
Chapter 1735: 1 blood path

Hollywood in the 1950s can be said to be one of the most important parts of American cultural history.

Arthur Miller (arthur.) created "Death. of. A. Salesman" in 1949. This play can be regarded as a milestone in American drama in the twentieth century. It not only made Arthur a It has been a generation of masters, and has had a profound impact on the entire literary industry such as drama, film, and television.

After that, the Hollywood script took a qualitative leap, and the "Comet Beauty (all.. Eve, "The Troubled Soul (. Here..., "Roman Holiday", "The Wharf", and "The Legend of Giants" were born. , "Twelve Angry Men", "The River Kwai Bridge (the...on.the... and other classic works.

At the same time, it gave birth to four major contemporary superstars: Marlon Brando, James Dean, Montgomery Clift, Paul Newman, as well as Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, Grace Kelly (.kelly) , Elizabeth Taylor, Ingrid Bergman (. Bergman) and other great actresses.

It can be said that the full-scale explosion of Hollywood in the 1950s brought the influence of the film industry to its peak, and at the same time made the profession of "movie actor" a dream job for countless young people. The city of Los Angeles has developed rapidly, and its rapid rise has made it the focus of attention all over the world.

However, everything has two sides, and underneath the fast-growing and glamorous surface of Los Angeles, there is always an undercurrent surging. Especially after the end of the Second World War, the United States has surpassed the established powers of Britain, Germany, France and so on, and has become the world's number one power - and even participated in the wars of Germany and Japan as an aid. After reconstruction.

The self-confidence and pride of Americans swelled rapidly. Almost a whole generation of people wandered between fantasy and reality. The whole society was sinking into a peaceful scene. At this moment, the fast-growing Los Angeles has become a place of corruption. Hollywood has become the back garden of Wall Street and Washington. The exchange of interests is blatant, the exchange of power and **** is on the table, and the relationship between businessmen, politicians, gangs, and high-ranking officials is intricate and complicated. Wanlv, almost the entire city is unscrupulous.

It was precisely because of the rapid deterioration of social culture in the 1950s that even the government's credit began to plummet, which directly gave birth to the glory of rock and roll in the 1960s. Because young people born after the war gradually grew and matured, they had enough insights, but they were not taken seriously, frustration and sense of refuge were intertwined. In the precipitation and brewing of these thought waves, Woodstock was born in 1969.

Therefore, Barry's words easily awakened Hugo's curiosity, starting from rock and roll and deriving from social culture. Barry's remarks obviously meant something. Hugo knew something about Hollywood in the 1950s, but it was not deep enough. After all, he was born in 1967, and the culture shock he suffered more came from the 1970s.

"If you lived in the 1950s, would you also become one of the promoters of Woodstock, for example, to advance this event that has influenced American history for 30 years by ten years?" Barry said. The topic exploded the thought storm in Hugo's mind, but instead of continuing to talk in depth, he put forward a bold conjecture, which almost made Hugo exclaim.

Because Hugo came to the 1990s from 2014, he is using his tiny power to change the course of history bit by bit. Although Hugo does not know what the future will become, he can be sure that the wheel of history Going off track. This is also the driving force for Hugo to keep advancing and challenging.

Now, Barry's bold hypothesis has almost immediately poked the deepest secret in Hugo's heart.

If it was before, it is estimated that Hugo will be exposed, but at this time Hugo is no longer Wu Xia Amon. Hugo lowered his eyes slightly, concealing the fluctuations of his eyes, and then a shallow arc was outlined at the corner of his mouth. Possibly, I will also become a member of the corrupt army."

Barry was amused by Hugo's answer, "No, my's possible, but you..." Barry shook his head twice in a row, "Impossible." Personality determines fate, even if it's just a joke, Barry knows It is impossible for Hugo to be a member of the corrupt army. "Of course, if you play a role in a movie, I am really looking forward to it-you play the role of a corrupt police officer."

Hugo raised his eyebrows slightly. Although Barry's words remained unchanged, after Rick's reminder last night and the noisy scene this morning, he naturally had more thoughts in his mind.

Joseph, who was sitting next to him, had been silent all the time. He heard some clues from Barry's words, so he chuckled, "It seems that everyone has accepted Hugo’s negative image now. Now it’s his turn. Rick is going to be troubled, but he hopes Hugo can become the next Paul Newman."

In fact, Joseph is softly vetoing Barry’s proposal. He said that Hugo should be inclined to take a positive role-after all, from "Schindler's List" to "Seven Deadly Sins" to "Death Row", Hugo's "bad guy" image seems too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Of course, this is just Joseph's way of rejecting Barry.

Now Joseph is obviously also fully mature, and his speaking skills can be completely calm.

Joseph's words interrupted Barry's rhythm, but he didn't care. He moved his gaze to Joseph and said with a smile, "I think Hugo is more like Brando than Newman." After that, Barry. Deliberately looked up and down Hugo, who was sitting next to him with a smile, "Of course, Hugo doesn't have the evil spirit of Brando."

"This is a compliment?" Hugo raised his eyebrows, and a rhetorical question made the atmosphere suddenly relaxed, and everyone laughed loudly.

Paul has been constrained by his appearance all his life. Even if he plays a villain, he is still regarded by the audience as righteous. But Marlon Brando is different. His appearance is also good and evil. No matter what role he plays, he has three points, and he has his own personality. style of.

Barry was cautiously tentative just now, and was interrupted without even having time to give a more obvious hint. He also realized that now is not a good time to have a deeper conversation. Although Hugo only stayed in Berlin for one day, after all, it's just breakfast time, so there is no need to worry too much. So then Barry didn't have any more temptations.

However, before leaving, Barry still said meaningfully, “Los Angeles in the 1950s was shrewd, painful, complicated, optimistic, interesting, profound, dark, gloomy, confused... It’s interesting, isn’t it? It’s like Rock and roll born in that era."

After speaking, Barry said goodbye to Hugo and Joseph with a smile, but after leaving, he could vaguely hear Barry humming a small tune—not just a tune that was humming cheerfully, but also a song. Very special tone, "Navigation (.

I have to say that Barry is really an old fox. His last words obviously hinted at an important message. The culture of the 1950s gave birth to the golden age of rock and roll; the culture of the 90s awakened the spirit of rock and roll, and it was so glorious that it is now setting off a frenzy of rock belief. The music derived from culture is the most touching-meaning that Hugo should carefully study the culture of the 1950s.

From beginning to end, in fact, Barry did not deliberately compliment, nor did he say anything official, but after some conversation, it easily set off a storm in Hugo's brain. This is the real master, he has achieved his goal without knowing it, and he can't be defended.

In addition to Barry, there is Kevin Pence. At today's breakfast, everyone came over in a brainstorm. Hugo saw one wave after another, and in the end he couldn't remember who he had met. However, as Hugo's most familiar senior manager among the eight major film companies, Kevin just smiled and nodded in greeting? Instead, it left an impression on Hugo.

Although Hugo knew that Barry would definitely want something, he still had no way to control his interest. It must be admitted that the conversation just now made Hugo really curious, not only the Los Angeles culture of the 1950s, but also Barry's ultimate goal-what project has Warner Bros. prepared? Does Barry hope that Hugo will appear in a project this year, or is he planning for next year?

In any case, Hugo still has an absolute advantage. He is now a seller's market-and it is a seller's market in short supply, so he doesn't need to worry at all. But even so, Hugo still wants to know what medicine is sold in Barry's gourd.

But... Hugo really can't remember the film works of Los Angeles culture in the 1950s. In the long river of time, there are countless movie works. Hugo has no definite clues at all. He just catches the wind and wants to guess an accurate work, which is not much different from finding a needle in a haystack.

Hugo seemed a little absent-minded at the next premiere of "Romeo and Juliet". Seeing Hugo look like this, Leonardo couldn't help sighing, "It seems that his strategy has really, you just ask him for the answer?" They just thought that Hugo was caught by Barry. Naturally, I don’t know. Hugo has the ability to guess the true face of the project that hasn’t been seen at all.

Hugo was silent, but shook his head. Charlize stood aside and looked around. Barry hadn't appeared yet, "Where's Rick? He doesn't know?"

This is the point. The project that Rick brought over last night did not fit the situation. This is also the most interesting part of Hugo. Perhaps Barry had already planned for the next big game. "A film about Los Angeles? Is it going to be a "San Francisco (san.?"

The film "San Francisco" filmed in 1936, starring Clark Gable and Spencer Cusser, tells the story of love and hatred in the earthquake in San Francisco. It was nominated for the 9th Oscar for Best Picture and Best Film. Best director, best actor, best original story and other important awards, it is also a very famous work named after a city.

Charlize's words made Leonardo laugh, "Hugo has only finished filming'Independence Day', how could it be possible to make another disaster film."

But there was a flash of light in Hugo's mind: works named after cities? So... "L.A. Confidential"?

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