
Chapter 1146: Resurgence

The sea breeze blowing over the Pacific Ocean in March filled California with a warm spring atmosphere. There is no solemn and deserted winter, nor the bustling and noisy summer. Spring always carries a unique breath, short but beautifully. Stay in California for a while, and then go lightly.

The ticking sound of the hour hand seems to be still strolling in my ears. When I raised my head and looked at the calendar, I realized, "God, the first quarter of 1995 is about to end!"

Yes, March is coming to an end.

In 2004, to coincide with the advancement of the summer vacation, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences held the annual Oscars one month ahead of schedule, which also turned the closing time of the annual awards season into February. But before that, the Oscars have always been held at the end of March, a time away from Valentine's Day, away from the Super Bowl, and away from the cold winter.

The 67th Oscars Awards Ceremony will be held on March 27th-the last Sunday of March. The expectation that has been brewing for three months will be concentrated on this night, and it is also a reflection of the past. Final summary in 1994.

This year's Oscar is undoubtedly the most competitive award ceremony since the 48th Academy Awards in 1976.

There are many reasons why people can not forget the 70s in history, not only because it was a year when rock stars were shining, but also because it was a year when great works reached its peak. The lineup of contenders for the best picture of the 48th Oscars Awards, even in 2014, can still be the strongest name in history!

All five works that participated in the selection that year have been recorded in the annals of history. Stanley Kubrick’s epic masterpiece "barry." This work is also considered by countless people to be "perfect" and is generally considered It was Kubrick’s closest to Oscar; Robert Altman’s "Nashville ( was praised as the most outstanding American movie since the "male and male thieves", and this work is also considered to be an Ultraman satire. The pinnacle of the world affects countless audiences.

Sidney Lumet (.lumet), a master of drama conflict, and Al Pacino’s "Hot Day Afternoon" is now considered the pinnacle of the cop film; and then Steven Spielberg’s Innovative horror film style has almost influenced a whole generation of "Jaws". The special effects, sound effects, soundtrack, and editing of the film can be said to have revolutionized Hollywood commercial films.

The last is "Flying over the Cuckoo's Asylum" from Milos Foreman (.), with excellent standards, deep thoughts, and excellent performing arts. Time has proven the status of this work as a classic in film history!

The five works are well-deserved classics in film history, whether they are film completion, depth of thought, and influence on the future film industry. The winning of any work is taken for granted, so that when "Flying Over the Cuckoo's Asylum" won, although people lamented that they deserved it, they still sighed at the failure of the other four works.

Such a grand occasion has never been seen since.

When this year's Oscar nominations came out, countless media exclaimed: This is the most intense competition after 1976. And this view has been verified in the next twenty years. Even in 2014, there were still countless people arguing about which one is the classic of the 48th Oscar or the 67th Oscar. The classic in?

The top five seats for this year's best film belong to "Forrest Gump", "Pulp Fiction", "Shawshank's Redemption", "Four Weddings and a Funeral", and "Behind the Scenes Lies."

Among the five works, "Forrest Gump" and "Pulp Fiction", which are praised by film critics, sought after by the audience, are of high quality, have a good depth of thought, and have a good box office, are undoubtedly the most powerful competitors; At the beginning, the "Shawshank's Redemption", which no one paid attention to at the beginning, was accompanied by the fermentation and brewing of comments, and later came from behind. The super-high voice also allowed it to surpass all competitors at the last moment. Not only was it nominated, but it also became a strong competitor. .

Although the box office of "Four Weddings and One Funeral" is limited in North America, the brilliant original script has won unanimous praise, and the strong British humor has officially entered the attention of the American public; the "behind the scenes lie" involves the media, Sensitive topics such as truth have reproduced the biggest TV scandal in the 1950s in the United States. It can be described as an in-depth analysis of the entire entertainment industry and it is thought-provoking.

Behind the strength of these five works are a group of strong competitors who have not been nominated, "The Years of Love", "The Lion King", "Born Murderer", "Bullets Over Broadway", and "Blue, White, and Red" "Qu Zhihong", "Little Women", "Ed Wood", etc., this long list of unsuccessful candidates has made people feel the fierce competition.

However, objectively speaking, although "four weddings and one funeral" is interesting, it is a light comedy and lacks weight in the depth of thought. Although the topic of "behind-the-scenes lies" is profound, the discussion by director Robert Redford is only a point. So far, I haven't dig deep, so the overall thickness is also slightly inferior.

What really makes the 67th Oscars and the 48th Oscar add brilliance to each other is the fierce competition between "Forrest Gump", "Pulp Fiction" and "Shawshank's Redemption". Which of these three works is better than the inferior. The controversy continued until twenty years later and there was still no clear result.

From an objective perspective, the shooting techniques and techniques of "Shawshank's Redemption" are stable. The biggest highlight of this work is the core idea of ​​the film: freedom! The phrase "fear makes you a prisoner and hopes to regain your freedom" can be said to have affected a generation of people and pushed people's yearning for freedom to the extreme. This is a work in which the core spirit surpasses the film itself.

"Pulp fiction" is on the contrary, with bold styles, alternative forms, and slanted swords. From the pattern of the script to the use of lines, from the characterization to the humorous presentation, all movies break people's fixed thinking and open up the whole Hollywood. A brand new door has made professional filmmakers wake up: it turns out that movies can still be shot like this! Compared with the deep digging of ideas, this work is like a title. This is just a vulgar entertainment masterpiece, but its breakthrough innovation has completely changed the development trajectory of Hollywood movies.

"Forrest Gump" is like yin and yang tai chi, bringing the doctrine of the mean to the extreme. The shooting technique is smooth and flowing, and the storytelling is smooth without losing the highlights. It combines many principles and reflections into the plot, slowly. This work is not innovative in shooting techniques, but it is also a good biography; the depth of thought is not deep into the bones, but it also interprets the "American Dream" vividly.

It can be said that "Shawshank's Redemption" and "Pulp Fiction" are works that people who like it very much like and those who hate it sneer at it, while "Forrest Gump" can win the love of most audiences. This can be clearly felt from the box office results of the three works.

The comprehensive level of the three works is similar, and it can be said that they are on the same level. Strictly speaking, "Forrest Gump" and "Pulp Fiction" are even slightly higher, but the advantages are not obvious. Therefore, the victory or defeat of the three works has become the biggest point of view. This controversy continued from the nomination list to 2014, twenty years later, and it is still a matter of opinion.

Therefore, this time the best film will eventually become the biggest attraction, which is more anticipated than any Oscar in the previous twenty years.

This pattern can also be seen from the list of nominations alone. The conclusion that "four weddings and one funeral" is not competitive can be directly reflected in the number of nominations. It only received two nominations for best picture and best original screenplay; The same goes for "Behind the Scenes". Although it was nominated for both Best Picture and Best Director, only one Best Supporting Actor was shortlisted in the Acting Awards. In addition, he was receiving a nomination for Best Adapted Screenplay. Only four nominations were made. hand.

There are a lot of nominations for "Shawshank's Redemption", but the quality is slightly inferior. In addition to the best film, it also won the best actor, best adapted screenplay, best photography, best sound, and best editing. Of the six nominations including best soundtrack, only seven nominations were recorded. Not only was he absent from the final battle for best director, but also the actor Tim Robbins did not receive a nomination.

"Pulp Fiction" also received seven nominations, but the quality is one position ahead of "Shawshank's Redemption". Although "Pulp Fiction" has no results in the technical, the acting department has won a big victory. , Won five important awards in one go, including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress, and two important nominations for Best Original Screenplay and Best Editing . It can be said that the nomination of "Pulp Fiction" swept all departments except the heroine, and the level of competitiveness was improved a lot at once.

"Forrest Gump" is currently the most watched work in the nomination stage, with 13 nominations unmatched, best film, best director, best actor, best supporting actor, best adaptation in major departments The scripts are all shortlisted. Although there is no gain in the female role, the technical department sweeping the army is the best way to make up for it. This also makes "Forrest Gump" lead the pack in the nomination stage.

From this list of nominations, it can be seen that this year is estimated to be a three-pronged situation of "Forrest Gump", "Pulp Fiction" and "Shawshank's Redemption". In the end, whoever came to the dead also attracted everyone's attention. Obviously this year's The award ceremony was much more exciting than last year's "Schindler's List" dominated the show! Suddenly the situation is back!

In terms of works, these three works lead the way, and a lot of topics have also been gathered in terms of individual nominations, especially Tom Hanks has become the biggest attraction, because not long ago at the Golden Globes, he defeated the very loud rain. Guo re-elected the title of actor, which also makes this year's Oscar actor competition one of the biggest attractions outside of the best film.

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