
Chapter 379: 1 new


Eli and Liam sat in the ‘flower’ garden in the middle of the street, looking boredly at the pedestrians around them. Eli is a person who is very interested in music. He likes music very broadly, including the recent trend of'tide', but also quite understands the trend, but Eli believes that few people are like the Beatles or Michael. ˉJackson has an impact on the entire culture, and more importantly, their musical spirit has become the core of the culture. They have used their talents and strength to raise music to the category of art, which is very rare. Unfortunately, such a superstar in the real sense is no longer seen in the music field now.

Therefore, although Eli is interested in music, he does not have much interest in singers. He admires the Beatles and Michael Jackson, but because of his age, he missed the peak of these two singers, so he has no real meaning. Follow idols on the past.

The reason why I am willing to follow Liam to watch the street band's performance today is just out of curiosity. Eli naturally knows the commotion, anxiety, and confusion of his friends recently, and the state Liam showed on the phone yesterday has been a long absence, so Eli is also very curious. What kind of performance did Liam watch, so excited and'excited'.

"Did they change places? You know, this kind of unnamed band that wanders on the streets always has to go to places where the crowd is raging." Eli looked at his watch, and they had already waited. At least half an hour, but still did not see the band Liam said.

Liam shook his head firmly, "They said, they will still be here, and they won't change places. It's just that I forgot to ask the time yesterday, so I came here an hour earlier in order not to be late. I guess they will show up in a while."

Eli looked at his friend's determination, but didn't believe it, "You know, this kind of band says it won't change places, but the situation is changing at any time..."

"I said no, I said no, that would be no." Liam is willing to believe in glory to death. This has nothing to do with the length of time of acquaintance, just because yesterday, glory to death was still dedicated to the audience when there was only one person in the audience. Acting, which let Liam know that they deserve their admiration and trust.

Eli looked at Liam's irritable expression, curled his lips, did not speak any more, and decided not to ‘irritate’ his friend again. But he was quite disdainful in his heart. Liam didn't know anything about the band or music, and Eli couldn't blame him.

Eli turned his attention away and watched a magician performing alone on the spot not far away. He performed two performances, but the audience was still small, so the magician began to pack his equipment. It seems that he is about to change places: he can't be blamed. After all, street performances are established only when the audience joins them.

At this moment, Liam pulled Eli hard. As soon as Eli turned around, he saw five men not far away carrying musical instruments from a small truck. "That's them?" Eli asked.

Liam nodded vigorously, and walked up with a look of excitement, and Eli followed helplessly. Liam hadn’t gotten close enough when he saw one of the band’s initiative greeted, "Hey, you are here" and a smile appeared on his face. Then the other members of the band also turned their heads and smiled. Say hello to Liam.

"I said, I will come again." Liam said happily, but he was a little bit cramped. He didn't know how to express his inner emotions, so he could only pull the friends around him, "This is my best My friend, Eli Caswell, we will come here to join you."

"Haha, that's really great." The speaker Eli recognized that he was the bassist of the band, who was very lively and cheerful. "Hugo, it seems that our band has the first loyal fan." "

The direction the bassist looked was surprisingly the lead singer, and Eli couldn't help but match up: the lead singer's name was Hugo. The lead singer replied, "Then you have to behave well today, otherwise the first fan will have to run away, and it will be too late to cry." This sentence made everyone burst into laughter.

Looking at the laughing band in front of him, Liam turned his head and said to his friend excitedly, "Well, are they ‘great’?"

Eli resisted the urge to roll his eyes: Does a person represent music? This should be the basic common sense that children know. What's more, now I just see the atmosphere of the band is harmonious, there is nothing at all. Maybe the band has been arguing after returning, and it's splitting up over whose popularity is higher... Eli's mind is full of complaints, and he is a little powerless about Liam's ignorance.

But soon, the "chaotic" thoughts in Eli's mind stopped abruptly after the band's first song began.

The crisp guitar strings are full of the vicissitudes of wind and dust, just a few string notes outline a moving picture, "My vision is extremely broad, I enjoy every day on the road, and appreciate the world outside the window. It means saying goodbye to the past and starting the journey from today." The calm and atmospheric singing style of the lead singer is even more impressive. Most importantly, the song's "precision" color is completely unexpected.

As a pseudo-song "fan", although he did not go crazy for a certain band or a certain singer, nor did he have a real in-depth understanding of a certain type of music, he still has his own views on the current music trends. of. Eli can clearly feel that the style of the band in front of him is simple and magnificent, which is completely different from the metal rock trend represented by the current Nieliang band.

In the song just now, the chords arranged in the song didn’t make it a ‘fancy’. It relied more on the cooperation of drums, guitars and bass to bring out the charm of the instrument itself and weave a melody. In the end, Relying on the lead singer's explosive and emotional singing, the essence of the song is presented.

The phrase "sometimes to leave means a second chance", the warm but magnetic'sex' voice of the lead singer is always like a cactus in the desert, growing stubbornly and powerfully, this kind of wonder that invades the soul, It's refreshing. Maybe this band does not have enough'flowers' arrangements, maybe this band doesn't have enough guitar styles, maybe this band is incompatible with the current'trend' of music, but the soul that the band has injected into music makes people feel To resonance.

Although unexpected, Eli had to admit that this time Liam's view was correct. Of course, Eli thinks that we need to continue to observe, after all, the overall strength of the band can't just listen to one song, but love can make a judgment after watching the entire performance. But Eli understands the reason why Liam was so excited yesterday, because the singing and performance of this band can always awaken people's inner resonance.

&, the vicissitudes of the lyrics, the sway and wanton of singing, not everyone can control, especially after abandoning the complexity of the technology and the arrangement of the "flowers", it can still maintain the vitality of the music , This is too rare.

It is precisely because Liam does not know anything about music that he is so simply moved by the pure soul of music, Liam can feel the pure love of music by this band. Eli suddenly began to faintly look forward to it. He looked forward to the band's next performance, whether it would continue the ‘precision’ color of the first song, or would it fade away after only one burst.

The band quickly gave their answer. The second song "kill the hero. once again destroyed all Eli's cognition of music, and the third song "Li ( returned to fit the tide. On Liu's route, it showed a completely different impact, which completely conquered Eli.

Eli couldn't believe it. Liam actually found a band that was so glamorous, even if it was not inferior to the leading band today, perhaps the technical style and performance level of the band in front of him was still not bad. Slightly young, but their live expressiveness and emotional appeal are definitely at the top level. More importantly, the band's subversion of the current music'trend' is shocking.

Eli looked at the small audience around him. At most six people stood by at once, but he quickly moved away again, which made Eli involuntarily complain about the band. This band shouldn't be treated like this. Their music deserves more praise and more attention. These ordinary people don't know how to appreciate their music at all. Eli thought angrily.

But what surprised Eli even more is that the band has not been affected by the number of audiences at all., they are always engrossed in the music, earnestly performing each track, any time a mistake, the band members will give each other eye hints, and do their best to ensure the quality of the performance. Even when the audience was only him and Liam, the band members did not have any contempt for their attitude. The focus and sincerity of the music gave their music a moving power.

Eli was stunned. He was completely moved by the band in front of him, because of their music, but also because of their love for music. Although rock is becoming popular now, there are no more than 10,000 rock bands, but there are 8,000 rock bands, but it is difficult to find a band that can awaken the resonance of one's soul. But Eli found how lucky he was, he found it.

When the melody of "Don't be annoyed by the past (...dn.anger slowly dissipated in the air, Eli looked at Liam with tears in his eyes, wiped the tears from his eyes embarrassedly, and coughed slightly. Two times, "Liam, you say, what is the name of this band?"

"Glory to death." Liam said word by word, even a team name contains the band's unswerving ‘essence’.

Eli stood on the spot, just watching the band members' smiles full of enthusiasm, and whispered, "Glory to death." He knew that this was a band that was always worth all of his sacrifice.

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