Since all the villages were merged into Ping'an Town, Pingxi Village, Jinlan Qi's former husband's family, has also become a part of Ping'an Town. Now you can walk between each village, but you still have to register at the gate.

Because I am afraid that thieves or bad guys will sneak into Ping'an Village.

Jin Lanqi's appearance now is completely different from when she first came to Ping'an Village. Even if her name is Jin Lanqi, the Wan family would not recognize her when they saw her.

What other purpose does the Wan family have in looking for Jin Lanqi, isn't it just to make Jin Lanqi and Wan Zhengrong reunite, and then serve Wan Zhengrong like before?

But Jin Lanqi is living such a happy life now, how could she be stupid?

What's more, Li Wenjie treats her very well and is very responsible for the children, and she has no intention of changing men.

Even if she wanted to change, it would be impossible to change to Wan Zhengrong. She really knew Wan Jia and Wan Zhengrong too well.

"Jin Lanqi, what do you want from me?" Song Xi asked curiously.

Jin Lanqi and the others have been working in the school cafeteria these years. Although there is no way to get promoted working in the school cafeteria, their salary will be raised once a year, so everyone works in the cafeteria willingly, and no one resigns.

Only when someone resigns can someone be promoted, but everyone does not resign, so there is no room for advancement, but the salary increase is also very good.

Every job in Ping'an Village has a salary that is several times the average salary of this era. Who would resign so stupidly? Even the elderly, capable and diligent people are unwilling to resign.

"Grandma Mo passed away, please contact Mo Jingxiang and let her come back soon." Jin Lanqi said hastily.

When Song Xi heard this, he was very surprised, and then felt sad, "Thank you, I will contact Mo Jingxiang and Mo Ziqiu right now." Mo Ziqiu is still studying in medical school, so he probably won't be able to come back, so he must inform him no matter what, otherwise this will be his biggest regret.

Song Xi returned home, took her own Chinese character pager, and sent a message to Mo Jingxiang, asking her to bring the child back. Now it's time for summer vacation, and Mo Jingxiang took the child out to see the world.

Although Song Xi could pick up Mo Jingxiang, it would take several hours for her to go back and forth, so it would be better for Mo Jingxiang to come back directly, which would save a few hours. Song Xi went back to her room and changed into a black dress before going to Grandma Mo's house.

Although Mo Jingxiang and Mo Ziqiu were not at home, Mo Jingxiang hired a professional nurse to accompany and take care of Grandma Mo at home. Now that Grandma Mo has passed away, they are also making arrangements for the future generations in an orderly manner.

When the villagers learned that Grandma Mo had passed away, they all came to help.

Song Xi had never dealt with a funeral, and she didn't know how to deal with it. She came to visit and then went back, because the first day was not the official day of condolences, but the second day was, and the third day was the funeral.

Mo Jingxiang hired a car and asked them to take them directly to the entrance of the village. As soon as Mo Jingxiang got out of the car, he met Xin Zhuoqun. Xin Zhuoqun also just came back from the outside. Since Qian Weimin passed Ping'an Village to him and Zou Xu, the two of them have become very busy. Especially now that Ping'an Village has become Ping'an Town, the burden on them is even heavier, because they have to develop other villages and try to let those villages catch up with Ping'an Village as soon as possible.

Xin Zhuoqun came over and picked up the two children. They were born in 1983 and 1984. Now one is four years old and the other is three years old.

Seeing Mo Jingxiang's red eyes, Xin Zhuoqun didn't say anything.

Her grandma passed away, what can she say? Companionship is the most important thing.

The four rushed home, and some villagers said to them, "Condolences" and "Grandma Mo is not sick and has survived to this age. She should be happy"... In this case, Mo Jingxiang just nodded, and came to Grandma Mo's coffin, holding the coffin and crying.

It would have been better if she had known that she would not pick up the child, and let her be the wife who would accompany them more, so that Grandma Mo would not leave with regrets. Mo Jingxiang also brought the child to the city because she was afraid that the child would disturb Grandma Mo.

Because children of this age really dislike dogs, even though they can be sent to the nursery during the day, they still have to go home at night!

Mo Ziqiu went to college in other places, so he was extravagant. He came back by plane of this era, landed in a nearby city, and then came back by car from there. He hurried back, and finally managed to catch up with Grandma Mo's burial.

"Ziqiu, how many days did you take for leave this time?" After Grandma Mo was buried, Mo Jingxiang and Mo Ziqiu were sitting in the yard, and Mo Jingxiang asked.

"I asked for a week's leave." Now Mo Ziqiu is already a handsome guy in his twenties. Seeing him like this, no one would have thought that he had no food when he was a child, and he would trade for food with Song Xi by catching Xiao He fresh.

He is no longer the poor, distressed little boy he used to be.

Of course, it was also because Song Xi was kind-hearted and willing to pay attention to him. If it were someone else, he would probably have been driven away long ago, so how could he be willing to let him exchange the fresh food that no one eats?

Song Xi's help to him and to their family will never be forgotten in his life.

Mo Jingxiang asked curiously, "Ziqiu, did you meet a girl you liked at school? When I was in college, many people had families in the countryside or in their hometown, but when they got to college, they announced that they were single, and then pursued other girls in school, causing them to become mistresses. After all, we rural people get married early, and some of them get married at the age of sixteen or seventeen. So if you have a girl you like, you must inquire about these things, otherwise it will destroy other people's families."

"Sister, don't worry! I won't look for a partner outside. I'm not from the same place and have different living habits, so I can't live together." Mo Ziqiu said.

"Do you have a girl you like in the village? Back then, there were quite a few of you studying medicine, and there were also many girls. Do you already have someone you like?" Mo Jingxiang didn't believe that Mo Ziqiu could control his feelings, unless he had someone in his heart and planned to come back to marry someone after graduation.

When Dr. Qi was here, he selected four apprentices in the first batch, Mo Ziqiu, Qian Chuntao, Song Mo, and Lin Yanxin. Among them, Qian Chuntao was two years younger than Mo Ziqiu, so it was possible; Lin Yanxin was three years younger than Mo Ziqiu, so it was also possible.

The second and third batches of apprentices are much younger than Mo Ziqiu, and the age difference is almost five years old. After all, a ten-year age difference between husband and wife is not uncommon in Ping'an Village. , so others are also possible.

"No." Mo Ziqiu shook his head without saying anything else.

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