
Chapter 2030: Start again

It is precisely because of the special ending of the "Supernatural Sixth Sense" that Knight intends to shoot in the sequence of the story development, as far as possible to let the entire crew brew emotions and atmosphere together, and push it towards a real * in the final shooting part.

Therefore, the first scene when the crew started was the confrontation between Vincent and Malcolm. To be more precise, it was the confrontation between Malcolm, Anna and Vincent. Because Vincent broke into the sweet celebration night of Malcolm and Anna, and suffered a sudden change in life at a happy and beautiful moment.

This scene is an important challenge for Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Beckinsale.

After the filming of "Titanic", Leonardo also filmed "The Man in the Iron Mask (, but the filming work of that film was on the "Titanic". "It was completed before the release. At that time, his mentality remained very stable. This time, the "supernatural sixth sense" was different. It can be said that he was really involved in the shooting of the work for the first time in the past nine months. It made Leonardo excited, but also a little nervous-especially the need to face Hugo, this is not "speed of life and death", Leonardo needs to burst out more energy.

Kate was even more nervous and shivering. Even though she has already done a good job of psychological construction, she thinks that this is the first scene of the whole movie, and the difficulty of shooting is not small-the mood of this scene is very strong, it can be regarded as The role is one of the most difficult scenes in the whole movie. In the past week, Kate has been rehearsing the scene, but her inner firmness has not increased much. It's about to play now, the sudden tension directly imprisoned every muscle of Kate.

Hugo walked into the room, and then saw Leonardo and Kate both sitting quietly in the chairs, pulling a distance away, falling into their own thoughts, without any sound, but you can clearly feel When the muscles of both of them were tense, Leonardo couldn't help shaking his right leg slightly. The anxious and tense posture made the air a little solid.

"Uh, someone didn't bring the script?" Hugo's ridicule made the on-site staff all watched over and smiled. Leonardo and Kate also looked up, but the smiles on both faces It is the skin that laughs but does not smile, even with a smile, I did not feel the smile of the two people. Hugo carefully looked at the two people sitting in different corners, and paused, "Well, if'Titanic' is such a lineup, I can also accept it."

Although this Kate is not Kate, the Kate in front of him is actually more temperamental and more suitable for the role than Kate=Winslet of "Titanic", but there is still a gap between the two people in terms of acting skills and ability. of.

Leonardo didn’t react for the first time, and then looked at Kate sitting on the other side, and immediately realized Hugo’s joke. He couldn’t help but looked at Hugo speechlessly with a black line, obviously facing Hugo. This sneer accepted by Kate was incompetent; Kate took a closer look, and then knew that Hugo was teasing her fellow-another Kate, and then chuckled.

Hugo smiled at Kate, then raised his eyebrows to look at Leonardo, spread his hands, "Why are you so serious?"

Hugo actually knows the tension between Leonardo and Kate, especially the former. He has spent almost the past six months with Hugo. Leonardo’s state is also ups and downs, and he’s not always at his best. The sixth sense" is also very important for Leonardo.

Standing still thinking for a while, Hugo beckoned to Kate. This gave Kate a confused expression, hesitated, stood up and walked to the front of Hugo, and then Hugo waved his hand again, "Closer...Closer..." But Kate hesitated and walked away. After a step and a half in front of Hugo, he stopped.

Hugo gently sketched a smile at the corner of his mouth, nodded his chin, and motioned for Kate to come closer. Hugo didn't say anything, but stared at Kate motionlessly. Kate was a little embarrassed by the amber eyes, and she avoided her sight, but she found that the scorching sight still did not leave, staring at her closely, like a lion catching a prey. Kate was embarrassed, raised her eyes slightly, glanced at Hugo from the corner of her sight, and then found that her instincts were correct, and Hugo was still staring at her.

Kate tried to evade twice, but in the end he looked up and looked at Hugo's eyes. Those amber eyes were like a clear lake, with some shallow smiles concealed, like falling gold. The sun-like calm surface of the lake, the shimmering haziness like a smoke like a dream, made her want to explore the depths behind the silence.

In this way, before Kate realized it, she slowly relaxed like this. Even if Hugo didn't say a word, she plunged into her eyes completely, and her muscles were relaxed, as if Entering a completely different new world, she fell from a high altitude bit by bit, but she was not afraid. She was surrounded by warm air currents, making the smile at the corner of her mouth sketched out.

Leonardo sat next to him, watching the scene in astonishment. There was a slight warmth flowing in the extremely quiet air, and he could even clearly feel the messy airflow around Kate gradually calm down. Leonardo was dumbfounded by this real scene in sight.

Hugo did not distract himself, and focused entirely on Kate’s eyes. While guiding Kate, he was actually letting himself into the play, gradually substituting himself into Malcolm’s world, whispering softly. "Anna, I love you." The sweet and happy smile at the corner of his mouth seemed to have won the world.

Kate only felt that the whole person was about to melt. She leaned forward slightly, and felt that she was surrounded by a warm embrace, so comfortable that she couldn't help but close her eyes. The whole person seemed to be docked in a safe harbor, and that generous chest calmed down all the squally rainstorms around him.

"Malcolm." Kate whispered involuntarily.

Hugo patted Kate lightly on the shoulder, slowly letting Kate get out of his emotions, then let go of his arms, and stared at Kate with his eyes tightly again, but this time his eyes were not as soft as they were just now. And focus, slowly pulling apart the distance between the two people, "Kate, look, you can do it, and you do it well." Hugo's words made Kate gradually wake up from the dream, in his mind The mist slowly dissipated, and once again seeing Hugo’s eyes, his feet could truly feel the solidity of the ground. The process of falling slowly from the air to the ground was so clear but not too ferocious," You just need to believe in yourself, and then fully invest, you can complete all the shots brilliantly."

Kate only noticed that she and Hugo were closely dependent-she vaguely remembered that when she walked over just now, there was still more than a step and a half between the two, but when this distance had been shortened, and she I noticed that Hugo did not move at all, so this shows...

After realizing this possibility, Kate's ear roots suddenly became hot and hot, and she couldn't help but lowered her eyes, and then stepped back a little bit, pulling the distance between the two people, but involuntarily began to lift again. Starting to look at Hugo, there is no love in Hugo's eyes. The trust and firmness of desire settled Kate's heart, and his mind became clear, recalling the feeling just now.

Hugo noticed that Kate was thinking deeply, so he turned to look at Leonardo, "Do you need to find the feeling again?"

Leonardo was biting his lower lip lightly at this time, but his eyes flashed with uncontrollable excitement, "No need." He just stood up and jumped slightly on the spot twice, as if he couldn't wait to think. It’s about to play, "You and Kate start this scene first, right? I just need to watch it next to it."

Those who really know how to act know that watching an outstanding actor like Hugo perform live is actually a kind of enjoyment, and it will make people excited. This is also the reason why many old drama players like to go to Broadway to watch live performances. The atmosphere of the scene always allows actors to have a better performance, and also allows the audience to have a more realistic experience.

Although Leonardo and Hugo discussed a lot about acting, but apart from "life and death speed", they have not really competed on the same Actually Leonardo envy Brad -Pete, with such an outstanding work as "The Seven Deadly Sins", the collision between acting and acting is simply a moment that any actor dreams of-but Brad wasted like that!

Seeing Leonardo’s excitement without any disguise, Hugo smiled, "I hope everything goes well for the shooting." Such Leonardo is the actor he is familiar with-a young man who is eager for performance and passionate about acting. people. This is also Leonardo before the "Titanic".

"Titanic" brought Leonardo fame and more performance opportunities, but the premise requires Leonardo to be able to get rid of the positive and negative effects brought by this century ship, and recover. The desire for acting. In the trajectory of the previous life, Leonardo spent five years retrieving himself. I don't know how much time it will take this time.

The "Sixth Sense of Spirit" immediately entered the shooting of the first scene. The content of the whole scene was not difficult. Under the leadership of Hugo, Kate overcame the tension of the opening and quickly became better. . Although this scene is not difficult, Hugo's performance can still make people feel the subtle aura, even if it is just a look, a smile, and a movement, it is worth savoring.

This is a great start for the "Sixth Sense of Spirituality".

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