
Chapter 1287: Absolute rule

Before the release of Mariah Carey's new album, it is estimated that no one can predict the current situation, Maria actually and the glory of the album released a year ago is inextricably difficult to distinguish.

What’s even more bizarre is that it’s not that Maria’s new album and new singles did not perform well. On the contrary, both "Daydream" and "Fantasy" received unanimous praise, critical music critics and noisy ordinary The listeners all gave Maria a word of praise, asking for sales to have sales, word of mouth and word of mouth, and for topics to have topics...

It happened that under such circumstances, Maria and Glory to the death fell into a bitter battle. It's strange, and people can't help but sigh, sighing that Maria is already so strong, but the glory to death is still not inferior, and the more successful the new single of Maria's new album, the more it contrasts the glory of glory to death.

In the second week of October, the competition between "Fantasy" and "Apologize ( entered a new white-hot stage. The sales of the two singles both fell by 200,000, but the former once again lost to the latter, "Fantasy." It won 180,000 sales, and the "apology" swept the 190,000 sales. The subsequent explosive power has reached the point of jaw-dropping, making all languages ​​lose their color.

On the radio on-demand rate rankings, the "fantasy" that has been enthusiastically sought after by listeners rose further, surpassing other competitors in one fell swoop, ranking behind Michael Jackson's "You are not alone" and occupying the third place in this week's market share. It is worth mentioning that "You are not alone" has stayed in the top three of the radio on-demand charts for more than eight weeks. Michael's return to the music world has become more stable, and history is deviating at a speed that can be seen by the naked eye.

However, in the face of fierce competition for many singles, the rate of on-demand "apology" radio stations remained high. An incredible incident occurred on the most popular music station on the West Coast. The on-demand tracks for two hundred and thirty-seven consecutive phone calls were all " "Apologize" is almost impossible in terms of probability. Even if young volcanoes focus on-demand at the same time, it is difficult to achieve, because the radio has a certain probability of answering the phone. Young volcanoes can control themselves, but they cannot. other people. Therefore, no single track has created such a miracle before, including the "Magic Wall ( that has won countless people's love.

But the "apology" did it, which not only created a record that could not be surpassed, but also achieved a unique glory that belongs to the glory to death.

This week’s radio on-demand rate "apology" once again won a 6% share. Although it was slightly lower than last week, the momentum has always been strong. It continued to explode the second-placed "You are not alone" and the third. The "fantasy" of the name.

There is no doubt that after the "apology" achieved three consecutive championships, it also completed the three consecutive killings of "fantasy". This can almost be said to have shocked the entire market for three weeks, and it also made Sony Records face green. I can't laugh anymore. During Maria’s propaganda, there were reporters who opened the pot or raised which pot. Maria didn’t give any face this time, so she turned around with a cold face and walked away. She also asked her security guards to violently stop the reporter who came after her. There was no physical conflict, but the scene was very unpleasant.

For Maria, who made a strong attack on the new album, "Fantasy" was overwhelmed by the "apology" despite the applause and popularity of the new album. In terms of topicality, the reporters "don't know why" have been standing in glory. On the other side of death, she always threw the pressure on Maria, and even was willing to applaud her "apology", which made Maria really feel aggrieved.

I have to say that timing is a very interesting thing. Everyone thinks that Maria chose an excellent time to release the latest single, and the sales curve of "Fantasy" also proves this point; but the timing is not that simple, the fermentation effect of the Hugo incident and the evil taste of EMI Records There was an amazing spark, coupled with the excellent quality of the song "Apologize" itself, and finally created the situation today.

In the second week of October, "Apologize" three kills and "Fantasy", the two ranked first and second respectively, while "Gangster Paradise", "You Are Not Alone", "Escape" and "Rose Kiss" still occupy the third place. To the sixth place, only the two songs of the fifth and sixth have changed positions, and there is not much change in the others.

As time progresses, subtle changes have taken place in the North American market. Discussions on the uncrowned kings, media responsibilities, press freedom and personal privacy have gradually entered a fever pitch. On August 5th, the young volcano's rebellion took off. After this ideological frenzy, and it continued to spread, countless scholars began to seriously think about this issue: under the influence of the market economy, the relationship between readers, media, news events or news figures began to be distorted, so political. How should the government and media organizations conduct regulation to ensure that the media’s responsibilities are carried out smoothly, while at the same time catering to the needs of the market without crossing the moral bottom line.

This is a very profound and serious social issue. Even in 2014, relevant discussions will continue, because this is a necessary path for social development and the inevitable result of continuous social evolution.

In this hot discussion, the "apology" ushered in a volcanic blowout, not just confined to young volcanoes' mocking of journalists, the song has also been given a deeper social meaning. Many professional music critics, professional literary scholars, and professional sociologists have said that this song is the resistance and satire of the creator Hugo to society. This is Hugo experiencing his own Golden Globe event, Michael’s witch After the trial and other circumstances, Hugo silently protested against the entire social phenomenon.

This is exactly in line with the social attributes of rock bands. Starting from hippies in the sixties, they experienced punk and no wave in the seventies, new wave and hedonism in the eighties, and ushered in a brand new one after entering the nineties. Outbreaks, rave culture, pessimism, nihilism, youth autonomy, etc., all represent the rock band’s reading and understanding of society, as well as their vision and resistance to the future society.

As a representative of the new metal rock, Glory to Death is a model of resistance to society. Their music itself is a resistance to pattern, regularization, immobilization, and conceptualization. Now, after "killing the hero (..., "apology" has set off a wave of cultural innovation, and in an instant the whole society has set off a wave of resistance to traditional media.

Faced with such a situation, Hugo really couldn't laugh or cry. The song "Apologize" doesn't have so much meaning at all. It's just his touch of Uma during the filming of "Pulp Fiction". This is a pure song. Songs about love have no added meaning. Regardless of the intention or the degree of completion, "apology" is not Hugo's most outstanding creation. If you insist, the use of the cello is a unique choice that breaks ground.

But the development of history is so interesting, Michael’s removal of grievances, the success of "The Wall", the shooting of "Death Row", the choice of EMI Records... After this series of seemingly unconnected events are connected together, it is achieved. The current situation-glory to death has really set off a wave of cultural innovation!

August 5 is a day worth going down in the annals of history. This is more than just talking.

Driven by this wave, the "apology" showed the absolute dominance of horror. In the third week of October, sales surpassed the number of 270,000, which even surpassed the record in the first week of the single's release. , Set a new high for single weekly sales, and at the same time promoted single sales to cross the million mark, and obtained platinum certification; in the fourth week of October, sales remained high, with a sales figure of almost 250,000 Let the professional sales statistics experts lose their language; in the first week of November, the single once again achieved 180,000 sales. At this time, the cumulative sales of the single has passed the 1.5 million mark, which seems to be 2 million. Already within reach...

As the fourth single of the album "Bath the Morning Light", and it has been six months since the release of "The Wall", almost no one is optimistic about the prospect of "apology", but the fact is that "apology" has achieved even It is a brilliant EMI never expected. Unintentionally inserting willows into shade.

In the face of the absolute rule of "apology", although "fantasy" achieved very good results, its impact began to weaken as time progressed. After the first three weeks of strong impact failed, the "apology" became more and more powerful. The staying power of "Fantasy" simply cannot initiate a powerful challenge, and the gap has been widened. It can only be witnessed by the "apology" creating brilliance.

"Apologize" hardly encountered any challenges. The number of weeks of winning the championship continued to accumulate, from three to four, then to five, and then to six. It can be said that it is like a smashing force and indomitable!

After "apologizing" stepped on Maria’s shoulder to complete the six consecutive championships, facing the "Fantasy" Liulian's results, Sony Records made a difficult decision. They were originally scheduled to release the second "Daydream" four weeks later. The wave single "A Sweet will be released two weeks in advance.

"A Sweet Day" is obviously another ambition of Maria’s album. This is a collaboration between Maria and the most powerful rhythm and blues boy band boy band in the past two years. It can be said that it is a strong top singer. The strong teamwork attracted the attention of countless music critics when the album was released and was highly acclaimed.

Faced with the tremendous pressure of "apology", Sony Records also had to admit the failure of "fantasy"-a relatively speaking failure, it could only mobilize follow-up forces to fight in advance.

Before the official release of "Sweet Day", "Apologize" continued its dominance. For seven consecutive weeks, for eight consecutive weeks, "Apologize" accumulated the number of weeks of winning singles to the number of "eight" in one fell swoop. It also made the four-week singles of "Bath in the Morning Light" teamed up to occupy the 42-week championship for glory to death! In other words, more than three-quarters of the time in the past year, the billboard singles charts have been dominated by Glory to Death. Such a feat is unprecedented, and it is estimated that there will be no one to come.

After the release of "Fantasy", he contributed to Palianya and became a direct witness of the eight consecutive championships of "Apology", and even became a foil to the absolute dominance of "Apology". Standing on the shoulders of giants and savoring the taste of victory, the winning streak of "apology" has also become one of the important footnotes of the glory to death competition with Maria!

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