At this meeting, it was also decided that the village that needs help in the next year is Zhuyuan Village.

Qian Weimin held a private meeting with the head of Zhuyuan Village, and asked Zhuyuan Village to separate families and households like Ping'an Village and Ning'an Village. It doesn't matter if you don't have money to build a house. To distribute money to everyone, it is divided according to household registration, not according to population.

I also gave a copy of the village regulations of Ping'an Village to the village chief of Zhuyuan Village, and asked him to read it out to everyone in the village, so that everyone could write it down, and finally asked Zhuyuan Village to provide edible things, wild fruits, wild vegetables... … Find some and send them to Ping'an Village, and let Ping'an Village see if there is anything that can be vigorously cultivated.

If you really can't find anything, you can only move the property from Ping'an Village. Ping'an Village definitely hopes that they can find the property by themselves, so that it will not affect the property in Ping'an Village.

Song Xi told Qian Weimin that as long as Ping'an Village kept watermelons, hares, and fertilizers well, these three industries would be fine, and it didn't matter if the other industries were handed over.

Because these three industries are the most profitable.

But Qian Weimin was reluctant to hand over all other properties in such a short period of time. Even if he wanted to hand it over, he had to do so slowly. He could still accept one or two a year. There are too many handed over, let alone him flustered, even the villagers are flustered, fearing that one day the dividends will be canceled because of the low income in the village.

Song Xi didn't know everyone's worries, otherwise she would definitely say, don't worry about it, you will only make more and more money in the future, and your dividends will only increase.

On the day when the tractor picked up the junior high school students in the city and returned to the village, Wu Hu and Qiao Yuan were about to set off to return to the village when they saw Xu Yunying and Xin Nanjiang walking here in a hurry.

Qiao Yuan didn't know who they were, but Wu Hu knew them. Wu Hu jumped off the tractor and ran over to catch their luggage, "Aunt and Aunt, you're back? You stayed in Beijing for a few months. Isn't the city very interesting?"

"Wu Hu, can we go back to the village with your tractor?" Xu Yunying asked.

"We all belong to the same village, of course!" Wu Hu put the luggage on the tractor, and then let the two of them get on the car.

Everyone knows that Xu Yujie has gone to Beijing, so seeing Xu Yunying and Xin Nanjiang is also a blessing to them.

After Xu Yunying sat down firmly, she began to answer Wu Hu's question, "The city of Beijing is indeed very good. There are many high-rise buildings and western restaurants. You can eat steak and drink coffee. What kind of pasta is there? The noodles are really good. The noodles are thicker than the ones we eat, and it costs tens of dollars to eat inside."

"So it seems that you are going to eat, auntie?" Wu Hu said enviously.

Xu Yunying shook her head, "The three of us asked Yujie to order a portion, and then shared the meal. After all, Yujie went to a film studio. We can't let everyone think that our family, Yujie, has never seen the world, right?"

Wu Hu nodded, "You're right, we can't let the people in the city look down on people from our Ping'an Village, our Ping'an Village is no worse than anyone else."

Xu Yunying and Xin Nanjiang sent Xu Yujie to the capital in August, and they have stayed in the capital for almost four months until now in December, during which they did a lot of things.

Accompanied Xu Yujie to adapt to the environment in Beijing, and took Xu Yujie to visit the home of his brother Xin Zhuoqun's former comrades-in-arms, and asked them to take care of Xu Yujie in the future. Fortunately, everyone likes Xu Yujie, and now they are relieved.

In the past few months, they have spent money, but they are willing to spend it for their children, and there are dividends every month, so they are not short of money.

What they didn't know was that Xu Bing and Xu Qing sold their wine at home and made a lot of money. It can be said that no matter how they spend their money, they will never be short of money.

When everyone entered the village, Xin Zhuoqun happened to be wandering in the village. The six of them mainly came to assist Song Xi and Qian Weimin. Now the village arranged for Qiao Yuan to follow him to learn the tractor. There is really nothing for everyone, so Just wandering around in the village is mainly to frighten some people who are still restless.

Some people are like this. They have money and a life, but they feel uncomfortable when they don’t do something. I really don’t know how there are such troublesome people in the world.

"Son." Xin Nanjiang saw Xin Zhuoqun at a glance, and shouted excitedly, never expecting that he would be in Ping'an Village.

"Dad." Xin Zhuoqun was also very surprised when he saw Xin Nanjiang.

Xin Nanjiang dragged Xu Yunying to Xin Zhuoqun and introduced them, "Yunying, this is my son Xin Zhuoqun who is away all the year round, Zhuoqun, this is your aunt Yunying."

Xu Yunying nodded with a smile, "Hello, Zhuo Qun, I'm glad to meet you. Come to my house for dinner tonight. Let's have a good get-together." Then he looked at the young people next to him, "Who are you?" come together."

"Okay, thank you, auntie." Several young people shouted.

Xin Zhuoqun also nodded, "Aunt Yunying, hello."

He is in his twenties and thirties, and he is only ten years younger than Xu Yunying, and no one will force him to call him mother, so it is good to call him aunt.

Xin Nanjiang said, "Everyone come back with us first, identify the door, and come over for dinner in the evening."

"Okay." Everyone agreed in unison, and then followed Xin Nanjiang and Xu Yunying to the past. Xu Bing and Xu Qing never thought that Xin Zhuoqun was their uncle's son, and they had to call him brother now.

Because Xin Nanjiang never said his son's name, they didn't know Xin Nanjiang's son's name, even if they knew the name, they wouldn't think about it together, because there are people with the same name and surname.

When they came to Xu Yunying's house, Xu Yunying put down her things and went to the stove to get busy. Xu Bing and Xu Qing also came to help, because there was going to be a big meal for a large table at night.

Xu Yunying first boiled a pot of water and made chrysanthemum tea for everyone, "I'm sorry, we haven't been home for a few months, and there is nothing good at home, so I made you the chrysanthemum tea I picked last year."

"Aunt Yunying, this is already very good. In fact, we used to live a hard life outside. Although we had allowances, we had nowhere to shop and no time to go shopping." Everyone stood up politely and took the chrysanthemum tea with both hands.

Xu Yunying nodded, "It was hard for you in the past, but now that you're back, let's live a good life from now on."

On the way home just now, Xu Yunying also heard that it was because she was injured that she could no longer work, so she retreated. It is not easy to retreat completely. Many people even sacrificed their lives.

Xin Zhuoqun nodded, "Yes! Ping'an Village is very good, we will work hard in Ping'an Village."

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