"Time flies so fast. I didn't expect that it has been more than ten years. I still remember how you looked when the Song family sent you here. You were really skinny and skinny. You can't tell what you look like. You can only look at it. It turns out that she is a delicate girl, I didn't expect to become so beautiful now, if you also go to make movies, you should become a household name faster." Aunt Li said with a smile.

Song Xixuan's heart was instantly relieved. It turned out that this was what Aunt Li wanted to say!

Song Xi shook her head hurriedly, "I don't know how to act, even if I'm asked to shoot, I can't act!"

The reason why the stars of this era are household names is because there are few film and television works in this era, and everyone only watches those film and television works. When there are more film and television works in the future, there will be more actors. At that time, the only way to win the hearts of the audience is by acting.

"It's been so many years, and we're getting old too." Aunt Li said with emotion.

"Aunt Li, you will live a long life, and even if you are old, you will have no regrets, because everyone has lived a good life, and it should be like this in the future." Even in the future, not everyone will be able to achieve this standard of living.

So everyone at this time is truly happy.

Because young people in the future want to buy a house or a car, and parents have to earn money to support their children and buy a house or a car for their children. Everyone is under a lot of pressure, and they feel that they have less time for themselves. Life in the future will be more convenient than now. It's just that they don't have a mobile phone and a computer, otherwise they may not have a good life in their place!

"I don't want to live a long life. I can live every day. Now that life is so easy, I eat so many good things, and my children are married and established. I really have nothing to regret." Li Aunt said.

The only regret is Li Jisi, who suffered so much at a young age, was killed and passed away.

Every time she saw Song Can, she felt that Li Jisi was in Song Can's body, but she was not Li Jisi at all, maybe it was just because they were the same age, or maybe it was because she missed too much, so everyone looked like Li Jisi.

Song Xi didn't know that Aunt Li had passed away for so many years and hadn't let go of Li Jisi. If she knew about it, she would feel very distressed. Sending a white-haired person to a black-haired person is an extremely painful thing.

If possible, she believed that Aunt Li and Uncle Li would definitely trade herself for Li Jisi.

Most of the elders want their offspring to be good, and they are willing to pay for their offspring. There are relatively few selfish parents and old people who don't want their children to live well, and always only care about themselves.

"Xiaoxi, go and do your work. Don't delay your affairs because of me. I'll go back to the next door soon." Seeing that Song Xi was always with her, Aunt Li said a little embarrassedly.

"It's okay, there's still time." Song Xi said.

The yard is such a big place, and she and Zhou Yi will be able to deal with it soon, if it doesn't work, they will call the children to work, so that they don't know how to grow vegetables when they grow up.

"Ma'am." At this time a child ran over and threw himself into Aunt Li's arms. Without Aunt Li's introduction, Song Xi could recognize that this was the child of Li Ji'an and Sang Ruo. Song Xi often came to the village, so naturally he often saw him .

The little guy looks delicate, very cute, beautiful, and has a very high appearance.

There are no people with low looks in Ping'an Village now, and the same goes for children.

"Xiaoxi, then I'll go home first." Aunt Li was afraid that the little guy would disturb Song Xi and Zhou Yi's work, so she dragged the little guy home.

In the afternoon, after the children came, Yu Yiyan ran over and told Song Xi that their grandfather Zhou Zhongguo had given them red envelopes, and even the two children of Liu Wenya and Yu Chuan had given them red envelopes, and he did not treat them differently.

Song Xi told them to keep it with peace of mind. Zhou Zhongguo is everyone's grandfather, and it is right to prepare red envelopes for them, especially Yiyan and Yinuo. They don't see each other every year, but only once every few years. Zhou Zhongguo This dear grandpa, can you not want to?

If it wasn't for Zhou An's misconduct, how could he and his granddaughter face such a separation? Now that he is getting older, the chance to meet his granddaughter is one less time. Unlike Zhou Nanxing and the others, they are closer, so naturally they meet more often.

Song Xi and Zhou Yi packed up the house, went to Zhou Zhongguo and Zou Xu's place, and then everyone returned to the new village.

Xin Nanjiang had previously asked Xin Zhuoqun and Mo Jingxiang to come and get together. On the day of Xu Yujie and Jing Yunming's engagement, their family came early. After Xu Yujie and Jing Yunming held their engagement ceremony, they gave Xu Yujie a Big red envelope.

Not to mention that Xu Yujie is Xin Zhuoqun's step-sister, but if I introduce them to Xu Yunying, they will also have to give a big red envelope.

Even without Xu Yunying's introduction, they knew each other themselves, but it might not be so fast to get together, because Xu Yunying introduced them to meet in order to match them up and let them start dating on the premise of getting married.

If they let them get in touch with themselves, they would definitely be embarrassed to pierce the window paper, and really don't know how much good time they will be wasted.

"Thank you Brother Xin and Jing...sister-in-law." Xu Yujie was so excited that she almost called "Sister Jingxiang". Although she used to call her "Sister Jingxiang" all the time, but now Mo Jingxiang is Xin Zhuoqun's wife, so she is her sister-in-law.

Mo Jingxiang said, "Yujie, I'm so happy for you two, you are really a match made in heaven, congratulations, happy engagement, I wish you more and more happiness in the future."

Xu Yujie glanced at Jing Yunming, and then said, "Thank you sister-in-law."

Jing Yunming also said thank you.

He didn't call sister-in-law, because he was older than Xin Zhuoqun, and also quite a few years older than Mo Jingxiang, so it was too embarrassing to call Mo Jingxiang sister-in-law.

After the banquet was completely over, the family went back together. Xu Yujie and Jing Yunming also wrapped red envelopes for Xin Zhuoqun and Mo Jingxiang's children. When meeting for the first time, they must give gifts.

Afterwards, the children were allowed to play in the yard, and everyone sat in the living room drinking tea and chatting.

Xu Yujie and Mo Jingxiang looked at each other, feeling a little dazed. They were witnesses to the development of Ping'an Village. They had never imagined that they would have such a life before. Both of them were filled with emotion!

If Ping'an Village hadn't developed, they would have lived the same miserable life as before. How could they be like this now, counting money until their hands cramped, and worrying about what to eat and what to wear every day. The worry was because there were too many choices. I don't know what to choose.

In the eyes of people in this era, they are already very rich, and they will only become richer in the future.

"Yu Jie, what are your plans for the future?" Mo Jingxiang asked with concern.

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