
Chapter 1553: Historical burden

"Leo, everyone is looking forward to the release of this movie. Do you have any special thoughts? Or, what do you think of the box office of the movie?" Jie still throws away this simplest and most basic topic. After coming out, the reporters buzzed and talked again, apparently at this moment they were also exchanging opinions with each other.

Regardless of the previous prediction, after experiencing such a grand premiere ceremony today, everyone believes that the prospect of "Independence Day" should have a new understanding. Leaving aside the long-term box office, but relying on the explosive effect of the premiere ceremony, the box office on the day of Independence Day and the first weekend is bound to usher in a big explosion. Perhaps, the prediction of the Chicago Tribune is really not a rhetoric.

Leonardo did not answer directly, but looked at Hugo, with a ridiculous smile on his face. The elusive expression made Cameron standing on the side uncontrollable, and he burst into laughter. , The childlike sunny smile made Leonardo also draw a smile. He still looked at Hugo, and then said into the microphone that Jie stretched over, "Can I say I am looking forward to it? I am looking forward to it. Looking at the scene of Hugo vs. aliens, it should be...well, funny. It's like Hugo and e.t fighting."

When Leonardo said this, everyone burst into laughter. Even Hugo smiled helplessly and shook his head. Leonardo also seemed very proud, "As for the box office, I don’t know. I have never been a box office expert.” After finishing speaking, Leonardo also shrugged self-deprecatingly, seeming to be mocking his “bad habit” of never taking commercial movies, which made the reporters laughed shitly.” So, let me just say a number, uh... five hundred million?"

At this time, the reporters laughed even harder, almost flipping backwards, because Leonardo's joke is really too happy.

As of 1996, the highest box office record in film history in North America was held by the "Alien e.t" released in 1982. The box office data of $403 million is shocking, and this record is recognized by countless media. The shackles that cannot be broken, because all the works in the history of North American film, let alone 500 million, even the 400 million film works are only one-not counting inflation-the only remaining "alien e" ".T", and "Alien e.t" was originally released with a box office of 360 million, and then it was re-screened in 1985, which barely exceeded the 400 million threshold of the sky, and then again in 2002. Re-screening, the final official record of the cumulative box office is 435 million. .

If you count the rescreening box office, the cumulative box office of "Star Wars" after being rescreened in 1982 and 1997 was as high as 460 million. The box office of "The Lion King" was also broken after two rescreenings in 2002 and 2011. 400 million, reaching 420 million.

In other words, before the "Titanic" came out, before 1996, there was no film in North America. After the first screening cycle ended, the box office could break the incredible 400 million threshold. At this moment, even three. There are only a handful of works with 100 million dollars, because at this time the standard for measuring box office superstars is "100 million US dollars." This is also after Hugo broke through five consecutive movies at box office of 100 million, and two consecutive movies at box office exceeded 200 million, he became the top in one fell swoop. The reason for the box office superstar.

Now, Leonardo has said a "500 million", which is definitely not ashamed. All reporters regarded this as a joke, even Leonardo himself, Hugo, Cameron and Jie, they all laughed. Perhaps this is the most successful joke on the red carpet today.

The red carpet of the premiere ceremony ended in a happy atmosphere, and Hugo and his party walked in. The National Theater is full of familiar friends, which makes Hugo feel more cordial. Everyone is willing to come to cheer for "Independence Day", which is very important for Hugo.

Especially when seeing Tom Cruise, Hugo said that it must be false not to be moved. Paramount would not be happy to see Tom come to cheer for his competitors, but Tom still came with his wife. Although the two have always been competitors, and they are bound to continue to compete-Hugo belongs to the Endeavour Elite Agency, and Creative Artists Agency is certainly not willing to let Tom, the cash cow, but the friendship between the two Not at all affected.

The fate of people and people is such a wonderful thing.

"Seeing the excellent results of the movie, do you regret your death now? I came here specifically to apologize." Tom seemed to be the first to notice Hugo's gratitude and took the initiative to ease the atmosphere in this way.

Hugo couldn't help but laughed and replied, "Are you sure you didn't come here to show off?"

Tom pursed his lips and shrugged. "You see through it." Hugo laughed.

"Don't worry, you don't have to be too jealous when the box office of the'Independence Day' movie comes out. I have never missed my vision of choosing works," Hugo said slyly.

Tom shook his head with a serious face, "Not to mention whether the movie will succeed or not. Even if it succeeds, I will never be jealous. It is my honor to be able to play'Mission: Impossible'. The choice. But, do you really have confidence in the box office of the movie? Jack was still discussing with Al just now, and Jack was a little worried."

This is about Jack Nicholson. "Jack is also worried about the box office of the movie? It's not like him." Hugo and Jack are also old friends. There are not many opportunities for the two to meet because of their work, but every time they meet They all talked very happily. Jack has always admired and cared for Hugo. Every time Hugo has news incidents, Jack does not hesitate to defend Hugo-even if he does not know the original situation.

Tom tilted his head and smiled, "You know, this time the situation is different." Tom looked back at the noisy hall. The star-studded scene looked really lively, "Even everyone in the circle is discussing now." You know the box office of Independence Day, because everyone is involved."

The 20 million club is not that simple. The most direct actors must care, because the salary cap has been raised, which means that their salary has room for increase. The original 8 million may now be able to get 10 million. , The original 10 million level may have risen to thirteen million, and even the commission of the agent will also increase.

In addition, due to the increase in the wages of actors and the increase in the script of the drama, the wages of the entire crew can be increased in all aspects, but there are differences in the arc of the increase according to different departments. Therefore, a 20 million club affects the entire Hollywood landscape. This is why the major film companies have always been cautious. They clearly know that the most accurate colloquialism to describe this matter is to move the whole body.

Now, the box office of the "Ace Specialist" has no hope, which has hit the enthusiasm of many people, so everyone's attention is naturally focused on "Independence Day". The significance of this film has surpassed the level of ordinary works, and it bears the important task of commercial films in the future.

It’s hard to imagine that Hugo won the Oscar for Best Actor not long ago. Coupled with the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor two years ago, he has become a representative of Hollywood acting; now Hugo has become a major box office in the movie market. The protagonist, left-handed box office and right-handed trophy, probably means that.

Hugo doesn’t know much about the entire Hollywood landscape, but I have heard something from Rick and Joseph more or less. He has never considered himself a superman, so he will not put the pressure on his shoulders-of course, Life is often involuntary, even if Hugo doesn't care, it doesn't mean that others won't care. It's easy to say if you win. If you fail, maybe everyone will anger Hugo. Then Hugo's life in Hollywood will be embarrassing.

"So, how much does Jack think the movie's box office will be?" Hugo asked with a smile without circumstance.

"He hopes to exceed 50 million in the first week, but he thinks 35 million is a more realistic number." Tom's words made Hugo chuckle, and when he saw Tom's puzzled gaze, Hugo squinted. Waved his hand, "No, I just think Jack is there to predict the box office, which is really funny."

Tom also laughed helplessly, "Don't talk about Jack, I just heard Steven, George, and David all jokingly discussing the box office, although I also know that they are not serious, but... "But this is reality. Not only reporters, but also actors, screenwriters, directors, and producers are looking forward to the premiere and final box office of "Independence Day." This is the one that sustains the entire Hollywood. Box office battle.

People originally thought that the "Ace Specialist" would announce this answer first, and Columbia Pictures was also looking forward to it, so it was released earlier than "Independence Day", and even because the schedule was too fast, some problems occurred in the later editing-desire. Speed ​​is not fast.

Hugo raised his eyebrows. In fact, he felt it too. In the recent period, even Sheeran Raikkonen and Roger Fasson, who are recording, have discussed, as well as Fujin, who has never been interested in them. I have also worriedly asked about the Hugo box office, not to mention the owner of a convenience store, a cashier in a supermarket, a student working at a gas station, and so on.

"So, what do you think? How much do you think the box office will be?" Hugo smiled and looked at Tom frowned and grinned, "Uh...Five thousand six hundred Wan?" This made Hugo stunned, and then burst into laughter. The premiere box office of "Mission Impossible" was 56.8 million.

Hugo was chatting happily with Tom here, but Leonardo walked over, said hello to Hugo, and left. National Theater. As Hugo expected, "Titanic" is now being closely filmed, Leonardo has no way to leave the set-although objectively speaking, this is a catastrophic drama, in addition to Leonardo, also There are many scenes from other people. Leonardo just left for a few hours without any influence at all, but James Cameron's influence behind it cannot be ruled out.

All in all, Leonardo made a special trip for two hours today just to participate in the premiere of "Independence Day". After the premiere ceremony, he hurried back to San Diego to film.

After leaving Leonardo, the screening time of "Independence Day" is approaching step by step. What kind of answer will this work that bears the weight of the entire Hollywood history? Is it the achievement of the historical brilliance of "Terminator 2", or is it reduced to a "future water world" tragedy?

Everything will be announced soon!

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