
Chapter 2011: incredible

As one of the most watched movies this summer, "Trumen's World" attracted media attention far beyond imagination. This can be seen from the grand occasion of the premiere, and after the premiere, the premiere Criticism is even more lively.

A full thirty media outlets released the first batch of film reviews, expressing their views on "Trumen's World".

As we all know, among the many types of movies, comedy and horror are the most difficult to please audiences and critics, because these two types of movies require great efforts in humor and horror, which tends to make the whole story absurd. The characters are even more fragmented. Everything serves their own theme, and the story is limited to a small format, which makes it difficult to create the appeal of a commercial blockbuster like a disaster type or an action type. Therefore, it is often difficult for these two types of works to make their debut. Even if it is a big box office, it is difficult for film critics to have a good face.

Especially comedy type. "Dumb and Agua" media review 41 points, "Fatty Professor" media review 62 points, "Slim Daddy" media review 53 points, "Disguised Geek" media review 50 points Six points...From this series of scores, we can see the dilemma of comedy movies. In recent years, the comedy movie with the highest media review was the "Dahua" released in March last year. The 68th media review The comment made Kim Kerry regained his high spirits.

As a comedy drama movie, "Trumen's World" is under tremendous pressure. How to balance the relationship between humor and themes will become the focus of everyone's attention. But unexpectedly, the "New York Times" and "Los Angeles" The three authoritative media outlets, The Times and Chicago Sun, unanimously gave full marks to movies. This was the first time in the entire long history of movies, and it shocked the entire North American market.

In fact, even after seeing the ratings of these three major media, people still find it hard to believe that this is true-comedy movies have received such a high level of evaluation? Perfect perfect score? This... simply incredible! However, people's doubts were quickly answered, and the oral praise of the first batch of film critics almost pushed "Trumen's World" to the best height in film history!

In the first batch of film reviews, the lowest score came from the "San Francisco Chronicle" of 75. They commented, "This is a very attractive work-for those who are tired of monsters demolishing buildings. It’s an alternative and interesting choice for viewers of things and superheroes saving the world."

The San Francisco Chronicle’s comments were unique. They didn’t give the movie super praise, but apparently the seventy-five score was far beyond the average level of comedy movies, and it also used the term “attractive”—even if With derogation and sarcasm, it is still difficult to conceal their support for this film.

From this review, we can see that the San Francisco Chronicle searched and wanted to criticize the film, but in fact it was not so easy. So they distracted with cynicism and desperately, but they still couldn’t help it. Abandoning his image of objective authority, the taste of sour grapes with hatred and hatred is revealed between the lines, which makes people can not help but affirm the excellence of "Trumen's World".

The fact is also true. Not only the "San Francisco Chronicle", the "New York Post", "USA Today", "Daily News", "Houston Chronicle" and other media cannot deny the excellence of "Trumen's World". The relationship between these media and Hugo before can be described as bad. They are always more demanding on Hugo's works, and they look at it with the mentality of picking the bones in the egg. But this time, they couldn't find the flaw.

The "New York Post" gave eighty points and reluctantly said, "This is also the boldest and most extraordinary attempt on the big screen."

"USA Today" gave it a score of eighty-five, and said briefly and clearly, "It's very interesting...this will be the most positive and exciting feedback from Hollywood in a long time."

The "Daily News" comment is relatively complete, "In order to please the audience, the spirit of entertaining to death has evolved into a terrifying totalitarianism, stripped of love and freedom, faith has become a tool of deception, and life has been completely reduced to a toy... The film gives a real and cruel proposition, which is thought-provoking." Similarly, the evaluation of 88 points is also the highest level among these "anti-Hugo" media.

The "Houston Chronicle" only commented in one sentence, "This is a work that will not be forgotten in the 90s." With an 80-point evaluation, it seems a bit nondescript, but it can still be seen that they have a movie. Recognized.

In the first batch of reviews, these are the "criticisms" of the film. The 75 points of the "San Francisco Chronicle" and the 80 points of the "New York Post" and the "Houston Chronicle" are the first round of film reviews. The lowest score in, this is not only shocking, it can be said to be an unimaginable height. Even in fantasy, no one can imagine that a comedy movie can make critical critics lower their arrogant heads, but now, "Trumen's World" has done it!

The lowest score witnessed the average reputation of "Trumen's World", while the highest score witnessed the miracle of "Trumen's World" as a classic of film history.

The “Chicago Tribune”, which has always been amazing, is no exception. “Subtle subversion, mocking ridicule, fearful backlash, mediocrity and mediocre sadness... Hugo Lancaster interprets this adult fairy tale. It's **** and brisk, it's really a killer." The evaluation of 100 points is the icing on the cake for this evaluation.

The "New Yorker" also voted for a perfect score of 1 out of 100. In the comments, "Peter Will and Hugo Lancaster collided again, and the film contains surprising ridicule. There are also ridicules and attacks on today’s entertainment trends. The reflection behind the humor makes this comedy stand out!"

The "Washington Post" comment is simple and clear, "a sunny work about dark paranoia." The contradictions and reflections in the discourse make people curious about the movie, and the 100-point evaluation is even more It shows their admiration for this work.

"U.S. Weekly" stated, "A beautiful conspiracy, a daydream that runs through the age of entertainment, and a black comedy that goes deep into the soul." They also scored 100 points without exception!

"Wall Street Journal", once again 100 points, "Adventure, provocation, even bold!"

The "Hollywood Reporter" gave one hundred points without exception. They emphatically affirmed Hugo's performance, "It is unimaginable that Hugo sent Truman Burbank to us, with a funny expression. , Exaggerated and rigid movements, bright and sad eyes... Truman is like himself in this black fairy tale, living optimistically in this society full of hypocrisy, deceit, and betrayal. All this is in Hugo's interpretation Down, it is not only true and credible, but also deep into the soul. Those delicate and delicate eyes created the entire Truman world, making each of us lost in this black forest. Once again, Hugo again It shocked every audience with an absolutely wonderful performance!"

"Empire" magazine also expressed a similar view, "When we thought that Hugo would be difficult to surpass the'Schindler's List', he brought the'seven deadly sins'; when we thought that Hugo would be difficult to defeat the'death prisoner's walk', He starred in "Trumen's World." Strictly speaking, I like this Truman Burbank more, not because of his inner complexity, not because of his difficult changes, not because of his difficult choices-of course, these Part of Hugo's performance is perfect-but because of his sunshine and humor that will never be lost.

I can never forget that Truman sat on the bow of the sailing boat, slightly raised his head, bathed in sunlight, and the golden lines made him look so happy, so simple, and so beautiful. Hugo not only injected the soul into Truman with his excellent acting skills, but also used unspeakable humor and exaggeration to make the whole movie a real fairy tale! "

Similarly, "Empire" also gave a full score of 100, and even more incredible is that "Variety" magazine also gave a perfect score of 100!

"Humorous and funny, sweet and sad, true and cruel..."The World of Truman" meets all the requirements of a classic comedy movie, and goes a step further, perfectly combining the two themes of entertaining to death and embracing freedom At the same time, it sounded the alarm bell for the entire Hollywood entertainment industry.

Hugo Lancaster once again dedicated the best performance of his career. The moment Truman Burbank took his steps and left Paradise Hugo's performance was perfect! "

This is unimaginable! This is unimaginable by anyone! Of the first batch of 30 media reviews, 15 of them gave full marks, plus a minimum of 75 points. It can be said that "Trumen's World" has almost attracted praise from all media. The frenzy, even those media that have repeatedly opposed Hugo stubbornly offered words of praise, which made the comment of "Trumen's World" reach unprecedented heights.

In the end, the media review of "Trumen's World" reached an incredible 96 points! This is not only the highest score of a comedy film in film history, but also the highest score of Hugo's career as an actor. It can almost be said that it has created an irreproducible wave of film reviews and pushed this work to the best position in film history in one fell swoop.

More importantly, the timing of the appearance of "Trumen's World" is very clever-although people know that this movie was shot before the "Titanic" was released, everyone can't help but think of the recent Oscars. The change of dynasty, this movie seems to mock the terrible situation of national entertainment and entertainment after the arrival of the blockbuster era.

"Trumen's World" uses a cruel and true fairy tale to insinuate the film industry to the extreme of commercialization once again, which seems to imply that the decline of the film industry has shown signs.

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