If he's just in a hurry to get married, then he doesn't really have a crush on her, but as long as someone is willing to marry him.

"Well, think about it slowly, don't worry." He didn't refuse directly, which means he still has a chance, which made Xin Zhuoqun very happy.

"I have to go back to my residence in the town in the afternoon, so I'll go find my grandma first." Mo Jingxiang nodded slightly, then turned and left. Xin Zhuoqun hurriedly followed and asked, "Do you come back every Sunday?"

Mo Jingxiang nodded, "Yes, my younger brother wants to study medicine, so I don't feel at ease if my grandma is alone at home, so I usually come back on Sundays. The village arranges a tractor to pick us up. It's convenient and easy to go back and forth."

Xin Zhuoqun nodded, "Many regulations in the village are very humane, completely based on everyone's needs."

"These are all arranged by Mr. Song. Everything Mr. Song does is for everyone's consideration. It is convenient for everyone not to mention, but also creates some jobs and solves many people's problems."

Mo Jingxiang admired Song Xina very much. Song Xi taught her how she put on make-up and hairdo for the bride. Without Song Xi, she would still be a lame village girl who was looked down upon by others in the village.

Song Xi was not much older than her, but she never thought that she would be so smart, and changed the fate of the entire Ping'an Village and everyone in Ping'an Village by herself.

If it weren't for Song Xi, she would never have had the opportunity to study, let alone become such a powerful person, and the other children in the village could only be like their parents, facing the loess and the sky for the rest of their lives, and it is impossible to live the life they are now.

"Song Xi is really good, otherwise the higher-ups would not have arranged for us to come and learn from Song Xi and help Song Xi develop Ping'an Village." Xin Zhuoqun nodded thoughtfully after hearing this.

Song Xi was really good at making a village like this, and he was so impressed.

After Mo Jingxiang searched for a while, she found Grandma Mo. She took Grandma Mo's arm and said to Xu Yunying, "Auntie, thank you, my grandma just leave it to me."

Grandma Mo said with a smile, "I'm not old enough to be seventy or eighty years old, so there's no need to exaggerate."

Mo Jingxiang glanced at Xin Zhuoqun and said, "Then let's go back first."

After Mo Jingxiang and Grandma Mo left, Xu Yunying asked curiously, "Xin Zhuoqun, how are you and Jingxiang doing?"

"She probably doesn't hate me!" Xin Zhuoqun said uncertainly.

"It's fine if you don't hate you. If you don't hate you, you have the opportunity to work hard. If you hate you from the beginning, it will be difficult to like you in the future." Xu Yunying said with a smile, "Jingxiang is really a good girl, just look at her." Are you lucky enough?"

At this time, Song Xi had already returned to his small courtyard, and when he heard the knock on the door, he went out to open the door, saw Mo Jiaxiang standing outside, and asked in surprise, "Mo Jiaxiang, why are you here?"

"Song Xi, I came here to find you because I wanted to ask you about someone." Mo Jiaxiang said eagerly.

"Who are you looking for?" Song Xi became interested and asked with a smile.

It seems that there is something wrong with Mo Jiaxiang!

After that, Mo Jiaxiang hurriedly described the image of the person he was looking for. Song Xi smiled and said, "The person you mentioned seems to be in the courtyard. How about you come in and tell her face to face?" Looking at the yard, he shouted, "Cheng Pingping, someone is looking for you."

Cheng Pingping glanced at Cheng An'an suspiciously, then got up and walked to Song Xi's side, and saw a tall, handsome man standing outside the door, confused and shy.

"Mo Jiaxiang, is she the person you are looking for?" Song Xi asked with a smile.

Among Zhou Yi's three primary schools, Zhou Ping and Sheng Jiahe are all married and have children. Mo Jiaxiang is the only one left now. I didn't expect this guy to come to such an exciting love at first sight. The favorite is Cheng Anan's sister. As for whether the two of them can have any stories, it depends on Mo Jiaxiang's efforts.

Seeing Cheng Pingping standing beside Song Xi, Mo Jiaxiang froze there for a moment, not even knowing what to say.

Cheng Pingping was also very confused, "Comrade, are you looking for me? Is there anything you can do with me?"

"This is my friend, nothing will happen, let's talk!" Song Xi left the stage with a smile, leaving the place to Mo Jiaxiang and Cheng Pingping. She won't be standing here forever as a light bulb!

Cheng Pingping looked at Mo Jiaxiang anxiously, "Comrade, what do you want from me?"

Mo Jiaxiang reached out and stroked his chest, adjusted his emotions, and then opened his mouth, "I want to ask if you have a partner, is there anyone you like in your heart?"

Cheng Pingping shook his head in confusion, "No."

"Then can I go to your house to propose marriage? As soon as I saw you, I thought you should be my wife." Mo Jiaxiang said seriously. He had never had such a strong feeling for anyone, nor had he met someone with a Someone who gave him that feeling.

In the past, someone wanted to introduce someone to him, and someone persuaded him to sign up for a blind date, but he refused because he was always waiting for such a person to appear.

Cheng Pingping's face turned red immediately, this is too exaggerated, the first time we met, he said that he would go to her house to propose marriage.

Cheng Anan asked worriedly, "Who is it? What are you looking for with my sister?"

"It's probably your sister's peach blossom." Song Xi smiled.

Cheng's mother became interested when she heard this. The eldest daughter has already married into the Li family. Now the second daughter and the younger daughter are left, but the younger daughter is about to enter high school, so now the second daughter's marriage has not been resolved. .

She doesn't care whether the hukou is rural or urban, as long as the boy is capable and reliable, and now the welfare benefits in Ping'an Village and Ping'an New Village are very good, going to work is work, and you can get a salary every month.

If the character is good, then it is really a good man who is hard to find even with a lantern.

"Song Xi, how is that gay man?" Mother Cheng asked curiously.

"He is not favored at home, and he has been separated for a long time. Now he is receiving a share of dividends by himself, and he is still working! We have known each other for several years, and we have not done anything uncomfortable. After all, I should be okay as a human being! But I dare not guarantee it, after all, some people are very good before marriage, and very bad after marriage, so I still need to find out by myself." Song Xi dare not say anything else, but Mo Jiaxiang Absolutely rich.

When they worked together before, Mo Jiaxiang also got a lot of money, plus the dividends in the past few years, he also got a lot of money. Mo Jiaxiang is not short of money now, he only needs a wife who can live with him seriously.

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