his own. Instead of wasting time here with others, it is better to seize the time and run away. Especially now, if you fight back in self-defense, you will be judged as fighting, so you can only be obedient. Being beaten, since I can run, why not run?

Song Xi just let Xu Weiran grab her wrist and pull her forward. Song Xi looked sideways at Xu Weiran, feeling that the whole world was silent, only their heartbeats and breathing were left. Voice.

It was also at this time that Song Xi realized that everyone really had a shining point, otherwise it would not have been possible for so many people to like Xu Weiran. As for being scummed in the end, what should I say? Others are like that, as long as they can resist liking him, that's fine, but there shouldn't be many people who can control their hearts!

After running for an unknown amount of time, Xu Weiran stopped. He was bent over and panting. He had just drank a bottle of beer, and now that he had been running for so long, he was really uncomfortable. He looked like he was about to vomit. , Song Xi reached out and patted him on the back, "If you feel uncomfortable, just vomit. Don't hold it back. I have tissues in my bag."

When I really want to vomit, I can't help it.

Song Xi freed up a hand, took out a tissue from her bag and handed it to Xu Weiran. Xu Weiran reached out and took it, "Thank you."

After a while, Xu Weiran felt more comfortable. He changed his place and sat directly on the curb. Song Xi stood in front of him and looked at him condescendingly, "When will you go back? I originally wanted to pack some for my roommate. The barbecue, everything was disrupted by their trouble."

"Isn't it easy to have barbecue? Just go to the pedestrian street, right?" Xu Weiran took out his mobile phone and called a car. The car came soon. Xu Weiran opened the car door and called Song Xi to get in. car.

Song Xi hesitated for a while, then got in the car, "I really want to eat rolls and purple rice balls, but I don't dare to eat too much at night."

"You can buy it and microwave it tomorrow morning. You'll be ready to eat in a few minutes." Xu Weiran said, looking sideways at Song Xi, "Do you have a microwave at home?"

"Yes." Song Xi nodded.

The two of them calmed down to chat, and they really looked like a pair of sincere friends. When Song Xi felt Xu Weiran's leg pressing against hers, she moved away embarrassedly, and finally there was a gap between the two of them. The distance is wide enough for one more person to sit down.

Soon we arrived at the pedestrian street. The pedestrian street was indeed different from their neighborhood. It was brightly lit and crowded with people.

"What do you want to eat? Hot pot? Seafood? Crayfish? BBQ?" Xu Weiran asked.

"You paid for the barbecue just now, so it doesn't count as my treat. Whatever you want to eat next, as long as the price is moderate, I'll treat you to it." Song Xi said with a smile.

"Listening to your tone, it sounds like you are quite rich!" Xu Weiran joked.

"I don't have money, so don't try to trick me." Song Xi glared at him.

Xu Weiran said with a smile, "Okay, let's go eat the buffet barbecue! Sixty-nine yuan per person, less than 140 yuan for the two of us, which is much more cost-effective than hot pot."

When eating hot pot, some dishes cost tens of dollars per dish. A meal for two people would cost at least more than 200 yuan, and they still wouldn't be full.

The two people walked into the mall and stood on the escalator. Song Xi looked sideways at the hot pot restaurant next to him. He saw that the hot pot restaurant was full of people. As the escalator went up, they soon reached the second floor. The second floor was full of places to eat. .

Seeing someone buying milk tea at the door of the milk tea shop, Xu Weiran touched Song Xi's arm and said, "Shall I treat you to milk tea?"

"I don't want it, I don't like drinking sweet things." Song Xi shook her head and refused. She was not a fan of milk tea.

"There are some with less sugar or no sugar." Xu Weiran continued.

"Do you think this statement is credible? Even if no sugar is added, do those raw materials really contain no sugar?" Song Xi reached out and grabbed Xu Weiran's arm and dragged him into the barbecue restaurant, "Okay Come on, don’t waste time here, go eat quickly, and go home and rest as soon as you’re done.”

Xu Weiran looked down at Song Xi's hand, with a faint smile on his lips.

When she came to the barbecue restaurant and sat down, Song Xi scanned the QR code with her mobile phone to pay. After the staff had prepared the roasting pans, Song Xi got up and went to the ingredients area to get the ingredients. She first brought a few plates of secret food from the barbecue restaurant. Make barbecue, and then get chicken legs and wings.

After Song Xi brought the ingredients back, Xu Weiran used chopsticks to put the ingredients on the baking pan. He spread the meat slices one by one on the baking pan, and placed the chicken legs and wings on top. Then he got up and went to the beverage area to get some. Two bottles of pineapple beer came back.

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