The village rules in Ping'an Village are very strict. Anyone who makes a mistake will have to bear a very strict punishment, so Mo Jiaxiang will not make mistakes if he has a partner, and they will naturally have no hope.

There is nothing to do at the end of the year, but Cheng Pingping still has to go to work, and the people in her factory don't say that they are busy and slack. When there is no order, the most they can do is leave work early!

But Mo Jiaxiang had nothing to do here, so he often went to see Cheng Pingping, and went to the park, walked the road, watched movies, and had dinner with her... The two of them were like a couple in love, and their relationship quickly heated up.

But no matter how fast the temperature rises, we can't get married now, because Cheng's mother has agreed before that they can only get married after half a year.


At the end of the year, Song Xi and Zhou Yi went to the night market and gave away one-third of the things they raised. Then they went to the big night market outside together and gave out two-thirds of the remaining supplies. Song Xi only had a small part of the things left.

Those things are kept on the roof of the supermarket, and there will only be more and more, and the chassis on the roof will slowly be filled by then, so it is not bad to sell them for money, so that you don’t have to worry about money when you start your own business.

She is doing so much now to plan for a few years later.

When she graduated from university, it happened to be in 1982, and she was ready to flex her muscles. If she didn't have money, she could only watch others develop, and she could only miss such a good opportunity.

However, if she puts out so much money for starting a business all at once, it will definitely arouse others' suspicion, so when she was in college, she had to make some moves to make others think that the money she started her business was earned during college.

Lu Yuchen and Wen Yongqiang actually started having a second child a long time ago, Wen Wen is almost two years old now, Lu Yuchen was pregnant with a second child around this time, when Lu Yuchen told Song Xi, Song Xi was a little surprised.

"Congratulations!" Song Xi said.

It happened to be pregnant after the exam, and nothing was delayed.

Because there is no age limit or status limit for this exam, many married people will take part, so there will be a lot of pregnant women in the school, so you don't have to feel embarrassed.

If you go to class alone with a big belly, someone will definitely look at it differently, but if everyone is like this, no one has the right to look at others differently. Even the school has not said that it will not admit pregnant women. What is there for the students to look down on?

Lu Yuchen held out Song Xi's hand, "Sister Xi, thank you!"

"Thank me for what?" Song Xi raised her eyebrows and asked in confusion.

"Thank you for asking me to review my homework together. Otherwise, I wouldn't even be able to understand the high school textbooks on my own. Thank you for bringing me a glimmer of hope. If I really get admitted to university, you will be my great hero." Lu Yuchen really never thought that she, who graduated from junior high school, would be able to take the college entrance examination. If Song Xi didn't call her, she would have no idea of ​​taking the college entrance examination.

Wen Yongqiang can earn money, her family is not short of money at all, but this money is earned by a man, if one day the man doesn't give her money to spend, what should I do? So you have to work hard and be independent, and give yourself a sense of security.

"I did this because I didn't want us to be too far away in the future, you know? If we study in the same city, we can meet often, right?" Song Xi didn't have any intentions, she just wanted everyone to be better!

In this way, there won't be too much psychological gap in the future, and she doesn't want her good friends to become strangers in the future.

At this time.

There was a knock on the door.

Song Xi was startled, the admission notice won't come so soon, can it?

Probably not.

She walked over quickly and opened the door. It was Zhao Jun who was outside the door. Zhao Jun moved down two bundles. Song Xi took the bundles home. One was from Liu Wenya and the other was from Beijing. Song Xi took the two bundles to the room and put them down, then continued talking with Lu Yuchen.

"Sister Xi, what do you think if I fail the exam?" Lu Yuchen was a little worried, after all, she only had a few months to study.

"Don't worry, if you can't pass the college entrance examination, don't you still have colleges and technical secondary schools? If not, you can still take the college entrance examination next year? Besides, your usual test scores are not bad. As long as you can perform steadily, you will definitely be able to pass the entrance examination." Song Xi still knows her students very well and believes that everyone will be able to get good grades in the exam.

It’s just that there are only a few places for each school, and some schools even only admit one place in this place, so everyone will definitely not be in the same school, and they may not be in the same place. It is estimated that they will be scattered in various places in the country.

No matter where you go to university, the gold content of universities in this era is very high. It can be said that as long as you learn it, there will be a way out.

Lu Yuchen was pregnant, so Song Xi poured Lu Yuchen a cup of pure spiritual spring water to make her nourish herself. After all, she had a fall when she was giving birth to temperature and almost had a difficult delivery, so she must be more careful now.

And Wen Yongqiang's night market also has this, and the packaging is the same, so even if Wen Yongqiang saw it, he wouldn't think too much about it. Except for Song Xi, no one else knew that there was spiritual spring water in it that had a conditioning effect on the body!

"Sister Xi, thank you. I knew that you were the best for me." When she came to the countryside, Song Xi provided her with a lot of help. This was worth Lu Yuchen's lifetime of remembering and being grateful for Song Xi.

After Lu Yuchen went back, Song Xi checked the things Liu Wenya sent her. This time, they were all emerald products instead of jade. After all, no matter how much jade was given to Song Xi, Song Xi couldn't handle it!

Jade bracelets, egg-faced rings, earrings, necklaces, safety clasps, jade plaques, etc. There are dozens of items. They are not very valuable at this time, but they will be valuable in a few decades. A good water plant may be worth tens or hundreds of thousands!

Song Xi didn't take these things out to wear, but put them away carefully and kept them in the supermarket, because no matter how many years they were left in the supermarket, they would not go bad.

Of course, unless her supermarket is inherited by the next time traveler, these things will belong to the next person.

Ji's mother's baggage is full of the child's clothes, from head to toe. Everything you need in winter is available, so it’s no wonder that the burden is so heavy. The clothes in winter are so thick, so the burden is naturally heavy.

Afterwards, Song Xi found time to go to the post office and sent both sides a lot of local products from the mountains, as well as fruit wine and jam rich in spiritual spring water. She also knew that these should be what they wanted most.

Since everyone is about to go to college and will be scattered all over the world, this year's New Year's Eve should be the last New Year's Eve when everyone can get together, so Song Xi asked everyone to come to her place for a New Year's Eve dinner. The family will cook the New Year's Eve dinner together and have a good New Year's Eve.

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