
One day after Miss Mary disappeared.

Miss her.

The second day after Miss Mary disappeared.

Miss her, miss her.

The third day...

Miss her, miss her, miss her!

""Monk, I've got some food for you, eat some."

Nanbei had just come back from the school cafeteria and pushed the food box full of food in front of Qin You.

Qin You was lying on the desk, looking listless.

The weather outside was not very good, and it seemed that it was going to rain soon.

There were a few photos on the desk, all of which were taken by the Tiangong camera when Miss Mary appeared that day.

"I don't eat, I don't drink"

"I don't drink, I don't eat"

"I must find Miss Mary……"

Nanbei couldn't stand it anymore:"That's enough! If someone didn't know, you would think you were in love! This is a female ghost, my friend! This is a fierce ghost with a long history! This is an evil spirit!"

"You do not understand……"Qin You said helplessly.

Nanbei put her hands on her hips, acting like a daughter who should be strong:"I don't understand anything, tell me!"

"My thirst for knowledge won't allow me to fail."

Qin You actually turned over on the desk and continued to lie on it:"Nanbei, a single-celled organism like you definitely doesn't have this kind of trouble."

Nanbei: ????

Nanbei couldn't believe it:"Are you calling me stupid?"

Qin You stood up and looked at her with dead fish eyes:"You actually heard it, congratulations on evolving into a mammal with thinking ability."

Nanbei was about to lose his temper.

But Qin You collapsed again and continued to hug those horrible ghost photos.

"Ah...Miss Mary……"

"Where are you……"


In the dark rental house.

It was pouring rain outside.

Lightning flashed, the sky was dim, and the shadows of the trees were waving outside the window, forming a terrifying look that made people easily think of the figure of a devil.

The girl who had seen Qin You in the street restaurant before.

She was sitting in front of the computer typing, with half of her face gray, and her gray-white eyes, paired with the other normal-colored eyes, looked particularly weird.

In the corner, Miss Mary hugged her knees and shivered.

Lin Lin turned his head and looked at the corner.

"Why are you so scared?"

Miss Mary said stiffly:"He...he...that person...he is thinking about me.……"

Lin Lin was stunned:"That monk?"

Miss Mary seemed to be even more frightened when she heard this name. She hugged her knees tightly and stuck to the wall.

She nodded vigorously.

Lin Lin was silent for a long time before saying:"Originally, I saw that the monk was actually an Internet celebrity. He wanted you to kill her to hype your popularity and increase your power. I didn't expect that she was a tough guy and beat you seriously.……"

"Times are changing so fast, internet celebrities now have real skills"

"It doesn't matter."

Lin Lin showed a cruel smile.

"Let's go kill the others, just kill a few more"


Miss Mary started to commit crimes again.

A few days later, Qin You got the news and blamed himself.

He went to Tiangong more frequently.

Tiangong Insurance Company, in fact, the aboveground part is really engaged in insurance business, and it is very large, with business spanning the northern and southern hemispheres.

The underground part is the base of the official aliens. It is very powerful, with branches all over the country, which is equivalent to branches.

Qin You spent a lot of time to understand the information of this company.

Finally, he came to a conclusion.

Whether it is Tiangong or aliens, they themselves do not seem to exist specifically to deal with supernatural events.

Dealing with supernatural events is just a by-product.

They are like a special agent organization, but not an intelligence organization, but more like a nuclear deterrent.

Aliens are the weapons themselves.

After learning this, Qin You was very dissatisfied.

No wonder they are not professional at all!

Pei Hongyu's team is in charge of a small area of Jianghai City, mainly in Baoshan District.

It belongs to the marginal area of Jianghai City, so it is the weakest and has the fewest people.

And those teams in the city center, some of them have dozens of people, and the largest is even equivalent to a reinforced platoon.

Relatively speaking, Pei Hongyu's place has little money, many things to do and is far from home, so powerful aliens are not willing to come. She had to find ways to attract people herself. She even arranged for Nanbei to transfer to Qin You to win him over.

For a powerful tactical alien team leader, it was really humble and sad.

With Qin You's IQ, he quickly figured it all out.

And he found that the only person in his group who had a deep understanding of mysticism was not Mama-san, but the blind man.

Since then, Qin You has been pestering the blind man and asked him to teach him everything he knew.

The blind man was helpless:"Mysticism has a very complex knowledge system, and most of them are guesses without definite conclusions. You can't be so anxious, you have to take your time, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry."

Qin You took the small notebook and said:"I'm not in a hurry, I have sorted out a few small problems, these problems can help me find Miss Mary and save her."

The blind man had no choice:"Okay, tell me... By the way, a few questions? I have to hypnotize a few clients and counsel their mental health later."

Qin You looked at it for a while:"Ah……"

Then he turned a page.

The blind man curled his lips.

He turned another page.

The blind man felt a little uneasy.

Then he turned several pages in a row.

Qin You said happily:"Ah! Not many! Three hundred and twenty!"

Hearing this, the blind man was shocked and fell to the ground with his buttocks.

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