There was not much impact locally. Everyone worked and went to school normally the next day. Song Xi came to his seat and sat down. Xu Weiran next to him asked, "Were you okay last night? You never sent me a message."

"Didn't you see me? What can we do in the community square?" Song Xi said while putting away her schoolbags, "Everyone went back to sleep in the middle of the night. I didn't pay attention to whether there was any Internet. I was there last night I didn’t even use the computer after that.”

Thinking of Xu Weiran's visit to her last night, Song Xi felt a little confused. She really didn't want Xu Weiran to waste time on her, because she would never give him any response in her life. They Just get along like friends and family.

But Xu Weiran said that he would not bother her before college. If she said this to him now, would he think that she was thinking too much? After all, he didn't say he loved her or ask her to be his girlfriend.

This year I have another spring outing. Just like in my previous life, I went to maintain the park environment and pick up trash. A group of ten people were responsible for a park, and they also had to write a short English composition about caring for the environment.

Everyone made an appointment to meet at the park gate on Sunday morning.

Although Song Xi and the others live together, they are not in the same group, so naturally they will not be assigned to the same group. Only Song Xi, Xu Weiran, Li Wei, Li Xiangxiang and a few other classmates in the front row are assigned A group.

Arriving at the entrance of the park, she saw Xu Weiran carrying a big schoolbag. Song Xi asked funnyly, "I'm here to work today. Why are you bringing such a big schoolbag? Isn't it too heavy?"

"I can't write that English composition well, please teach me later!" Xu Weiran touched Song Xi's arm with his arm.

"Of course I can teach you, but can you stop making so many little moves?" Song Xi said and glanced at everyone. Fortunately, everyone had just arrived here and didn't pay too much attention to them, otherwise they wouldn't know everyone. What would you think?

When everyone arrived, everyone walked to the park together. Although it was still quite early, there were already many people playing in the park. The park was full of laughter and excitement.

Right in front of the park entrance is a stone bridge. After going down the stone bridge, there are dense bamboo forests on both sides. Everyone picks up garbage while walking. In fact, people are quite well-educated nowadays, so there is not a lot of garbage.

Xu Weiran stretched out his hand and grabbed Song Xi's arm. He waited until everyone was a little further away before letting Song Xi go.

Song Xi was a little surprised, "What's wrong?"

"Let's go up the path next to it and pick up garbage there! Don't crowd with them. We can pick it up now. We don't have to go back later." Xu Weiran pointed to the path next to them.

Song Xi looked up and saw that there was indeed a road over there, and there was a sales office in front of it, so she and Xu Weiran walked there. Unexpectedly, they followed the path and came to an artificial lake. The artificial lake was particularly shallow. , only a few tens of centimeters away, you can clearly see the marble paved under the water.

Song Xi turned to look to the left and saw a turtle swimming towards the grass ahead, "There is a turtle here!"

"Where is it?" Xu Weiran also came over.

Following the direction of Song Xi's finger, Xu Weiran also successfully found the turtle. "The turtle has a good meaning, so it should be raised here by someone from the developer! Isn't there a sales office over there?"

Song Xi raised his head and glanced not far away, "The structure of the house over there looks like a villa. Are you interested in coming over and buying one?"

There is a park just outside the door. There are ponds and rivers where you can fish. How nice it is. Moreover, there is a bamboo forest in the place where you just came. You should be able to break bamboo shoots and eat them in winter and spring! It's good to live here. There are buses at the front and back doors of the community, and the transportation is very convenient.

They are not a first-tier city, and the prices for villas are not as high as in big cities.

But Song Xi can't afford it now, and she doesn't plan to buy it. After graduating from college, she will make money and spend it at the same time. Otherwise, just like in her previous life, no matter how much money she has, it will belong to others.

She has parents and a brother. Although they have severed ties with each other, when she dies, her assets and other things will still be awarded to them. So why doesn't she treat herself better and make herself happy?

"Do you want to live here with me?" Xu Weiran looked at Song Xi and asked funnyly.

"Have I ever told you not to..."

Looking at Song Xi's raised fist, Xu Weiran immediately zipped up his mouth and shut up. After that, the two of them kept walking along the road. When they saw garbage, they picked it up and put it into a garbage bag. When the tree in front was covered with red fruits, Song Xi was very surprised and hurriedly walked over, "Is this a bayberry? It's all ripe. I don't know if it can be eaten. Is there a pesticide sign on it?"

Song Xi searched everywhere but didn't see the brand, but she still didn't dare to pick it.

Xu Weiran stepped forward and reached out to pick a bayberry and put it into his mouth. Song Xi was shocked, "What are you doing? Don't you know you can't pick fruits outside? What if someone else sprays them with medicine?"

"What are you afraid of? Didn't it rain two days ago? Even if the medicine was really applied, it would have been washed away long ago." Xu Weiran said.

"Then how do you know he hasn't fought in the past two days?" Song Xi asked.

Xu Weiran smiled and said, "What does it matter? If I die, you can just bury me."

"What does it have to do with me? Why should I cross the line to do these things? And if I really participate in these things of yours, I don't know how your family will misunderstand us! They may even accuse me of taking your money, etc. Yes." Song Xi curled her lips, turned around and left. Although her heart was moved by the red bayberry trees, she cared more about her own body and she would never take this risk.

Xu Weiran spit out the bayberry seeds in his mouth, "We'll see if I'm okay later. If I'm okay, you can eat it."

"I won't eat it." Song Xi shook her head. She was not greedy for this mouthful of bayberry.

After that, the two people walked forward, and when they came to the road, they saw no one else. Song Xi was a little surprised, and quickly took out her mobile phone to send a message to Li Wei, "Where have you been?"

"We just arrived at the hot pot restaurant on the first floor of the shopping mall next to the park. The hot pot here is so cheap. Both meat and vegetables are only 50 cents per skewer." Because we just came in, we haven't decided whether to eat or not, so Li Wei didn't have any before. Contact Song Xi.

Song Xi looked at Xu Weiran, "Everyone is at a hot pot restaurant. Do you want to go eat hot pot?"

"There are too many people, I don't want to go." Xu Weiran didn't want to eat hot pot with so many people, especially because some people were not that familiar at all.

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