"Song Xi, with your burden, it's quite big!" Zhao Jun moved the burden over and put it on the floor of the main room.

Song Xi poured Zhao Jun a glass of cold water, "Brother Zhao, it's too hot now, drink a glass of cold water to cool down."

Zhao Jun left after drinking the water.

Song Xi curiously went over to check the baggage, and it turned out to be the baggage from a small fishing village. After Xue Baoli gained a firm foothold in the capital, she took over all her family members. Now they have a foothold in the capital relying on dried seafood and fruits.

After everyone in the Xue family moved to Beijing, Song Xi didn't care about that place, and would still go there once every summer vacation, but the Xue family's business was getting bigger and bigger, and they could eat all the food in their hometown by themselves, so they didn't need Song Xi's help. Song Xi didn't go to the small fishing village in the next two years, so Song Xi was quite surprised that there were things sent from the small fishing village.

Song Xi quickly unpacked the bag and poured out the contents, all kinds of dried seafood, but there was a letter inside, Song Xi hurriedly opened the letter and read it carefully.

It turned out that Xue's family took their children back to their hometown for the summer vacation, and wanted them to know what their hometown was like, so that they would not forget their roots after staying in Beijing for a long time, and they didn't even know where they were from.

Xue Baoli also said in the letter that since the Xue family is making more and more money and their business is getting bigger and bigger, the Xiao family's attitude towards her has also improved, and they dare not look down on her as before. She and Xiao Qingcheng are just like ordinary couples.

There was indeed a female classmate that Xiao Qingcheng knew when he was studying before, who wanted to hook up with Xiao Qingcheng, but as soon as Xue Baoli showed up, she immediately turned her into a scum, and let him retreat. After all, Xue Baoli was nourished by the spiritual spring water. No matter in appearance or figure, few people could compare to her. Who would be so blind to abandon such a beauty for the sake of women outside?

Now Xue Baoli is beautiful and rich, and her parents and family are by her side. Just like Bai Fumei, she has confidence. She doesn't worry about Xiao Qingcheng's situation outside at all, because abandoning her is Xiao Qingcheng's loss, not her loss.

Because she could find better ones, but Xiao Qingcheng had to lower the standard to find them.

Xue Baoli also thanked Song Xi emphatically in the letter. If it wasn't for Song Xiti's idea, they wouldn't know how to make money with this, and they wouldn't be able to bring all the family members there. If she relied on the Xiao family, she probably wouldn't be able to hold her head up for the rest of her life, or she would be looked down upon by the Xiao family all her life, or it might not be a few years. Xiao Qingcheng wanted to find someone worthy of him.

Because this is human nature, everyone wants better.

There are many children in the family during the summer vacation, so Song Xi didn't put these dried seafood in the supermarket, but put them directly in the kitchen, so that they can be taken at any time, and the half-grown children eat poor old people. Now there are eight children in her family, so it is estimated that everything should be prepared in super large portions.

Song Xi directly poured out an enamel basin of dried seafood, soaked it in warm water, and then went to the grape rack to process the fish, which was almost an enamel basin of fish, and then went to the kitchen to light a fire for cooking.

She made a large pot of pickled fish, and when the pickled fish was almost ready, she added potato cubes, lotus root slices, cucumber strips, and bean sprouts. There were many people eating at home, so I had to cook more.

When the children came back at noon, Song Xi's lunch was also ready. There were two big pots of pickled fish, one pot of spicy seafood, one pot of cold fungus, one pot of cold bamboo shoots, fried eggplant and beans, and a big pot of tomato and egg soup.

When the children were excitedly serving their lunch under the grape arbor, Song Xi poked Zhou Nanxing's shoulder, "I took care of the fish today, and you take care of the eels tonight. Who told you to catch so many? I don't have time to help you take care of it."

Although Zhou Nanxing is only in his teens, he is no shorter than Song Xi. He has grown into a handsome young man who can protect his mother and younger siblings. When Song Xi and Zhou Nanxing stand together, they both have a sense of pride in cultivating a little male god.

I don't know how many little girls like Zhou Nanxing, Zhou Xinyi, and Zhou Daoyan will like them when they grow up. Since ancient times, the problem of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has been difficult to solve. When the time comes, she chooses to directly separate the family and let her sons go out to live alone.

Otherwise, some daughters-in-law who want to be the masters of the family and take charge of everything in the family, just take charge of her son's small family, and want to take charge of the entire family, would be too greedy. She is in charge, so will she take care of her younger siblings? Maybe they just want to take charge of the family's interests, right?

It's not that Song Xi doesn't know how to take care of these things, and it's not that she can't take care of them well. Moreover, Song Xi can let others take care of her own factory and business, but she will never leave these things to others. Don't let her daughter-in-law think about these things in her hands as soon as she comes in. So after the children grow up, she will first divide the family and property, and divide everything well.

In the future, her and Zhou Yi's property will be hers and Zhou Yi's. How much they want to share with everyone depends on their own wishes. No one should think about her things early on, just like Xu Xinlan hoped that Aunt Li would die early so that she could inherit the inheritance.

If her daughter-in-law was expecting her and Zhou Yi to die early, she would not even give them a penny. The more they wanted something, the more she would not give it. She would donate it all to the school and would not give it to them.

Zhou Nanxing nodded, "Okay, I'll take care of the eels at night, and I will definitely not make Mommy hard."

All the meals were served on the table, and he said with emotion, "Wow, there are so many delicious foods, then I am lucky today."

"Don't worry, during the time you are here, I guarantee that you can eat delicious food every day. Today we eat pickled fish, and tomorrow I will make you stewed goose in an iron pot." Song Xi said with a smile.

"Thank you Second Aunt, Second Aunt has worked hard." A word of gratitude.

"Everyone, sit down and eat quickly. Take a good lunch break after the meal and don't go out anymore. If you continue playing like this, you will be burnt into briquettes within two days." Song Xi said, then sat down, picked some cold fungus for herself, and started eating. Seeing this, everyone started eating too.

There are many side dishes of pickled cabbage and fish, and there are two whole plates. As a result, each person has one chopstick, which soon disappeared, which shows how much everyone can eat.

Thinking that Yixian and Yizhu were still young, Song Xi was afraid that they would be caught by fish bones, so she reminded them, "Yixian, Yizhu, be careful when eating fish. If you eat something hard, spit it out quickly and don't swallow it, you understand?"

Yiyan said beside him, "Second Aunt, the two of them know how to eat fish, and the small crucian carp that eats the most thorns is fine. Although their mouths are full of thorns, they will never swallow one."

Song Xi couldn't help giving a thumbs up, "Excellent, really a master at eating fish."

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