
Chapter 1566: Empty alley

Generally speaking, people will discuss the box office of the premiere weekend together, but in fact, even the three-day box office of the premiere weekend has its ups and downs.

Most of the time, Saturday's box office data should be the highest peak, followed by Friday, and the lowest on Sunday. Because on Friday's premiere day, the box office has been boosted. After the first batch of word-of-mouth reports, if the audience recognizes it, the crowds on Saturday are bound to rise, while on Sunday it will fall again.

Of course, there are occasional cases where the box office on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday is almost flat. This is also good news, indicating that the movie’s audience is very stable and its reputation is also very stable. The most frightening thing is that Friday is the highest, Saturday is the second, and Sunday is the worst, showing a downward curve. This also means that the audience’s reputation of the movie is very average, and it is difficult to deliver a bright answer for the next week’s decline.

A work like "Independence Day" is a special case because it is not premiered on Friday, but generally speaking, for a movie released in the middle of the week, on the weekend, the box office trend is basically the movie's future box office trend. As a result, "Independence Day" handed over 25 million US dollars of box office data on Friday. The spectacle fragments on the floor could not find the owner, and even the eyeballs on the floor were no longer shocking.

Under such circumstances, no one can predict the box office trend on Saturday, because all previous empiricism no longer applies to "Independence Day." The daily data is already an unsurpassed peak, so Saturday is bound to fall slightly, but will "Independence Day" really be like this? Will Saturday's box office data really be lower than Friday? But what if Saturday’s box office data is higher than Friday, especially after experiencing Thursday’s madness? This... this is simply unimaginable!

There is no doubt that the "Independence Day" work is creating a new history with a destructive posture, and inspiring the unprecedented potential of the North American film market. No one can predict Saturday's box office!

Saturday, every week’s holiday, every time at this time, after experiencing the frenzied bombardment of a busy week of work, people are always used to relax and rest on Saturday, although many times the so-called "relaxation" will also be boring and boring. The boring daily life is occupied-supermarket purchases, family gatherings, couple dating, work overtime, etc., but Saturday still means a rare moment of leisure, at least you can escape from stressful work and take a breather.

Therefore, in general, Saturdays in major cities are always very lively. The streets are crowded with people, the entrances of the supermarkets are rubbing shoulders, the restaurants are crowded, the theater performances are hard to find, and the shopping malls are overcrowded, even tourist attractions and holidays. Hotels are in short supply, as if the whole city is awakening.

But on the first Saturday of July, Los Angeles looked a little weird. The bustling and noisy Rodeo Drive on weekdays was even more deserted today. Only two or three kittens could be seen scattered on the main street. Swinging in the sun, even the cafes on both sides of the Sunset Boulevard looked like a city on Thanksgiving Day—everyone went home and reunited for the holidays, leaving only an empty city.

But it’s only July, the sunniest month of July, but the streets are deserted and deserted, even the hot sun seems a bit lonely, the cry of knowing makes the shadow of the palm trees more and more lonely, this is really too It's not normal.

However, with the footsteps, you can quickly find the location of the crowd. The surging crowd on Hollywood Boulevard almost left the entire long street with no place to stay. Noisy discussions broke through the clouds, making the hot summer sun involuntary. After retreating, the expressions of excitement and excitement adorn the entire Hollywood Boulevard, like boiling blisters, making time and space start to twist excitedly.

Not only Hollywood Boulevard, but the entire City of Angels is centered on movie theaters. All movie theaters including the five major U.S. movie theaters including the Royal Entertainment Group (regal...), theaters, and theaters have become crowded. center.

Walking into the movie theater has become the first Saturday of July for all city dwellers' first-choice entertainment activities, and this has created a spectacular scene of empty streets!

From Los Angeles to New York, from Boston to Miami, from Seattle to Houston, from Chicago to Salt Lake City... Almost every city has staged such a scene of empty streets. This can definitely be said since the release of "Alien e.t". The most powerful mobilization in the United States, the turbulent crowds swarmed out toward the movie theaters. Such a grand occasion made everyone dumbfounded. At the same time, it also allowed 1996 to sweep away the dilemma of the slightly downturn in the film market in the past year, blooming far. Infinite light far beyond 1994.

Cbs TV, TV, TV and Fox TV all reported the grand occasion in major cities for the first time. This carnival that started on July 4th has continued to this day, making the holiday an incomparable carnival. !

All of this stems from yesterday’s regular White House press conference. President William Clinton, who is determined to complete his re-election this year, received a routine interview and a reporter asked a simple question, “May I ask the president in July How did you celebrate the Independence Day holiday with your family on the 4th?"

William Clinton was obviously in a good mood. He said with a smile, "It is a great honor for Hillary Clinton and Chelsea to watch the movie "Independence Day" at the White House in advance. I think there are some privileges to become president. "Today, we are going to celebrate our Independence Day!" Hugo is a very good actor. If I have the opportunity, I will go to the cinema to watch it again. I think you should also go and see."

The words Clinton said in the interview were really impassioned and emotional when Steve, played by Hugo, stood on the truck to mobilize all civilians and troops on the scene before the final battle of Independence Day. , Excited. From this small detail, it can be seen that Clinton is obviously very satisfied with the "Independence Day" movie.

Everyone knows that this year is a four-year presidential election. Clinton hopes to become the first successful Democratic president after Franklin Roosevelt (.), so every public interview this year is extremely important. Clinton's mention of "Independence Day" is definitely not aimless.

At the end of last year, the "Independence Day" announced the hope for on-site shooting at the White House. Although it was not possible in the end, it still created a lot of topics. However, when Roland Emmerich was writing the script, he kept a clear head. He knew that the audience he needed to capture was not the whole world, but the American audience, only American audiences, leading in this clear and accurate goal. Below, Roland integrated strong patriotism into all corners of the script, and it was demonstrated vividly through the two roles of Thomas and Steve.

It can be said that "Independence Day" is a patriotic movie with the main theme. Although in the movie, Roland dared to blow up the White House and the Statue of Liberty directly, but the 20th Century Fox still did the public relations work, and the Clinton family watched the movie first in the White House. Obviously, Clinton was very satisfied with the patriotic effect of the film.

William Clinton’s preference for movies has always been no secret, but as president, he knows very clearly when to show his preferences and when to shut up. Especially as an important means of cultural export, Hollywood's influence on the North American continent and the world is an important weapon. If used properly, the effect is far more effective than the news media.

During Clinton’s four-year tenure, he has said that he has a preference for two films, and even called people to enter the cinema to watch these two films. The first is "Schindler's List" and the second is It's "Independence Day".

This interview was broadcast by major media, and even broadcast on the TV news program that night, and let the TV station's "Saturday Night Live" use it to tease.

Originally, people's attention to "Independence Day" has reached unprecedented heights, and now there has been a fire, so there was an unimaginable scene of empty streets on Saturday!

It is precisely this time that the empty alleys have made people deeply aware of the meaning of the Independence Day holiday, not only in the holiday, but more importantly in the meaning of the Independence Day itself, which also makes Independence Day and Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas The fundamental factor to distinguish, "Independence Day" makes good use of this point. The pursuit of freedom in the film runs through, so gently fanning the wind, it bursts out infinite On July 6th, an empty Saturday, "Independence Day" set off an unparalleled movie-watching frenzy. No work can be compared with it. This is the only biggest hotspot, set off in the form of sparks hitting the earth. The enthusiasm of the entire North American continent.

Under the expectations, "Independence Day" on Saturday, with incredible box office attracting power, directly created a box office of 29 million US dollars-this is the third day of the movie's release, but it still A single-day box office of nearly 30 million broke out, so the explosive power has reached the ability to make people speechless.

There is no need to wait until Sunday for people to draw conclusions. No one can guess the beginning, let alone the ending. Even the bold and arrogant "Chicago Tribune", their predictions of "Independence Day" are pale. Weakness, not to mention the so-called "worries" of the "New York Post" and "USA Today" that are like jumping clowns. In just three days, "Independence Day" showed a powerful aura that is totally unmatched.

From Thursday’s shock, to Friday’s astonishment, to Saturday’s sluggishness, "Independence Day" destroyed all shackles with powerful energy, broke everyone’s fixed ideas, and set off an unprecedented box office. The frenzy, with the epoch-making light recorded in the annals of history, illuminates the entire Hollywood of 1996!

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