Supernatural Clairvoyant

Chapter 950: Roy Xiaoruo

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Need to see God's Eye!

"Why is Wang Dou here? How did he become a member of the Tiangong organization? And he left the earth to perform the task of capturing the seeds of the gods in this eastern region?"

"Can it be just that this person in front of him looks very similar to the king on earth?"

Fang Shen had met such a thing. When he first came to Qingfeng Empire, he met a woman very similar to Ye Lanyun.

However, when Fang Shen looked at the "Wang Dou", Fang Shen's doubts were resolved.

The man in front of him is the King Tiger Fighter.

When Wang Dou saw Fang Shen, his pupils contracted in an instant, and he was extremely shocked. Although this emotion was closed by him in an instant, he still couldn't escape the capture of reincarnation.

This must be Wang Dou.

Although he was very deep in the city, he saw Fang Shen here and showed a hint of stubbornness.

"What's wrong here?" Wang Dou pretended not to know Fang Shen, and asked those who were organized by Tiangong.

"Captain, this person has snatched another person's deity seed, but just don't know if his body is compatible with both deities?"

"At this point, don't bother you. I will report to the leader myself, and I will remember your contribution."

"Yes, Captain."

Later, these people, together with Wang Dou, all came out of the dungeon.

"It seems that Wang Dou wants to help me cover this up. It is also interesting. As the organizer of the Huaxia Budo Conference, he was still thinking about doing things here, but this Wang Dou hidden It's deep. "

Fang Shen thinks of Wang Dou ’s position in the earth ’s Huaxia Kingdom, which can be regarded as the country ’s greatest weapon. Although ordinary people do not know him, every person in the Huaxia practice circles regards Wang Dou as a god, and Several leaders of the central government also regarded Wang Dou as the Great Wall of China, which is an important part of the sight of China's revival.

Although on the surface, the economic and military strengths are compared among nations, in the dark, the competition between nations ’practice strengths is equally fierce.

On the bright side, if Huaxia wants to regain the center of the world, no matter how strong the economy and how prosperous the culture, it will always be a little bit meaning. Those white people, even black people like parasites, are more or less Less discrimination against Chinese people, even if they no longer have that qualification, but this has been the case for a long time.

There is only one way to change this status quo, and that is to fight them and use their fists to make them fear, and their status will naturally return.

It's just that the existence of nuclear weapons, such a world war on the surface, is almost impossible, but at the level of cultivation, there is no such fear.

To be precise, this Huaxia Budo World Congress is World War III at the underground level.

At that time, Huaxia and even the world's masters will be out in force. If one side wants to show off their muscles, conduct a military parade, or even change the rules, the other side will desperately stop it.

And for such an important conference, Huaxia is a nationwide nation. Anyone who knows this is not the greatest reliance and magic weapon for day tiger master Wang Dou.

If Wang Doucheng is okay for Huaxia, if he is unwilling, this matter will be troublesome.

While Fang Shen was thinking, his arm was touched.

When Fang Shen turned her head, she saw a woman's face facing her silly joy. It was the female man with thicker arms than Fang Shen's thigh. Of course, she just reminded Fang Shen in good faith.

"Brother, you are really amazing. Meet me, my name is Rouy."

Fang Shen almost laughed out loud. This female man, apparently growing up three big five ancestors, is over one meter nine meters tall, a head taller than Fang Shen, but it is called Rou Yi, this contrast is really not too big .

But to be honest, this Rou Yi is not ugly, of course, it is not beautiful, only the appearance of a person.

But her face has a magical function that no one can hate.

"You just call me Fang Shen." Fang Shen held back a smile, and said, "I think you've been arrested, aren't you worried at all?"

"What are you worried about?" Rouy poked her mouth and said, "It's all about eating here, and it's the meat of all kinds of spirits. It's enough, but it's more comfortable than home. There is only one thing. Oh no, there are two things. One is This rope is not very comfortable. Second, this room is not cold, but the lighting is a bit poor ... "

Fang Shen was speechless.

You have been arrested in the dungeon on the street. It is uncertain whether you are alive or dead. You still care about the lighting problem.

However, talking to such people is comfortable, and this soft body has the seed of the **** body, Fang Shen would like to find out.

Because under the rough glance of the seeing eye, this Zouyi's cultivation is not high, and she has not undergone any systematic training. It is completely a wild road, but her body is full of vitality and strength.

This deity may have a **** body, although it is not as good as a fairy body, but it should not be worse.

"Zouyi, I want to ask you a few questions." Fang Shen prepared to inquire about the news.

But just asked, Zouyi just waved his big casserole palm: "Don't ask me, I don't know anything, just ask her, she's amazing."

In other words, regardless of whether Fang Shen agrees or disagrees, Zouyi pulls him in front of the woman whose eyes seem to be pregnant with some kind of ice-like pupils.

This woman and Zouyi are two extremes. They are extremely beautiful and look good. Even if the whole body is curled up because of the binding, they can still see Miaoman's posture.

She glanced coldly at Fang Shen. The eyes seemed extremely cold, and then she looked away. Fang Shen had never seen Fang Shen in general.

Rouy shook the woman's body, and said, "Xiao Ruo, please answer his question."

The woman's name was Xiao Ruo, and she gave a cold glance at Rouyi, her expression warmed slightly, and said in a helpless tone, "You have only seen him before, so why do you push your heart?"

Rouyi grinned and grinned: "I'm the most intuitive person. Of course, I don't just look at you and think you won't hurt me. Now I look at this buddy, I feel the same way, small If you believe me. "

"Okay." Xiao Ruo stroked his forehead and looked at Fang Shen: "Looking at Zou Yi's face, I answer your three questions, but I will tell you in advance that I won't know everything, but absolutely not There is a lie. "

Fang Shen's mouth grinned, and three eternal classic issues of ancient philosophy were thrown out.

"Who are you? Why are you here? Where are you going?"

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