Although Song Xi's relationship with Liu Wenya couldn't get any closer and they could only get along with each other lightly, but Song Xi would not blame the children for the grievances between adults, so every year when Yiyan and Yinuo came over for the summer vacation, Song Xi and Zhou Yi would treat them as their own daughters.

In addition, they are Yiyan and Yinuo's second uncle and second aunt, so they should take good care of the two nieces.

After those people in the village were released a few years ago, Zhou An also came back the next year. He first went to find Liu Wenzhu, and found that Liu Wenzhu was being taken care of by a man called Zhou Dayou.

He hadn't thought about going to the south to find Liu Wenya and his two daughters, so he probably felt ashamed. He and Liu Wenya had fled from the Liu family to Ping'an Village before. It was impossible for him to find out where the Liu family was, so the only explanation was that he was ashamed to go.

However, after several years of hard work, Zhou An did make money. He bought a house in the city and married a wife. When he bought a house and moved to a new house, he even invited Zhou Zhongguo, Zhou Yi, and Zou Xu to eat warm house meals. After all, they had an inseparable blood relationship.

When they got married, they were also invited.

As Zhou Yi's daughter-in-law and Zhou An's younger brother-in-law, Song Xi naturally participated in all activities. I have to say that under normal circumstances, scumbags have a good life, and they will not suffer the so-called retribution. They can live well, or even better.

Because Zhou An actually became the door-to-door son-in-law of a rich family. His wife is not only beautiful, but also loves him very much. The family also provides a house. It can be said that Zhou An doesn't have to pay anything, as long as he treats his wife well.

Zhou An's daughter-in-law gave birth to a boy with his mother's surname last year in 1986.

Because Zhou An is the door-to-door son-in-law, he has the right to enjoy everything, except that he does not have the right to name his children. Even if he wanted to, the woman would not agree to it. If the woman can accept such a thing, she would not let the girl in the family recruit a door-to-door son-in-law.

We have contacts, but the contacts are not very close. We all have our own careers to start, and there is actually no free time for contacts.

The three brothers of the Zhou family would only get together when there was something important, and Zhou Yi would go with Song Xi every time, because he didn't want others to separate their husband and wife, and he wanted everyone to know that his wife was the master of their family.

When Yiyan and Yinuo came here for the summer vacation, Song Xi didn't take them to see Zhou An, let alone let Zhou An come over to disturb them, and even met by chance, Song Xi didn't tell Zhou An that they were all his children.

Whenever Zhou An wanted to, he would go to Liu Wenya himself to talk about child support, education, etc., but Zhou An didn't. It can also be said from the side that Zhou An actually didn't like Liu Wenya. He chose to pursue this young lady just to make his life easier.

It is estimated that he doesn't like this eldest lady who is remarried now. What he likes is himself. He married someone else, and it should be the result of weighing the pros and cons!

Because no scumbag will really like anyone.

Song Xi opened a canteen in Ping'an old village and new village respectively, and she rarely went there, because both canteens hired staff, and if there were staff in the store, she, the boss, didn't have to go every day.

Song Xi went to the canteen and brought a box of cold soda and put it on the back seat of the car, then drove to the train station to pick up Yiyan and Yinuo. Song Xi parked the car on the side of the road opposite the train station, then got off and went to the train station exit to wait.

The people on the side of the road saw that the young and beautiful lesbians got out of the car, and couldn't help but sigh in admiration. After all, there are very few people who can drive a car at this time, and the whole town doesn't know how many cars there are!

The reason why Song Xi can have a car is also because of the help of Ji's family, otherwise she really would not be able to buy a car, because no matter whether it is Ping'an Town or the original town, there is no place to sell cars, and even few families can afford a car.

Song Xi reminded Ji's father before, asking him to find a way to negotiate the agency rights of foreign cars, so that in the future, his family will be the only one selling cars in China, so he will make a lot of money! Song Xi didn't have the ability to do such a big business by himself, and he didn't want to keep his hands shut to prevent others from making money.

Instead of letting outsiders make money, it is better to let your own family make money.

To her, Ji's family is no different from her own.

The time was almost up, the door of the exit of the train station opened, and many people came out in a single file. Song Xi was afraid of missing a word and a promise, so she kept staring at the exit seriously, scanning everyone's faces carefully.

When she saw Yiyan and Yinuo, she hurriedly waved to them, "Yiyan, Yinuo, I'm here."

When Yiyan and Yinuo saw Song Xi, they were overjoyed and ran towards Song Xi in a hurry, but there were two younger children behind them, Song Xi was a little surprised, "Could they be..."

After Liu Wenya married Fa Xiaoyu Chuan, she also gave birth to two children for Yu Chuan. The older one was a boy and the younger one was a girl. What Song Xi didn't expect was that Liu Wenya and Yu Chuan were a bit too courageous!

To let two children who are not yet ten years old come together, they really do everything in order to live in a world of two!

"Second Aunt." The two older children ran up to Song Xi and shouted enthusiastically.

Song Xi nodded.

Then he introduced, "Second aunt, these are my younger siblings, one pillar and one string."

Song Xi nodded to them, "Welcome to Ping'an Town as guests. Ping'an Town will definitely give you an unforgettable summer vacation. It's too hot now, everyone get in the car first! The car opposite is mine, and there is ice soda in the car, you can drink it yourself!"

Song Xi went back to the car, moved the ice soda from the back seat to the co-pilot, waited for them to get into the car, got a glass for each of them, and then drove away.

Although it is evening now, the temperature is still quite high, but Song Xi's current physique is neither afraid of cold nor heat, when other people's faces are covered with sweat, she can't tell anything from her face.

After everyone finished drinking the ice soda and felt refreshed, Song Xi started the car and went back.

Since returning to start a business after graduating, Song Xi has bought a lot of houses for investment. Now the four children have many sets of properties under their names, but they still live in their old homes in old villages and new homes in new villages, and they do not go to live in the city.

The four children all go to school in the village, and there is no need to live in the city, which is not convenient for studying!

Now the teaching quality of the schools below Ping'an Town is very good, and the students can get good grades. Some urban residents will send their children to the schools below Ping'an Town to study.

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