Wu Zhuhua and Aunt Li hurried over and squatted beside the small bed, looking at the two children sleeping in it, they were almost identical in appearance, outsiders couldn't tell the difference.

"Xiao Xi, thank you for your hard work. You gave birth to two children at once." Aunt Li looked back at Song Xi and said with distress.

It was hard enough to have one, but she had two at once.

Song Xi shook her head, "I'm not working hard."

Wu Zhuhua stretched out his hand and lightly touched the cheek of the child next to him, his eyes could not restrain his liking, "Xiaoxi, do you want to have a full moon wine?"

"I don't hold the full moon wine. I plan to wait for the child to have a hundred-day wine during the day, because the weather will be warmer at that time, and the child will be older and his body will be better."

Song Xi also told Zhou Yi about this matter, instead of the full moon wine, the hundred days wine will be held instead.

"You can do it. When you had no children, those people in the village said those nasty things. We have to serve wine to let them see. Not only can we have two children at once, we are envious of them. One One can't see that other people live better than them, and they have to interfere when they have children."

Song Xi didn't mean that, but it would be great if this effect could be achieved. When she was not pregnant before, those people said something in private.

"Aunt Zhuhua, Aunt Li, we have to trouble you for the full moon wine!" When Zhou Yi came over with two cups of tea, Song Xi handed the tea to Wu Zhuhua and Aunt Li respectively.

Both aunts expressed their opinions, "Xiao Xi, just put your mind at ease! We promise to make arrangements for you."

"Then thank you two aunts. By the way, how is my sister Song Can in the village now?" After all, Song Can is not familiar with everyone, and Song Xi doesn't know whether everyone will cooperate with her work.

"Song Can is very good in the village. She takes her children up the mountain to see the vegetables every day. She is very serious and responsible. We all feel relieved to have her as your assistant," Wu Zhuhua said.

Every position and every employee in the village will be assessed by Wu Zhuhua. It is impossible for her to let others take care of those who do not do well or do well. She has to be responsible to Ping An Village!

Song Xi nodded reassuringly, "How about Lu Yuchen? She should have only one month left to give birth."

"Everything is fine. That Wen Yongqiang stays with her at home every day, and even accompanied her to Dr. Qi's for a physical examination. We are also paying attention, Xiaoxi, you don't have to worry about her." Wu Zhuhua said.

"Xiaoxi, our family, Li Jiping, got married on the 21st. When you go back to the village, I will ask him to bring his wife to you so that you can have a look." Aunt Li happily shared with Song Xi about the Li family. joy.

"Really?" Song Xi raised her eyebrows in surprise, "So fast?"

"Yeah, originally it wasn't so fast. The lion I met before asked for two thousand yuan and three turns, but we refused. Now this girl came to ask for help. I watched I thought it was pretty good, so I agreed, that's why I got married so quickly, if it was the previous one, I don't know how long it would be!" Aunt Li said.

Regarding Song Xi, Aunt Li will not hide anything, after all, sometimes there are things that need to be discussed with Song Xi!

"It's like this when fate comes. It's so fast that it can't be stopped. That's why I advised Aunt Li before, don't worry." Song Xi was also happy for Aunt Li. Meeting a good granddaughter-in-law is better than anything else.

Because of family harmony, everything can be prosperous!

"And the boss of our family, Wen Jie, is that unreliable thing. He was so lucky. He also met an honest and reliable woman. Before Jiping got married, she went home with him to live. What kind of eyes do you think that woman has? Why did she fall in love with our Wenjie?"

"Aunt Li, seeing how happy you are, I know that you are very satisfied with this new daughter-in-law. It seems that this new daughter-in-law is very good. I can't wait to get to know her."

I have to say that Li Wenjie is really lucky. He is in his forties and has two sons, yet he still meets a woman who is willing to be with him.

But you can't think like this. People of any age can meet the right person. Fate is unpredictable. When Xu Yunying married Xin Nanjiang, Xin Nanjiang was forty-five years old. Li Wenjie Even younger than him!

"Yeah, it's really good, and my daughter-in-law is also very good. Without that greedy person like Xu Xinlan, our Li family will get better and better in the future." As she spoke, Aunt Li became sad again, and she thought of Li Jisi , the granddaughter who has no chance to see the Li family getting better and better.

"Bless Aunt Li." Song Xi said.

Zhou Zhouhai's voice came from outside, saying that he was going back. Aunt Li hurriedly said to Song Xi, "Xiaoxi, we are looking forward to your return to the village. You just need to take care of the children. We will take care of everything else!"

"Okay, Aunt Zhuhua, Aunt Li, please slow down!" Song Xi sent Wu Zhuhua and Aunt Li outside the door. She never expected that so many things would happen in the village during the period when she was giving birth!

Wu Zhuhua and Aunt Li got on the tractor with the students, and Zhou Hai started the tractor and left.

Wen Yongqiang's main task now is to stay in Ping'an Village with his wife who is about to give birth, so the task of collecting agricultural products in various villages is left to his subordinates.

In order to reduce the workload in his hands, Wen Yongqiang selected suitable candidates from other villages and trained them as matchmakers before preparing to have a child, so he can now stay at home with his wife.

It was the day when Qin Chuan and Su Wen came to Ping'an Village to collect vegetables. They collected the vegetables from Ping'an Village first, and then went to Ping'an Village Elementary School. In the past, Song Xi brought the students to meet them, but they changed people today. .

Seeing that it was a beautiful girl, both of them were very excited. Seeing that Wen Yongqiang had wives and children, they were all envious.

But in front of Song Can, they didn't show it, for fear of scaring the little girl.

After collecting the vegetables from the primary school and loading the vegetables into the car, Qin Chuan and Su Wen hurried to find Wen Yongqiang to inquire about the news, "Brother Qiang, who is the girl from the primary school who is connecting with us? She is so beautiful! "

"That's Mr. Song's younger sister. What do you want?" Wen Yongqiang looked at them blankly. Sister Xi's younger sister is also someone they can think of?

"Brother Qiang, now that the major issues in your life have been resolved, it's time for the brothers, right? You have been staying in the village, and you have more opportunities to get in touch with her, so why don't you come to her and say something nice for us? She noticed us, okay?" Su Wen said hastily.

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