
Chapter 160: Friendly conversation

This time, Hugo also noticed Nicholas' changes. Originally, he was worried that today's interview would be full of difficulties, and Nicholas would continue to make things difficult for himself. But the interview process went smoothly unexpectedly. He didn't even feel that it was an interview. It was like having a conversation with a friend. He also said a lot of things that he didn't expect. And Nicholas, he seems very friendly today.

When Nicholas finished his last sentence, he couldn't help but laugh. He originally wanted to give Hugo some affirmation, but after finishing speaking, he found that this style really didn't suit him, which made him a little embarrassed. Don't use a smile to hide it. "So, if there is a chance to release an album, would you like it?" Nicholas quickly changed the subject and continued his interview.

Hugo also recovered his calm, Nicholas in his eyes changed from a friend to a reporter again, and at this time his coffee was finally delivered. Sure enough, as Nicholas said, the waiting time for coffee is really long. So Hugo did not answer immediately, but took a sip of his coffee for the first time. This coffee is moderately roasted, with a soft sour taste, which is more bitter than the coffee Hugo is used to, and my brows wrinkled at the first sip, but when the aroma blooms on the taste buds After that, the sour sweetness makes people intoxicated.

Hugo guessed that this should be based on Brazilian coffee, but he is not sure, after all, he is still not an expert. "Sugar or cow's milk?" Joseph sat beside and looked at the dark cup of coffee. His brows began to knot, and he asked actively.

Hugo shook his head and said, "I plan to enjoy it again." Actually Hugo is not used to drinking black coffee, but today this cup of coffee is a new taste. After tasting two more sips, you can mix sugar and cow milk. Don't waste the hard work of that barista.

"I guess it's Brazil. I have to ask the barista later." Hugo casually said to Nicolas. Both of them are interested in coffee. It is a good choice to'exchange' your ideas. Nicolas is full of thoughts. I was curious and looked over, "The question you mentioned just now, the album, yes, if there is a chance, I think it would be difficult for me to refuse. But the question is, who would be willing to find me?"

Hugo's rhetorical question made Nicholas laugh, "It depends on how far-reaching the influence of'Yihai Xiongfeng' is." At present, "Yihai Xiongfeng" has just finished its premiere. The news about Hugo's ending song It is so lively, if the influence is further expanded, it is not surprising that the record company finds the'door'.

"Before the movie was released, did you expect this premiere number?" Nicholas then started another topic.

"No, of course not." Hugo shook his head neatly. He only feels the aroma of coffee between his lips and his teeth, and he can even feel the taste of coffee beans. This feeling is really great. "A forensic movie, even though I am sure it is an outstanding work, I dare not make such a bold prediction."

The fifth largest premiere box office in the whole year, this data is indeed too bold.

"Are you pretty sure this is a ‘sexy’ work?" Nicholas caught a key word and repeated it. Hugo nodded in affirmation, Nicholas then asked, "Why, do you have such confidence in the movie?"

Of course, Hugo can’t say that because he came through, but the matter of crossing is not directly related to “Yihai Xiongfeng”. Hugo’s impression of “smelling fragrance and knowing'women'” is far more than that of “Yihai Xiongfeng”. "Profoundly, "You know, a script that shows good looks, a director that shows good looks, a group of actors that show good looks, what more can we expect from the movie?"

"During the filming process, Jack really helped me a lot. Although he didn't stay on the crew for long, he left a deep impression on me in terms of acting. I really like watching Jack on the scene. Acting, it’s a very special enjoyment." Hugo's "door" mentioned Jack Nicholson, which is also his favorite point of "Yihai Xiongfeng", he completed the acting in this movie. A small breakthrough.

If it were not for Al Pacino and Jack Nicholson respectively, it would be difficult for Hugo to achieve an acting breakthrough so quickly. Of course, the accumulation before crossing is also very important.

"I can imagine the scene you said." Nicholas didn't have any interest in the details of acting. He knew Hugo's admiration for Jack. A great actor collaborated separately."

"Of course, it is an honor." Hugo said with a smile. He couldn't help taking another sip of coffee. This time he was pretty sure that the bitterness of the coffee was indeed a bit heavier. He should add a little bit of beef.' Milk'.

"Then who do you think Al and Jack are better?" Nicholas smiled slyly after asking. This is a reporter's routine question, and it depends on how Hugo answers.

Hugo's action of pouring the cow's milk stopped for a while, and then he showed a wry smile, "You gave me a question that no one in the United States can answer." In fact, for actors, who is better and who is greater. His opinion is a question of different opinions. No matter whether it is awards or works, there is no way to define the excellence of actors. They can only be a footnote to their success. "I want to leave this question to time to prove that it would be wiser. I can't compare to the wiseness of time."

Nicholas expected Hugo to have a similar answer, but it was not a nonsense of "both of them are excellent", but a very clever way to avoid the question. But Nicholas did not intend to let Hugo go, "Oh, no, give me an answer, two people can only choose one."

&eg. ryan) or Julia Roberts, who is more beautiful, then I will answer your question. "Hugo raised another thorny question, which made Nicholas Shih helpless.

Meg and Julia are the most popular representatives of American sweethearts in Hollywood in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Both are currently the most popular'female' actors from all angles. The supporters are regardless of the status of Xuanzhen and Hollywood. There are few, and the intensity of the works is not equal. It is almost impossible to choose a winner among the two of them in 1992.

Nicholas originally wanted to choose a random one to ‘force’ Hugo. After all, he is a reporter and the article was written by him. He only needs to choke off his answer. But Hugo seemed to sense Nicholas' intentions and shook his head directly, "You must write it in the article, and I will leave evidence." This made Nicholas dumbfounded.

"Well, I surrender." Nicholas knew that he still had many ways to deceive Hugo, but Hugo's attitude just now actually showed that he would not give an answer, so instead of continuing to'was' money here. Time, it’s better to continue the interview wisely... Yihai Xiongfeng, after achieving success, do you have any plans for the next? Or do you have any thoughts on your future career as an actor?"

The full picture of Nicholas’s question is actually to say: After experiencing the trough of the "Hudson Eagle", he finally relied on the two films to make a comeback. Will Hugo be more cautious about the future? What a more mature idea.

Hugo thought for a while. He really didn't have much thoughts on this aspect, because he was not qualified to think about these issues at all before the "Scent of the Scent of Women" was released. Even now, Hugo still has Many difficulties, "I think the most important thing is to be down-to-earth, choose a good script, and then focus on your acting skills to become a more'glamorous' actor."

"Then you mean, are you more willing to accept art films than commercial films?" Nicholas interpreted Hugo according to his own ideas. After the success of the "Death Poetry Society", Lang Meyer successively accepted several very commercial works for Hugo. As you can imagine, all of them failed. This caused Hugo to fall to the bottom.

"Oh, no, of course not." Hugo laughed, "I mean, no matter what movie it is, it is actually the most important thing to focus on your own actor's work. After all, now I don’t have much choice. , Isn't it?"

Nicholas gave a meaningful smile, "Believe me, you have more choices than you think." Although Hugo has been rolling in Hollywood for ten years, he is still only twenty-five years old. How to plan your career as an actor is very important and difficult. Nicholas knew that Joseph was a novice agent, and Hugo had a bad record in the past, so the future is indeed uncertain.

However, at least now Hugo can enjoy the fruit of the harvest. The success of "Yihai Xiongfeng" has just begun. "Okay, thank you for your cooperation today. This is the end of my interview." Nicholas stood up and stretched out his right hand again to express his friendship.

Hugo also stood up holding Nicholas' right hand, "You are very friendly today, at least much friendlier than I thought."

"Hehe, of course, I've always been a friendly person." Nicholas knew what Hugo was suggesting, but he didn't plan to respond positively.

Unfortunately, Hugo does not intend to let this opportunity go, "No, you weren't like that before, I read your report, remember?"

This made Nicolas laughed and laughed, "Yes...that's just work, I have no plan to target you, just to write good news reports." In fact, as far as Nicholas himself is concerned, his impression of Hugo has also been greatly changed. After the Golden Raspberry Award, Hugo seems to be a different person, and now the success of the two films is entirely dependent on his own efforts to win. And today’s talk about ‘friendship’ also made Nicholas accidentally discover that the two people have a lot in common. This was indeed a very pleasant talk on ‘friendship’.

So Nicholas went on to say, "I think, you can look forward to this interview."

Hugo curled his lips, "It's like expecting a white Christmas in Los Angeles?"

Faced with Hugo's humor, Nicholas couldn't help laughing.

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